Reusse: P.J. Fleck is a much better coach than Tim Brewster, but when it comes to gibberish ...

I highly doubt you have a greater understanding of the CF landscape than most posters here if you really think there is any value in a major corporation paying college football players in a market like this. It is wealthy individuals that fund pay for play. Corporations are beholden to shareholders who will certainly not see any ROI on those kinds of payments.

The CEO's of most major companies here have no ties to the U either. It's why I've said for the last year that St. Thomas will be better funded for basketball than the Gophers will be in the next five years. They have wealthy alumni that are building them an arena etc. They're going to be able to pay better too.

The posters here all have hope to some extent, but are also realists as well.
Yeah well after reading some of the comments left by posters here I'd argue that quite a few don't understand the landscape of college sports.
Major corporations lend their names to stadiums all over the country so somebody feels there is value in that type of advertising and shareholders don't seem to have an issue with that.
St.Thomas is a private school not a public university so that's why wealthy alum are building them an arena. Plus theres plenty of wealthy Minnesota alum who have donated millions to fund the construction of athletic facilities at the U.
I don't believe for one minute any St Thomas sports program will ever be better funded than those at the U of M.

10 Years ago if you told any realist that college sports would look the way it does today nobody would believe that. .

If Brosmer plays anything like he's projected himself in other ways so far, we're in for a pleasant season. I'm optimistic!
As the QB goes, so go the Gophers. Brosmer certainly raises my hopes and young Drake looks potentially damned good too. PJ Fleck has been, overall, above average to this point (and better than that when compared to other Gopher coaches since Warmath left the program). It's reasonable to hope this is the beginning of a new day in Gopher Nation.

Major corporations lend their names to stadiums all over the country so somebody feels there is value in that type of advertising and shareholders don't seem to have an issue with that.
College stadiums selling naming rights is the exception, not the rule in college football. That may gradually change, but isn't Minnesota right now the only school in the B1G who has sold the naming rights to their stadium?
St.Thomas is a private school not a public university so that's why wealthy alum are building them an arena. Plus theres plenty of wealthy Minnesota alum who have donated millions to fund the construction of athletic facilities at the U.
Plenty of public universities have had wealthy alums donate facilities. Oklahoma State, Oregon, Maryland come to mind for having singular whale donors. Schools like Nebraska, Texas, most SEC schools, have booster groups that shower programs in cash and those are primarily public schools.
I don't believe for one minute any St Thomas sports program will ever be better funded than those at the U of M.
I'm talking 100% about pay to play/NIL here. It's easy to buy a basketball team. The rosters are small. All it takes is one, or a handful of wealthy alumni/boosters/fans to put up the cash. I could see it happening with UST. I'm positive it will happen with some random tiny D1 basketball school in the near future.
10 Years ago if you told any realist that college sports would look the way it does today nobody would believe that. .
This is the first thing you've written that's accurate.

College stadiums selling naming rights is the exception, not the rule in college football. That may gradually change, but isn't Minnesota right now the only school in the B1G who has sold the naming rights to their stadium?

Plenty of public universities have had wealthy alums donate facilities. Oklahoma State, Oregon, Maryland come to mind for having singular whale donors. Schools like Nebraska, Texas, most SEC schools, have booster groups that shower programs in cash and those are primarily public schools.

I'm talking 100% about pay to play/NIL here. It's easy to buy a basketball team. The rosters are small. All it takes is one, or a handful of wealthy alumni/boosters/fans to put up the cash. I could see it happening with UST. I'm positive it will happen with some random tiny D1 basketball school in the near future.

This is the first thing you've written that's accurate.
The Gophers play in Huntington Bank Stadium and before that it was TCF Bank Stadium so yes they did sell the naming rights.
Thanks for pointing out that individuals make donations to public universities something I already addressed in my previous post.

I always appreciate when someone tells me an opinion isn't accurate especially when their not even aware the Gophers play in a stadium with a corporate logo on it.
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College stadiums selling naming rights is the exception, not the rule in college football. That may gradually change, but isn't Minnesota right now the only school in the B1G who has sold the naming rights to their stadium?
Rutgers plays in SHI Stadium, naming rights purchased by an IT company.

I always appreciate when someone tells me an opinion isn't accurate especially when their not even aware the Gophers play in a stadium with a corporate logo on it.
Wasn't aware? When I literally posted:
College stadiums selling naming rights is the exception, not the rule in college football. That may gradually change, but isn't Minnesota right now the only school in the B1G who has sold the naming rights to their stadium?

You clearly either can't read, or are just another troll here.

Wasn't aware? When I literally posted:
College stadiums selling naming rights is the exception, not the rule in college football. That may gradually change, but isn't Minnesota right now the only school in the B1G who has sold the naming rights to their stadium?

You clearly either can't read, or are just another troll here.
3 Stadiums - MN, Rutgers and Maryland have sold naming rights.

Yeah well after reading some of the comments left by posters here I'd argue that quite a few don't understand the landscape of college sports.
Major corporations lend their names to stadiums all over the country so somebody feels there is value in that type of advertising and shareholders don't seem to have an issue with that.
St.Thomas is a private school not a public university so that's why wealthy alum are building them an arena. Plus theres plenty of wealthy Minnesota alum who have donated millions to fund the construction of athletic facilities at the U.
I don't believe for one minute any St Thomas sports program will ever be better funded than those at the U of M.

10 Years ago if you told any realist that college sports would look the way it does today nobody would believe that. .
3M must think there's value in having its name on the hockey arena, others who sponsor on the ice and boards as well. There's also more than a few out here who complain about all the corporate tickets for football and hockey that go unused.

Yeah well after reading some of the comments left by posters here I'd argue that quite a few don't understand the landscape of college sports.
Major corporations lend their names to stadiums all over the country so somebody feels there is value in that type of advertising and shareholders don't seem to have an issue with that.
St.Thomas is a private school not a public university so that's why wealthy alum are building them an arena. Plus theres plenty of wealthy Minnesota alum who have donated millions to fund the construction of athletic facilities at the U.
I don't believe for one minute any St Thomas sports program will ever be better funded than those at the U of M.

10 Years ago if you told any realist that college sports would look the way it does today nobody would believe that. .
That is completely different than NIL. There's actual value in that kind of sponsorship. There is little to no value and return in NIL unless it's for someone like Caitlin Clark.

I like PJ. He’s had one great year and a couple of pretty good ones. He’s also had three losing seasons. I think this is a big year for him. If he can find a way to win at least seven games, the public perception of him might change drastically in my opinion. If he has a four or five win season people are gonna start looking around saying how good is this guy really.
I’m obviously not a PJ guy but he recruits well and overall runs a great program. What he hasn’t done is turned the corner on results. Two or three West titles out there for the taking with super easy schedules and whiffed. Only one real bowl game of note attended and won; albeit the greatest game I’ve ever watched. Fact is the program wasn’t broken when he got here. Hell, what did they win nine the year before? Continue to beat Wisconsin half the time or better, beat Iowa half the time, take down the big boys once every three or four times you play them or so and go to a New Year’s Day bowl like Iowa and Wisconsin have done nearly every year and then you’ve got something. Nobody can argue that but for one — the bowl games we have gone to have sucked.

Here is a recently updated list of the top 25 paid coaches. Fickell, Captain Kirk and Bielema are to 25. PJ’s salary doesn’t make the cut. I am sure PJ is in the top 40; probably cracks top 35. Not sure about top 30.
"One of these kids is not like the others, once of these kids just doesn't belong...."

Fleck has been more of the same as Mason and Kill (not Brewster). He's had more success in terms of wins and losses but has had more resources to work with and a very favorable schedule for most of his time here.

With those advantages, he still failed to deliver a division or conference title. Argue all you want about the margins of improvement, but Ferentz, Bret "Summer's Eve" Bielema, and Fickell coached in the BCS or College Football playoffs. Bert and Kirk won Big Ten Championships. Wisky over reached with Fickell, the jury is still out on that hire. Illinois is overpaying Bert, hoping he can be relevant in the B1G, Iowa is rewarding Kirk for service and for gettign more out of less for so long. Hell, he won the West without a QB, RB, or WR last year while we imploded when we controlled our own destiny, again.

Fleck is overpaid, but he's our coach until he doesn't want to be anymore. Flecktites (there are noticeably fewer of those this year) rejoice!

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