Reusse: Two months ago, Jerry Kill said this is what U of M athletics needed

Reusse is a big time lefty.

What he means is that Kaler was going to face lots pressure from the U to hire either a woman or POC. That pressure always exists, but add in the harassment from Teague and all of the sexual problems with Pitino's team and the pressure to hire a female AD seemed overwhelming, especially since Beth was already interim. So I think everyone was prepared for Beth to get the job, not because she was the best possible candidate, but because she solved a lot of other problems, and would satisfy the diversity/PC crowd.

As usual can't see the forest for the trees. There wasn't overwhelming pressure to hire Goetz. People simply stated she shouldn't be automatically disqualified just because she is a woman. She had almost a year to audition and didn't impress enough to be named. The pressure and outcry would have come if she was hired. She was in on the extension of Pitino. His team's idiocy and the inability to stay out of the off court headlines was another nail. Finally, anyone with half a brain could see she wouldn't get the job when the stuff about going over the budget came out. But you keep analyzing things based on your political beliefs because you're never wrong.

Right, which makes my point that not anyone could just roll out of bed and raise 70 million by hitting up the same donors.

My point is that Lou Nanne can probably take credit for the large majority of the first $70 million dollars that was donated. I have a hard time believing any long time Gopher fan would have given much money to Teague without Nanne there to close the deal.

I was always puzzled by the Teague choice, more for the fact that he came from a school without a football program than anything else.

Coyle looks to be the level of guy they should have hired after Maturi, but maybe all the payouts on existing contracts limited what the athletic department could come up with.

I'm old and I can remember when the political correctness police were all on the right side of the political spectrum telling us young longhairs to shape up with the "America: Love it or Leave it" line, so pardon me if I am tired of all this banter about political correctness so dull and mind-numbing. My guess is Kaler knew where he wanted to go all along and the search committee, while not a front, certainly provided him with some leeway in getting to the place he wanted to be. Minnesota has always been the "Land of 10,000 task forces, advisory committees, search committees, and blue-ribbon commissions." Part of that is our heritage in direct democracy and giving everyone a seat at the table (whether they deserve it or not). in my long career, I have had to sort through the recommendations of a lot of these bodies and most of what is done in them is simply venting and posturing. The folks in charge usually direct things to where they want the body to go. Sorry if I've made cynics out of anyone.

I heard Kaler say that he met Coyle in January at a meeting out east. Kaler didn't admit to it but my guess is that he asked the search firm to contact Coyle as part of their candidate search and that was the reason they were so persistent with him.

My point is that Lou Nanne can probably take credit for the large majority of the first $70 million dollars that was donated. I have a hard time believing any long time Gopher fan would have given much money to Teague without Nanne there to close the deal.

Like I said, then Lou should have raised that money earlier. Our facilities have only been outdated for about 20 years. Something changed the last few years and Teague was part of that.

Like I said, then Lou should have raised that money earlier. Our facilities have only been outdated for about 20 years. Something changed the last few years and Teague was part of that.

I agree the money should have been raised. But I think the thing that changed during the last few years was Jerry Kill demanding the project get done and mentioning it every time he had a TV or newspaper interview.

As usual can't see the forest for the trees. There wasn't overwhelming pressure to hire Goetz. People simply stated she shouldn't be automatically disqualified just because she is a woman. She had almost a year to audition and didn't impress enough to be named. The pressure and outcry would have come if she was hired. She was in on the extension of Pitino. His team's idiocy and the inability to stay out of the off court headlines was another nail. Finally, anyone with half a brain could see she wouldn't get the job when the stuff about going over the budget came out. But you keep analyzing things based on your political beliefs because you're never wrong.

I'm not talking about public pressure, the issue is internal pressure. Reusse and I have opposite political beliefs but were seeing the same thing. But if those were your predictions you were right so congrats. I didn't know and could have supported Beth because I'm so removed from what she did. But I was concerned that the decision would be made politically and I'm glad it wasn't.

My guess is that the donors who have given large contributions for the new athletic facility did not write the check before getting a personal appeal directly from Lou Nanne.

Ha, you are clueless.

I remember when "political correctness" was simply known as being polite & having tact...

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There is a difference. Generally, not always, but generally, being polite and having tact is used when making the right decision to not embarrass someone. Political Correctness usually involves making the wrong decision based on a belief that is not germane to the discussion (e.g. hiring a female for AD not because she has the skills and qualities to be effective but because she's a female and it will mollify idiots that work for you, have no insight into what's needed but think it would be nice to have a woman in charge. What those idiots generally don't or can't understand is that putting someone without the skills and qualifications into a position is generally not the best way to help them advance.

Happy we hired Coyle. I hope Goetz sticks around and is given the chance to continue to develop and grow. I think she'll be an AD in the future, and a good one and I hope Kaler and Coyle reward her for the interim job she did, and help her reach the next level. Not because she's a woman. Because she inherited a S**t show and did a pretty good job of keeping it together while the U removed it's head from its own ass (how often they get it up there is concerning). While she didn't have the mandate or authority to make some calls she probably would have if she'd been the AD, she did do a good job of keeping the ship moving instead of devolving into a real....well, thread on Gopherhole.

Hoping we look back on this in 5 years and say wow, this worked out well for both of them.

My point is that Lou Nanne can probably take credit for the large majority of the first $70 million dollars that was donated. I have a hard time believing any long time Gopher fan would have given much money to Teague without Nanne there to close the deal.

Just stop talking about fundraising. Your posts indicate that you know nothing about fundraising at the U, or about fundraising in general.

Lou Nanne's role in fundraising at the U has been ceremonial at best, and even that is extremely generous.

Just stop talking about fundraising. Your posts indicate that you know nothing about fundraising at the U, or about fundraising in general.

Lou Nanne's role in fundraising at the U has been ceremonial at best, and even that is extremely generous.

I have heard Nanne talk about his involvement with the fundraising more than one time so I will continuing sharing what I know with GopherHolers. Nanne's role in this project is far more than ceremonial. As always, you are free to give your opinion whether it is right or wrong.

I have heard Nanne talk about his involvement with the fundraising more than one time so I will continuing sharing what I know with GopherHolers. Nanne's role in this project is far more than ceremonial. As always, you are free to give your opinion whether it is right or wrong.

The difference is that mine isn't an opinion.

In general based on recent data mentioned in this forum the $ raised for MN athletics over the years has been pathetic compared to MN's hated rivals in the BIG.
The hope is the new AD can reverse this.

The difference is that mine isn't an opinion.
You state it with no evidence and no background, it comes across as an opinion. Try expanding on your thoughts a little more in the future to clarify.

In general based on recent data mentioned in this forum the $ raised for MN athletics over the years has been pathetic compared to MN's hated rivals in the BIG.
The hope is the new AD can reverse this.

I recall reading an article about Manziel in SI awhile back and I am quite certain TAMU raised 740 million in one year after during his heisman campaign/reign. A 12 month period.

You state it with no evidence and no background, it comes across as an opinion. Try expanding on your thoughts a little more in the future to clarify.

I would also like clarification on these statements. People like Nanne and Kill were not involved, at all? Can you detail who has influence on boosters during the process? AD, other staff, etc.

In general <b>based on recent data mentioned in this forum </b>the $ raised for MN athletics over the years has been pathetic compared to MN's hated rivals in the BIG.
The hope is the new AD can reverse this.

I don't see how you could go wrong with this supporting evidence.

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