Reusse: Gophers don't always play well with others

someone shoud copy/paste the article in this thread. I'm not one to give Reusse hits.

Reusse doesn't have to write anything good about the Gophers ever. Its fine if just continues to bash the Gophers whenever they are the topic. Its his job, I am not going to tell him how to do it. But, after YEARS of reading his stuff I have just become bored with it as all together.

It feels like he is mailing it in, its just not good anymore, he is just not good anymore. Stuff should have a beginning, middle and end and it seems like he just starts things with a half baked idea, kinda gets to the middle then doesn't really finish them. Souhan is a hack in my opinion, but at least he tries.

someone shoud copy/paste the article in this thread. I'm not one to give Reusse hits.

Not the whole article, but this is my favorite line:

According to the police report, an Augsburg football player called police saying several Gophers football players were on their way to assault him. The reason was unknown, although it could not have been taunting over gridiron exploits, since the Auggies are 22-53 in the MIAC in this decade as compared to the Gophers' 28-45 in the Big Ten.

Not the whole article, but this is my favorite line:

According to the police report, an Augsburg football player called police saying several Gophers football players were on their way to assault him. The reason was unknown, although it could not have been taunting over gridiron exploits, since the Auggies are 22-53 in the MIAC in this decade as compared to the Gophers' 28-45 in the Big Ten.

My favorite line is "from 1960 up until when Barry Alvarez came to Wisconsin, the team was hovering just above a .300 winning percentage, and the goal now that Barry is gone is to slowly get back to the half empty scenes of CR Stadium we saw before Barry"

Oh wait, must have been a different article...........

I guarantee that if anyone here talked to one of those drunken excuse for civilians that are the Augsburg wrestlers they would also want to round up a posse and take them down too. Trust me they are the biggest jerks in the world.

I will second that. Think they are the most amazing wrestlers in the world when the U is right across the street and would whoop all of their asses.

Not the whole article, but this is my favorite line:

According to the police report, an Augsburg football player called police saying several Gophers football players were on their way to assault him. The reason was unknown, although it could not have been taunting over gridiron exploits, since the Auggies are 22-53 in the MIAC in this decade as compared to the Gophers' 28-45 in the Big Ten.

After seeing this, it's I think more obvious what could have taken place, Dandridge was the originator, was in a tif with the Augsburg players, they had numbers, call the biggest SOB on the team, Mckinley, who led a group over there, Tinsley came with was underage, and ran. Makes sense, and when it was all straightened out, the suspension was given to the originator, and the senior who should have known better.

After seeing this, it's I think more obvious what could have taken place, Dandridge was the originator, was in a tif with the Augsburg players, they had numbers, call the biggest SOB on the team, Mckinley, who led a group over there, Tinsley came with was underage, and ran. Makes sense, and when it was all straightened out, the suspension was given to the originator, and the senior who should have known better.

Not according to the "U". Incidents were not related.

"Gophers don't always play well with others" implies that they sometimes do. I'm still waiting for his article on Gophers who do play well with others.

After seeing this, it's I think more obvious what could have taken place, Dandridge was the originator, was in a tif with the Augsburg players, they had numbers, call the biggest SOB on the team, Mckinley, who led a group over there, Tinsley came with was underage, and ran. Makes sense, and when it was all straightened out, the suspension was given to the originator, and the senior who should have known better.

Ole, I see the problem, you are standing on your "jump to conclusions" mat.


To 1221 and JackieO:

No UM fan or player should care what an Augsburg wrestler thinks. Life is too short to keep taking the bait every time someone throws it out there.

I have no problem with the paper covering this at all. I am not saying it is news worthy but should be covered regardless.

I don't ever read Reusse since he is just negative about the program under Brewster. I can't remember what he wrote about or if he was this negative towards the program under Mason.

Some thoughts concerning Reusse ....
(nothing new but just have to vent)

Reusse is the founder and CEO of the anti homer/Sid movement in this market. The last thing a media person in this town wants is to be compared in any with Sid. To make sure this doesn't happen, he and his followers overcompensate to the negative. In Reusse's case however, he seems to take it a step further. His columns often contain personal attacks, and whether overt or between the lines, they're always there.

I'm thinking that he must have had a run-in years ago with someone at the U, and that it permanently stuck in his craw. Nobody writes with such a jaundiced slant unless they have a personal grudge to settle. I'm sure he would die happy if he could engineer the demise of football on this campus.

Can we raise the stakes with Buckyville such that the loser get's Reusse? Could we be so fortunate that he would move there? It is possible he's already a bigger fan of Wisconsin and Iowa then Minnesota?

I'm going to double post with the other thread.

Not really seeing what's wrong with the article and I like Brewster more than I ever did Mason.

I realize that you have to baby-sit these guys, but you shouldn't have to assign each one a baby-sitter.

Tagging kids for underage consumption is all the rage on just about every college campus. Tinsley is going to be about $500 lighter and have to get a chemical dependency evaluation. And probably double-secret probation.

There is NO doubt about that. God I hope I see that lump out at some sporting event, I'm going to verbally assult him :pig:

don't go too harsh, he might get turned on...You know he is in love with Ferentz and Bielema so just be careful...

No way he could navigate around TCF Stadium without making a trip to the Scooter Store first.

Tinsley's a moron. You don't pick up a board during a fight. You stick a cue ball in a sock and swing it wildly like we did in my hoodlum days.

I'm thinking that he must have had a run-in years ago with someone at the U, and that it permanently stuck in his craw. Nobody writes with such a jaundiced slant unless they have a personal grudge to settle. I'm sure he would die happy if he could engineer the demise of football on this campus.

Years ago he wrote a column about the women's basketball team where he made fun of their skills. I remember he used a phrase like "standing jump shots." The comeback at him was pretty intense. I think some of the well connected female backers of the program put a lot of pressure on the Tribune. He apologized and was pretty meek about it. I would guess that has a part in his animosity. Of course, he's also a person who simply likes to agitate people. Fairness isn't really a consideration when he can cheapshot. I stopped listening to him on the radio even though he was entertaining at one time; I refuse to click on anything by him on the Tribune site; I get the paper and rarely read his column anymore when it's in there; unfortunately, I can't keep from posting about him which still feeds his ego.

I think the article was fair. It wasn't the fact that the players were getting into trouble that was an issue, it's what appears to be attempts to hide the incidents that is troubling. Where was Reusse when Clem was running a renegade program? He might have saved us 10 years of misery if would have exposed that garbage.

I think it's important that the media keeps our programs honest and accountable for the character of the players they are brining in to receive a free education, represent the university, and gain the exposure to possibly become wealthy as a player or at least have a huge advantage getting interviews at local businesses when they are done playing.

There was the factual article by Kent, then Reusse and Doogie followed it up with ones littered with snide comments and low blows. I don't think 3 seperate articles over the issue was anywhere near necessary, especially when the U probably ranks at the bottom of the conference in football player off the field issues over the last 2/3 years.

I dont' think anyone is hiding anything, why would have the Ath Dept made an issue over a redshirt player getting in trouble like that. Handle it internally. If it was a starter, then yea, we would have found out.

The incidents he highlighted were ugly. An underaged guy who was shot outside a nightclub gets in a fight and ends up getting tasered a year later and another flees after allegedly swinging a board in an angry mob. It's newsworthy and articles like that sell. Hopefully it's bulletin board material and serves as a lesson in regards to the higher standards placed when you agree to accept the privileges of being a division I football player.


Damn, a son of a buddy starts on the d for Augsburg. I'm going to have to make a call and see what's up. The son might be a bit of a scrapper too. He apparently had a large knob on his forehead (in August) for which he had no plausible explanation.

Fat Pat just got another email from me letting him know how overweight and pathetic he is.

You have yet to figure out that Reusse is simply looking for this reaction? If you and others wouldn't e-mail him, he wouldn't write the story.

Wrong, ruesse is a bully he enjoys pulling a punch and getting away with it. He then enjoys revelling in the punch thrown while sucking down a beer and a plate of nachos. Holding your bloodied nose and watching him and his buddies laugh at you is not going to deter a bully.

I'm probably too hard on Ruesse. There must be some good in him, right? I mean nothing good ever comes out.

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