Joel's arrogance in firing Glen Mason is equal to Schmidt's declaration that the 6th Army can hold on until Easter 1943. Both decisions were disastrous. I don't profess to be a fly on the wall when deliberations were being conducted regarding Jerry Kill, but if memory serves me correctly, a search firm was hired, and the search firm provided the U a list of names. Also, was not future President Kaler consulted in the vetting process for Tim Brewster's replacement? I seem to remember that the U was not in a hurry to delegate decision making authority to Joel this time around. Whether this was because Bob Bruininks finally woke up, or other factors, I don't know. Yet I would be hesitent to give Joel credit for the hire. At most, Joel's influence was part of a committee decision. In fact Joel's influence might have been limited to that of liaison officer and messenger.