Reusse Column: UNLV's only tradition in football is losing

The paranoia over the media for the Gopher fan base knows no limits.

If you don't believe he intends to make a crack about the quality of our opponent in the case of a gopher win thursday or how awful the gophers are if they lose(not gonna happen) then you are either as blind as they come or very forgetful scools. He's done that very thing for many years and I have no doubt he intends to do it again.

There seems to be a lot of people who expect the gophers to substantially beat the 14 point spread in this game. I am not so sure that is going to be the case. UNLV may have a history of being a bad program, but, quite frankly, so do we. Both programs are trying to turn things around and it does seem like the gophers are doing a better job than UNLV. However, we did barely eek out a win at UNLV last year, despite the fact that we were supposed to have many more talented athletes, such as Q. Furthermore, Hauck, I believe, is a good coach, UNLV has A LOT of returning starters and, most importantly, UNLV does not fear MN. UNLV will come into TCF thinking they can win and they will take MN on and punch MN in the mouth. it is important that the gophers are also ready to punch UNLV and do not make any bone headed plays. There is no question we should win. But I have been through too many seasons where the preseason hype did not live up to expectations. I do believe Kill is one of the better coaches the Gophers have had in a long time, but it is still going to be a fight to get a W on Thursday, IMO.
LALALAND - I think that you are being completely realistic. I do not think that a blow-out win is a sure thing by any stretch, especially in a first game of the season. We should be happy with a win.

To be fair I'm going to be extremely disappointed if we don't win by at least 3 tds. Anything less will feel like the program took a huge step backwards from the bowl game to now.

That's fine, you can set your own standards. Mine aren't nearly so high for the first game of the year, and if we win by a FG, I don't think its fair to suggest the program has taken a huge step backwards, as it is 1 game. That said, I think we will win by 20+, mainly because we always seem to play well during home night games, and we have the deeper more talented team. But clearly, Reusse is simply covering his bases with this article - If we win by 40, he can say "see, UNLV is just terrible", if we win by a small margin, he can say "see, the Gophers are terrible".
If we lose, then all bets are off, and we probably deserve to be savaged.

That's fine, you can set your own standards. Mine aren't nearly so high for the first game of the year, and if we win by a FG, I don't think its fair to suggest the program has taken a huge step backwards, as it is 1 game. That said, I think we will win by 20+, mainly because we always seem to play well during home night games, and we have the deeper more talented team. But clearly, Reusse is simply covering his bases with this article - If we win by 40, he can say "see, UNLV is just terrible", if we win by a small margin, he can say "see, the Gophers are terrible".
If we lose, then all bets are off, and we probably deserve to be savaged.
UNLV might be terrible. who knows until they play some other teams. We're going to get a pat on the back if we win by 3 scores but respect is earned when we beat somebody ranked in the top 25 (or close to).

The paranoia over the media for the Gopher fan base knows no limits.

When someone actually is plotting against you it is not paranoia its reality. What has no limits is the media. They will take every opportunity to kick the Gophers, and Kiss the a44 of the Pro Teams. That is reality.

Wren, thanks for acknowledging my sarcasm with your honest reply. Doc.

You are welcome Dr. Don. They could do that...and they have done that on more than one occasion. I am prone to say what I think and that doesn't always make people happy. So, I generate some complaints and efforts from people who want me gone such as this killjoy character who jumps on virtually everything I say. I ignore him for the most part since he is so obnoxious. But, the thing is, if there is even one poster out there who likes what I have to say or is given pause to consider some of the points I may bring up, each and every time some moderator from GopherHole decided to ban me, this site has become a more one-dimensional place to post. If and when this site allows only the "company line" school of thought, it would be diminished for the lack of diversity of thought.

I have a LONG history with this site. I have been off the site for up to a year at a time. Even during those times I made financial contributions to this site because I think this site provides a great forum for Gopher Sports AND I have always known the moderators would come to their senses and realize that contrast adds to the diversity and richness of their web site. (Just kidding ; 0 ), of course.)

I'm walking on egg-shells about what I can currently say. I see other people constantly bringing some subjects up and don't quite understand why they are allowed to do their bashing or what ever. I guess the moderators don't mind their rants and bashes. So be it. I WILL carry on...and will fight the good fight! And I never let the bashers get me down...but, I'm out of here for most of the rest of the day...

; 0 )

If you don't believe he intends to make a crack about the quality of our opponent in the case of a gopher win thursday or how awful the gophers are if they lose(not gonna happen) then you are either as blind as they come or very forgetful scools. He's done that very thing for many years and I have no doubt he intends to do it again.

You got that right. It can be best summed up by this remark I once heard "Even paranoid people can have real enemies." Having said that, I personally don't find it too productive to pay much attention to a really lazy boring hack.

Hope we win!

After you said something similar prior to the New Mexico State game in 2011, I'm with you.

However, the Gophers are a better football team than they were that day. I'd be EXTREMELY disappointed if something similar occurred again.

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