Reusse says Kill #1 whiner in last 60 years

El Amin Fan

Well-known member
Jul 23, 2012
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Pat is not a fan of Kill's shtick.

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Two thinks are true
1. Ruesse is a cold hearted and evil pr!ck
2 Jerry Kill is a whiner

It's way more obvious now that reusse has no better things to post. :rolleyes:

Sooner or later you have to realize that a good portion of the sports media in the Twin Cities is some of the worst, if not the worst in any college football market in the country. They lack the intelligence to ask quality questions. i.e. Coach, why do you roll your quarterback out to the opposite side of his throwing arm? The expectations of the vast majority of Minnesotan's in relation to the support for Gopher football is absolutely laughable. It's not whining when you get pissed off at someone and call them out. I wonder how many times Kill thinks, F this, I don't need this B.S. He's trying to educate people and put them in their place when he feels it's needed. Maybe if the Gophers had more "whiners" in the last 60 years and less fat pats they'd have more wins.

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Sooner or later you have to realize that a good portion of the sports media in the Twin Cities is some of the worst, if not the worst in any college football market in the country. They lack the intelligence to ask quality questions. i.e. Coach, why do you roll your quarterback out to the opposite side of his throwing arm? The expectations of the vast majority of Minnesotan's in relation to the support for Gopher football is absolutely laughable. It's not whining when you get pissed off at someone and call them out. I wonder how many times Kill thinks, F this, I don't need this B.S. He's trying to educate people and put them in their place when he feels it's needed. Maybe if the Gophers had more "whiners" in the last 60 years and less fat pats they'd have more wins.

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What does anything you wrote have to do with the Gophers' success? Are you going to blame the media now for the abysmal performance of the team today? The media doesn't recruit the players or coach the team. Kill's team laid a giant turd on the field today and that isn't because Kill is a victim of the media.

Our media sucks. All I want for Christmas is for someone at the Strib to retire or move! We need some new blood.

WhY Put fat pat on GH. He hates the program and his dribble is always something negative.

WhY Put fat pat on GH. He hates the program and his dribble is always something negative.

I will say this, over the last 30 years he and other media members have helped to take the focus and pressure of fans and away from the team and onto whatthe media wrote/said after games like yesterday. If I'm Kill or any other coach I love Pat, Souhan, ect. as they help perpetuate the bunker -us vs. them- mentality after performances like yesterday.

Reusse's stuff gets so old. We have some of the laziest and worst sports writers in the country

He should know about whining. He wrote the book on it.

Our media sucks. All I want for Christmas is for someone at the Strib to retire or move! We need some new blood.

I'd like the Gophers to be playing in a Bowl Game, but to each his own.

WhY Put fat pat on GH. He hates the program and his dribble is always something negative.

That's where you are wrong. He is a Gopher fan but is paid to be objective. Jerry plays the victim card too much and it is getting old.

The only reason Pat posts this stuff is so folks talk about it, tweet it, etc. GH falls for the trap every time.

That's where you are wrong. He is a Gopher fan but is paid to be objective. Jerry plays the victim card too much and it is getting old.

What he needs to realize is that playing the victim card just makes him look worse. Part of the job of a head coach in a high profile sport is to deal with the media. He's not the only coach going through a lousy season, but he can make himself look a little better during the process by suffering through it with a little dignity and charm.

That's where you are wrong. He is a Gopher fan but is paid to be objective. Jerry plays the victim card too much and it is getting old.

And that's where you are wrong. He's a columnist, not a reporter, who, like Spoofin says, is paid generate clicks, tweets, discussion, sell some papers, get people to listen to his radio show etc. He talks all the time about wanting to "stir things up".

That doesn't mean that he can't be right every once and awhile or that sometimes his opinions are actually what he thinks.

Not often though. What he can count on is a thread here everytime he mentions the Gophers.

Good sports media is able to be critical without being an asshole about it. That ability is sorely lacking in the Twin Cities.

What he needs to realize is that playing the victim card just makes him look worse. Part of the job of a head coach in a high profile sport is to deal with the media. He's not the only coach going through a lousy season, but he can make himself look a little better during the process by suffering through it with a little dignity and charm.

So, I'm not a fan of the victim card either - but Kill is trying to take the focus off of the kids. He doesn't feel calling them out and challenging them in public is the right way to do it at this time. Rest assured he isn't going into practice and telling the kids it is OK to lose because of injuries. How do I know? Read what every player says in their interviews - they never use injuries as an excuse.

Like it or not, agree with it or not, JK is calculating with his approach and at the very least it is working with you - as you are focused on him and what he is saying more than on blaming the players.

That's where you are wrong. He is a Gopher fan but is paid to be objective. Jerry plays the victim card too much and it is getting old.

Yeah and Fox News is Fair and Balanced. Ha Ha ... It's tough to take Reusse or Souhan seriously when it comes to Gopher sports.

Like it or not, agree with it or not, JK is calculating with his approach and at the very least it is working with you - as you are focused on him and what he is saying more than on blaming the players.

Why do you feel that I think he should blame the players? Blaming the players is not the logical alternative to refusing to whine and play the victim card.

Why do you feel that I think he should blame the players? Blaming the players is not the logical alternative to refusing to whine and play the victim card.

Well he also said they were out coached, so what else does that leave? My point being that although I don't like the whine approach at all, I do get the point - to take the focus off the kids - and it is working. Even on Fat Pat it is working. Also working in this entire thread.

I came across an old recording of the Sports Huddle with Brewster the guest and he was taking phone calls from very angryu fans after a 29-28 loss to Northwestern. The callers ripped into Brewster calling him incompetent etc. Made me realize even though Kill gets good bucks for his appearances, he never takes questions from fans. He just gets Sid justifying every move Leidner makes.

I can't believe that Kill always punts when it's 4th and one near the 50. Then Nebraska takes the ball and marches right down the field. You have to stop them FOUR downs whether it's on their own 20 or our 40. He almost always takes the safe route because he can't stand criticism if he makes a trick play or risky move. Come on, Jer, open it up and let's have some fun.

Once again I think it is ridiculous how much people care what a coach says in a press conference. What he says to the media and the rest of us does not affect the results on the field. What he says to the players is way more important.

Once again I think it is ridiculous how much people care what a coach says in a press conference. What he says to the media and the rest of us does not affect the results on the field. What he says to the players is way more important.

You get it.

Once again I think it is ridiculous how much people care what a coach says in a press conference. What he says to the media and the rest of us does not affect the results on the field. What he says to the players is way more important.

No, it doesn't but dealing with the media is part of the job. Some do it better than others.

He almost always takes the safe route because he can't stand criticism if he makes a trick play or risky move. Come on, Jer, open it up and let's have some fun.

Agreed. You have nothing to fear (or lose) right now coach, so just roll with the punches and have some fun.

Sooner or later you have to realize that a good portion of the sports media in the Twin Cities is some of the worst, if not the worst in any college football market in the country. They lack the intelligence to ask quality questions. i.e. Coach, why do you roll your quarterback out to the opposite side of his throwing arm? The expectations of the vast majority of Minnesotan's in relation to the support for Gopher football is absolutely laughable. It's not whining when you get pissed off at someone and call them out. I wonder how many times Kill thinks, F this, I don't need this B.S. He's trying to educate people and put them in their place when he feels it's needed. Maybe if the Gophers had more "whiners" in the last 60 years and less fat pats they'd have more wins.

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Yes the media is to blame for a half century of Gopher football futility.

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