Reusse: NIU success deserves closer look on Kill's rebuilding resume


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Nov 5, 2008
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There have been constant platitudes toward Jerry Kill for his resume as a rebuilder of college football programs. Many of these have come from Jerry himself, as he tries to convince Gophers fans to keep the faith in the wake of three astounding losses (New Mexico State, North Dakota State, 58-0 at Michigan) in his first five games as a Big Ten coach.

Kill's success as a turnaround artist was unquestioned at Saginaw Valley State [1994-98], a Division II school in Michigan, and at Southern Illinois [2001-07], a Division 1AA program that was a power, turned into a patsy and was revived as a power by Kill.

The results at Emporia [Kan.] State were vague, since Kill stayed for only two years [1999-2000] in order to be near his family as his father battled cancer. Kill was 11-11 in two seasons, before taking the promotion to SIU.

The accolades for Kill also include the suggestion that he was responsible for a major turnaround at Northern Illinois [2008-10], where he competed for three seasons in the Mid-American Conference before being hired at Minnesota.

It would not be fair to describe the MAC as a third-tier Division IA conference, and it wouldn't be accurate to call it second-tier, so it's in between - behind the Mountain West and ahead of the Sun Belt.

What's also inaccurate is to casually throw in Northern Illinois with Saginaw Valley and Southern Illinois as a place where Kill was forced to undertake a massive rebuilding job.

Joe Novak was the NIU coach who preceded Kill. He was the coach that took over a woeful situation at the school in DeKalb, Ill. His first season was 1996, when the Huskies were still a Division 1A independent and getting ready to join the MAC.

The Huskies were 3-30 in Novak's first three seasons, including 2-14 in their first two years in the MAC. Then, from 1999 through 2001, NIU was 17-16 overall and 13-9 in the MAC.

This was followed by a run from 2002 through 2004 when NIU was 27-9 overall and 19-5 in the MAC. In 2003, the Huskies beat three BCS schools: Maryland (rated No. 13 at the time), Alabama in Tuscaloosa and Iowa State.

The Huskies followed that nifty stretch with two more winning seasons in 2005-06 - 13-11 overall and 11-5 in the MAC. At that point, Novak had seven consecutive winning seasons in all games and eight consecutive winning seasons in the MAC.

As NIU continued to do with Kill and now Dave Doeren, the Huskies were forced to play much of their non-conference on the road against BCS schools in order to collect large paychecks to pay for the football program.

In 2007, a serious run of injuries put Northern Illinois in a position to go with many freshmen and sophomores. The Huskies tumbled to 2-10 overall and 1-6 in the MAC.

Two days after the season ended, Novak, 62, resigned, saying, "People have always said, 'You'll know when it's time,' and I believe now is the time.''

Kill was hired from Southern Illinois. He went 6-7, 7-6 and 10-3 in his three seasons. He went 18-6 in the MAC, before losing the conference championship to Miami (Ohio) in his final game at NIU last fall.

Good stuff, but a great rebuilding job?

Northern Illinois didn't need one of those. It had seven winning seasons in the decade before the tumble in 2007. Heavens to Bear Bryant, it had won at Alabama in the decade.

Kill inherited a roster that needed experience and a return to health more than rebuilding.

Under Kill, the Huskies went from 2-10 to 6-7 in 2008, and to 7-6 in 2009. I looked it up to see if it was Kill and his coaches rebuilding the roster or succeeding with players inherited from Novak that took NIU from the pits in 2007 to a winning season two years later.

Six of NIU's top seven rushers in 2009 were on Novak's roster in 2007: Chad Spann, DeMarcus Grady, Chad Harnish, Justin Anderson, Nathan Palmer and Ricky Crider.

Both of NIU's quarterbacks in 2009 had been around in 2007: Harnish and Grady.

Four of the top five receivers in 2009 were around in 2007: Landon Cox, Marcus Lewis, Willie Clark and Kyle Skarb.

Eight of the top 10 tacklers in 2009 were around in 2007: Cory Hanson, Pat Schiller, Alex Kube, Mike Sobol, Patrick George, Jake Coffman, Brandon Bice and David Bryant.

A good number of those lads were still key players when Kill's NIU club came into TCF Bank Stadium last fall and whacked the Gophers: Spann, Harnish, Crider, Grady, Palmer, Cox, Clark on offense, and Kube, Coffman, Sobol and George on defense.

Thus, when you're pumping up the Kill the Rebuilder angle, forget the NIU part of that. The actuality was that he took over a solid program coming off one bad year.

Meaning, Kill's previous experience in Division 1A provides zero background for the challenge he faces at Minnesota - a program that in the last five years has charged downward toward Indiana in an attempt to wrestle away the title as "Worst Program in the Big Ten.''

Which brings up this serious question: Why did the Big Ten decide that Wisconsin should be Minnesota's annual crossover opponent?

It should be Indiana, so the Hoosiers and the Gophers can alternate scheduling one another for homecoming.

First, Kill clearly stated this would be more like SIU, not like NIU, though they weren't nearly as good before him as they were with him. Second.. Reusse can't even get CHANDLER Harnish's name correct.. tremendous journalism.

But without Kill & Co. Northern Illinois is 2-3 this year, giving up over 40 points in each of the three losses.

You can always count on Pat for something positive. I'll bet he's great at a party. At least he actually put some work into this column.

The flaw with Pat's theory is:

Just because NIU wasn't as bad as SIU when he took them over doesn't mean Kill did any less of a good job of coaching there. The media itself is the one trying to lump all of his coaching stops together and give Kill the label of a turnaround artist, so Pat really should be ripping his collegues, not questioning Kill's ability. I'm certain Kill himself will acknowledge each of the situations he has coached in has been different. The bottom line is that everywhere he has coached his teams have gotten better - that cannot be disputed.

So Reusse picks the 7-6 NIU 2009 roster to make a point with and not the one from the 11-3 2010 season. I wonder how many key Novak recruits were on that team?

The Question Remains

Hats off to Pat. He managed to stick a pole up your collective arses with an actual breakdown of the facts. These are indisputable facts. Facts that would get a jury to convict. Yet, the hysterical masses continue to show how absolutely thrilled they are to hang their hat on a discredited theory even after it went up in smoke.

Amazing study you freaks continue to be. Again, I will ask the question for you to answer, en masse: where is the progress?

Hats off to Pat. He managed to stick a pole up your collective arses with an actual breakdown of the facts. These are indisputable facts. Facts that would get a jury to convict. Yet, the hysterical masses continue to show how absolutely thrilled they are to hang their hat on a discredited theory even after it went up in smoke.

Amazing study you freaks continue to be. Again, I will ask the question for you to answer, en masse: where is the progress?
It's funny because if this article was written by Barriero you would be squawking in the same way but as it is Barriero stuck a pole up Reusse's arse (to continue with the argument improving sodomy reference) yesterday when he broke down the crap that Brewster left Kill with, specifically the offensive line where Brewster failed to recruit in even competent manner. Check it out for yourself (start at the 40:00 mark):

It's funny because if this article was written by Barriero you would be squawking in the same way but as it is Barriero stuck a pole up Reusse's arse yesterday when he broke down the crap that Brewster left Kill with, specifically the offensive line where Brewster failed to recruit in even competent manner. Check it out for yourself (start at the 40:00 mark):

Funny, I'm out of the loop with the writer. Makes my pole large in comparison. Oops. Thanks for the correction. I will check it out.

Right now, the program is disconnected with itself. The current staff not only inherits the past mistakes, but then in its urgency makes those mistakes larger by killing off the remaining healthy tissue. The 3 seniors on the line may not be performing well, but they are the most experienced and capable linemen we have right now. Throwing them under the bus 2 times this year will not get them to perform. A little love right now might just go a long way to cure the ills of the line.

I agree with the fact that Kill has never taken large credit for a turn around at NIU. We'll never know if Novak would have had the season that Kill had with NIU last year. Maybe Kill should add to his resume that he can rebuild as well as take a team to the next level. Last year NIU had a once every 10 year season for a MAC school.

Patrick likes to stir things up, for sure, but he is correct about Novak. Novak was the one that brought NIU out of the pits. It was an absolutely dreadful football program before he arrived, and have you ever seen DeKalb, Illinois? I have, I used to live not far from there and trust me, it's not an easy place to recruit to. Coach Kill did a nice job adding to what Novak started.

I'm not sure who Pat is referring too when he claims the masses are lauding Jerry Kill as a turn around artist. Have not seen a single reference to JK in this way other than in the media itself. JK himself has said that the SIU situation is way different than the NIU situation and that our situation is more like the SIU turn around. Where there was a distant past of success but not recently...where there is a lack of institutional support and a apathetic fan base.

Maybe FatPat should research the SIU situation? Naw, that would result in a positive thing and go against his SOP to rip things apart.

A negative Gopher article from Ruesse? Imagine that.

He needs to get back to what he does best, kissing Gardenhire's ass.

I think that's why Kill himself has said, this isn't like NIU. They didn't need complete overhaul like SIU did. They just needed re-tooling to get back to success they had earlier in the decade. We aren't in that situation, this is gonna take a little more time and patience than NIU did.

But either way, taking a 2 win team to 10 wins and a top 25 ranking in 4 years deserves some props.

The part that jumps out to me the most is that Joe Novak was 3-30 in his first 3 years. I'm sure no one had faith in him at that point, but he follows it up by going 27-9 over a 3 year stretch later on. Reusse pretty much destroys his own argument, as he agrees that Kill did tremendous turnaround jobs at Saginaw Valley State and Southern Illinois. So what if Northern Illinois wasn't as bad off.

I haven't liked what I've seen this year anymore than the next person, but what's happened on the field is exactly what Kill predicted.

Funny, I'm out of the loop with the writer. Makes my pole large in comparison. Oops. Thanks for the correction. I will check it out.

Right now, the program is disconnected with itself. The current staff not only inherits the past mistakes, but then in its urgency makes those mistakes larger by killing off the remaining healthy tissue. The 3 seniors on the line may not be performing well, but they are the most experienced and capable linemen we have right now. Throwing them under the bus 2 times this year will not get them to perform. A little love right now might just go a long way to cure the ills of the line.

Hi, Fat Pat, always wondered what your monicker was. How many other ones do you use???

Hats off to Pat. He managed to stick a pole up your collective arses with an actual breakdown of the facts. These are indisputable facts. Facts that would get a jury to convict. Yet, the hysterical masses continue to show how absolutely thrilled they are to hang their hat on a discredited theory even after it went up in smoke.

Amazing study you freaks continue to be. Again, I will ask the question for you to answer, en masse: where is the progress?

Reusse acknowledges Kill's success in rebuilding Saginaw State and Southern Illinois. Yes, turning around NIU wasn't as big a task as SIU, Kill himself admits this. Reusse is, however, wrong in claiming that his reputation as a rebuilder has come from the fans, the world of football experts has agreed that he has a record of rebuilding teams.

Just what is it that you think Reusse nailed? It seems that you are solely responding to a shot against Kill rather than to the content. Where is the progress? Be like a sane person, and ask at a reasonable time. Less than halfway through the first year is not reasonable. This is similar to you attempting to diagnose Kill using an article that you clearly did not understand.

The part that jumps out to me the most is that Joe Novak was 3-30 in his first 3 years. I'm sure no one had faith in him at that point, but he follows it up by going 27-9 over a 3 year stretch later on. Reusse pretty much destroys his own argument, as he agrees that Kill did tremendous turnaround jobs at Saginaw Valley State and Southern Illinois. So what if Northern Illinois wasn't as bad off.

I haven't liked what I've seen this year anymore than the next person, but what's happened on the field is exactly what Kill predicted.

I'm sure some demanded of Novak "Where's the progress?" part way through year one...

Hi, Fat Pat, always wondered what your monicker was. How many other ones do you use???

I think you're wrong. Despite what I think of him, Reusse is a much better writer than this guy who tries way too hard with his forced vocabulary and metaphors.

That isn't to say Reusse doesn't monitor GH. Caught some of his show yesterday and he was going on about the upperclassmen and why would they want to play for someone who is ripping them in the paper. Basically, Pat was rehashing threads here. Again, the irony of Pat criticizing Kill for "ripping" someone in the paper is as good as Oneoldgopher preaching the need for sensitivity to kill in dealing with his linemen.

Kill has said that SIU was a bigger job then NIU. Reusse agreed and said that NIU wasn't as big a job for Kill as people up here have thought and maybe Novak should get more credit for what he had done. Some NIU fans have said the same thing.

Ruesse must actually like Kill. After losses to NMSU and NDSU followed by the debacle Saturday nobody should be upset about this column. Just image what Patrick would have written if Mason or Brewster:eek: were still the coach? Imagine what he could have written if he hated Kill?

Imagine what Doogie would have written if Brewster was still the coach or what Gopher Lady would have written if Maturi was coaching the team! :D

This column? This was damn near a love letter!

The flaw with Pat's theory is:

Just because NIU wasn't as bad as SIU when he took them over doesn't mean Kill did any less of a good job of coaching there. The media itself is the one trying to lump all of his coaching stops together and give Kill the label of a turnaround artist, so Pat really should be ripping his collegues, not questioning Kill's ability. I'm certain Kill himself will acknowledge each of the situations he has coached in has been different. The bottom line is that everywhere he has coached his teams have gotten better - that cannot be disputed.

You need 3 things to win anywhere:

1) recruits who can learn technique
2) asst coaches who can teach technique
3) consistant schemes/play calling

Do those three things, and you can win anywhere. If facilities and scholarships are comparable with other schools in the league, you will get "good enough" raw athletic talent to win the confernece. Obviously those two things are in place at Minn as much as any Big Ten team.

Lack #1, badly lacking #3 and I have no idea about #2. It's on Kill to make sure all three happen.

You need 3 things to win anywhere:

1) recruits who can learn technique
2) asst coaches who can teach technique
3) consistant schemes/play calling

Do those three things, and you can win anywhere. If facilities and scholarships are comparable with other schools in the league, you will get "good enough" raw athletic talent to win the confernece. Obviously those two things are in place at Minn as much as any Big Ten team.

Lack #1, badly lacking #3 and I have no idea about #2. It's on Kill to make sure all three happen.

I think we have #3 down pretty well. We are consistent each week with calling run plays up the middle and shotgun run plays.

Not disputing Reusse in this article.. But there are gaping holes in his logic that discredit whatever type of controversy he's trying to drum up. I never get fat Pat because when I get done reading his crap (which is what most of it is), I'm left more confused on his take than I was before reading it.. It's VERY reminiscent of trying to read one of Wren/imthewalrus's posts. Only with fat Pat, it's not a wall of text and he uses better grammar.

My point, I never know Patty's stance on the subject at hand, and am left more in the dark about said stance after I read his 'blog'.

Oh, I forgot to mention how much of his blog post should be completely toast because of his second to last 'serious' thought. If you seriously question the validity of the B1G's reasoning behind making Wisky our protected crossover rival, which he openly admits to, then anything else you have to say is as worthy as the turd I coiled in my toilet this morning.

Pretty much off-topic but I was digging through the closet today and found the Trib 2001 MLB draft sports page. I had a good laugh when I read Pat's Pro-Mark Prior article in which he states that the Twins should draft prior and rush him to the big leagues while the team was still contending. His reasoning? Well Blyleven was rushed and turned out okay so obviously Prior would, too.

Not counting junior college transfers, It interesting that kill has never even coached anyone he recruited older than a true junior or redshirt sophomore on an FBS team. And that's assuming his first class before he coached a game at NIU were "his" recruits.

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