Reusse Tweets-Security Guard Gate?

Aw, c'mon guys. Reusse all right in his place, the problem is, he is never in his place...The Liquor Store in downtown Fulda.

First off - is it true that the security guard is going to get in trouble? I hope it is. The guy should at a minimum be fired, and really should face criminal assault charges. If you didn't see him, he was in the corner on the visitor's side (student section end, of course). He didn't simply put his arms up and try to push people back. What he did was took numerous cheap shots. As a guy was passing him, he viciously kicked his leg to trip him. He clotheslined another guy and he threw an elbow at another kid. He must've assaulted at least 6 or 7 guys in that manner (always cheap shots as the guy was passing him), and he had a huge smile on his face the whole time. Deplorable, and this guy should not be associated in any way with the University at any time in the future.

Doogie, I love your reporting because you generally know the Gophers football team, and therefore have intelligent commentary regarding said team. However, Reusse has really gotten lazy and doesn't take much time to really watch any team except for his beloved Twins. So I don't know the guy and perhaps he is a "teddy bear" in person. But his comments - this one especially - are shoot from the hip without thinking, and often wrong. Iowa came into the game 5-2 and while I don't think they'd seriously contend for a B1G title (even if they had beaten us), they are clearly not a "bad" team.

I think if you would have asked Reusse at halftime of the Nebraska game, "Patrick, the Gophers have been outscored 365-3 in the last 10 quarters of Big Ten play, if we complete a huge comeback win over Iowa by outhitting, outcoaching, and out working them in the 4th quarter, do you think the students should storm the field?"
I think his response would have been, (in Reusse voice) "This team stinks, if they do that, I'll storm the field."
Pat is too jaded to ever enjoy anything besides a Mushroom and Swiss at Hardees.

I think if you would have asked Reusse at halftime of the Nebraska game, "Patrick, the Gophers have been outscored 365-3 in the last 10 quarters of Big Ten play, if we complete a huge comeback win over Iowa by outhitting, outcoaching, and out working them in the 4th quarter, do you think the students should storm the field?"
I think his response would have been, (in Reusse voice) "This team stinks, if they do that, I'll storm the field."
Pat is too jaded to ever enjoy anything besides a Mushroom and Swiss at Hardees.
Well said.

Im sorry Doogie, but in this case you are a joke. Of course you are going to say that, you are trying to get into the twin cities sports scene any way you can, and appearing to supporting a heavy hitter like Pat is your avenue in this case. Please remain silent next time, its apparent Pat has an agenda against the U. Your a biased opinion in this matter, dont even try and act like your word is more true in this matters than the many others. Please, focus on other topics, this one is not yours to hash, unless you drop your career minded agenda of course.

Hmmmmm agree and disagree with certain parts of this. Doogie is not a joke though. Knows his sports stuff.

First off - is it true that the security guard is going to get in trouble? I hope it is. The guy should at a minimum be fired, and really should face criminal assault charges. If you didn't see him, he was in the corner on the visitor's side (student section end, of course). He didn't simply put his arms up and try to push people back. What he did was took numerous cheap shots. As a guy was passing him, he viciously kicked his leg to trip him. He clotheslined another guy and he threw an elbow at another kid. He must've assaulted at least 6 or 7 guys in that manner (always cheap shots as the guy was passing him), and he had a huge smile on his face the whole time. Deplorable, and this guy should not be associated in any way with the University at any time in the future.

Doogie, I love your reporting because you generally know the Gophers football team, and therefore have intelligent commentary regarding said team. However, Reusse has really gotten lazy and doesn't take much time to really watch any team except for his beloved Twins. So I don't know the guy and perhaps he is a "teddy bear" in person. But his comments - this one especially - are shoot from the hip without thinking, and often wrong. Iowa came into the game 5-2 and while I don't think they'd seriously contend for a B1G title (even if they had beaten us), they are clearly not a "bad" team.

It was stated in another thread that the guard was already fired.

I thought the tip-toed ball throwing line was about HS Girls basketball.

Sorry, it was. I think I am confused. I thought Mulligan was saying the U raised a stink out of principle for bashing womens/girls basketball. I did not realize he was referring to a story about womens BB at the U.

I'd be upset too if a giant picture of me was hanging in men's rooms at TCF Bank Stadium.

Ha.. I thought about that when I was drying my hands standing in front of the trash can.. Because there was his huge ugly mug smiling back at me. Then I remembered how much seeing his face pissed me off and smiled to myself because despite his childish antics, the Gophers just beat Iowa.

That's now two strikes against him:

1) MBA from Iowa.
2) Fired from previous job.

Where does one go from there?

He could become a Minnesota sportswriter. Just costs the postage to mail it in.

Reusse won't get behind the U until we drop down to DII and start stocking our team with a bunch of undersized, overachievers from south of I-90. Then he'll write glowing essays about our backup TE from a town nobody as ever heard of or cares about. Reusse is a small town guy who is the voice of SW Minnesota...i.e. hates all things hockey and doesn't care about the U...basically South Dakota extended

Any accurate description of an asshole usually includes some discussion about how that asshole is different if you really get to know him.

I suggest you choose your role models a little more carefully, Doogie. The guy is widely hated and distrusted by

the folks he covers as well as the folks he wants to read his columns. He writes for a second-rate newspaper and has a radio show on a second-rate network. The Twin Cities media are seen as a joke nationally, and Reusse is part of the reason. I have lived away from Minneapolis for a while now, and anyone who visits laughs about the news outlets. Anyone who ventures out of the cities, of course, mentions the quality of the other cities' news outlets.

To be honest, I like these threads because they reinforce for me how little I care about him. He has actually turned me off to the point that I don't bother reading anything he writes...not because I hate him, but because I already know what he is going to say. That, in my mind, is the mark of a bad writer.

What the hell kind of post is that? The TC media is just fine, in fact fairly excellent; except the sports media, in particular college sports media. Other than that, the TC media, in particular the STrib, through its faults, is actually quite well-respected nationally.

Can I ask where you live now that the media is so godly?

I have spent time in Boston and New York, and I currently live in Washington. You may not like it, but the general thought is that Minnesotans are a bunch of rubes. Being the best paper in Minnesota is seen as something of a dubious honor.

I went to the U, wore the U colors proudly, and speak well of the U whenever I get a chance, but it is the truth. If you think about it, the perspective that most of the country gets is somewhat flawed. I have been asked more than once whether Grumpy Old Men, Drop Dead Gorgeous, or Fargo is the most accurate depiction of the state. As a non-native Minnesotan, I completely understand the question.

I have spent time in Boston and New York, and I currently live in Washington. You may not like it, but the general thought is that Minnesotans are a bunch of rubes. Being the best paper in Minnesota is seen as something of a dubious honor.

I went to the U, wore the U colors proudly, and speak well of the U whenever I get a chance, but it is the truth. If you think about it, the perspective that most of the country gets is somewhat flawed. I have been asked more than once whether Grumpy Old Men, Drop Dead Gorgeous, or Fargo is the most accurate depiction of the state. As a non-native Minnesotan, I completely understand the question.

This is a moronic post by a moron. Nobody in Minnesota or anywhere else in the Midwest gives a rip what people on either coast think of us. But tell me. Why does everyone in New York sound like they are a drug dealer from Brooklyn? And is everyone who lives in South Boston a racist or just most of them? How about Washington D.C.? How many people who live there are lazy and overpaid government employees?

Ive travelled all over, people are surprised to see a fun outgoing loud cool and bright people are from minnesota, but give me minnesota a million times over East Coast D bags or West Coast stuck up bithcs.

great to see some PASSION at TCF. nothing wrong with it!

Darren Wolfson
RT @garrett_p: @DarrenWolfson @LindgrenDoug I emailed Maturi about it; he replied and said the employee has already been terminated by CSC.

Looks like the a$$hat has been fired.

Hey guys, go check my posts, I havent talked sh.t once about the game, its in the past, I predicted the IOWA win baby!

Gopherhole is 1-0 with Lakes back!

He writes for a second-rate newspaper and has a radio show on a second-rate network. The Twin Cities media are seen as a joke nationally, and Reusse is part of the reason.

I'm not a reusse fan, I think he's probably an egotistical jerk, but I cannot agree with the above thoughts. Having a job for 30+ years in one of the biggest media markets in the country is not a second-rate career.

Hey guys, go check my posts, I havent talked sh.t once about the game, its in the past, I predicted the IOWA win baby!

Gopherhole is 1-0 with Lakes back!

Weird that you would make it all about you....

Hey guys, go check my posts, I havent talked sh.t once about the game, its in the past, I predicted the IOWA win baby!

Gopherhole is 1-0 with Lakes back!
But you have made a point out of mentioning things about NDSU recruiting in topics not about that.

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