Reusse Column: UNLV's only tradition in football is losing


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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per Reusse:

The Rebels were picked in a vote by the media to finish fifth in the six-team West Division of the Mountain West. If that turns out to be accurate, Hauck will be the next coach to be run out.

They have a stretch of nine straight losing seasons and are 24-84. And since Harvey Hyde's season of glory in 1984, UNLV has had four winning records (6-5, 6-5, 7-5 and 8-5) in 28 season.

That means even a Gophers' follower can look at the Rebels and say, "Dang, are they terrible.''

Go Gophers!!

per Reusse:

The Rebels were picked in a vote by the media to finish fifth in the six-team West Division of the Mountain West. If that turns out to be accurate, Hauck will be the next coach to be run out.

They have a stretch of nine straight losing seasons and are 24-84. And since Harvey Hyde's season of glory in 1984, UNLV has had four winning records (6-5, 6-5, 7-5 and 8-5) in 28 season.

That means even a Gophers' follower can look at the Rebels and say, "Dang, are they terrible.''

Go Gophers!!

The problem Reusse doesn't realize is that the game still has to be played on the field.

We should all just thank this he has given the UNLV program some great bulletin board material. Somehow, I think
that was his intention with this all along....

Can we have these threads without a link to the article? That way we can all see what a nut-job he is without giving him additional clicks.

I just posted this link in the "if we don't snowball UNLV" thread. It is amazing how easy it is to predict a Reusse column. I used to scoff at the idea he wasn't objective, and I respect that any columnist needs to stir the pot. But, this is getting to be a dead horse of epic proportions. Anything short of a national championship will result in more of this from Reusse.

I just posted this link in the "if we don't snowball UNLV" thread. It is amazing how easy it is to predict a Reusse column. I used to scoff at the idea he wasn't objective, and I respect that any columnist needs to stir the pot. But, this is getting to be a dead horse of epic proportions. Anything short of a national championship will result in more of this from Reusse.

Reusse would find fault with Coach Kill because he would make up some cock and bull story that Coach won with descendents of Bernie Biermann, Sid Hartman, Murray Warmath, and himself. Something anyone could have done.

I just posted this link in the "if we don't snowball UNLV" thread. It is amazing how easy it is to predict a Reusse column. I used to scoff at the idea he wasn't objective, and I respect that any columnist needs to stir the pot. But, this is getting to be a dead horse of epic proportions. Anything short of a national championship will result in more of this from Reusse.

Correct. This post is basically Reusse holding Goldy Gopher, setting him up for the Souhan sucker punch that will come if we don't win by more than 3 TDs.

my goodness, He's insulting UNLV, not the gophers. The ending punch-line is just that, a punch-line. The meat of the story is how bad UNLV has been.

my goodness, He's insulting UNLV, not the gophers. The ending punch-line is just that, a punch-line. The meat of the story is how bad UNLV has been.

Only to the untrained eye. You have to realize his intention is to turn this into a crack about the quality of the gophers non-conference opponents and take yet another cheap shot at the gophers. Accept nothing Ruesse says at face value. He always has something negative to say regardless.

my goodness, He's insulting UNLV, not the gophers. The ending punch-line is just that, a punch-line. The meat of the story is how bad UNLV has been.

If he writes a column about how good Nebraska has been the week of their visit... I will admit to over reacting.

We should all just thank this he has given the UNLV program some great bulletin board material. Somehow, I think
that was his intention with this all along....

Only to the untrained eye. You have to realize his intention is to turn this into a crack about the quality of the gophers non-conference opponents and take yet another cheap shot at the gophers. Accept nothing Ruesse says at face value. He always has something negative to say regardless.

The paranoia over the media for the Gopher fan base knows no limits.

Its not paranoia if we have plenty of backup! lol

my goodness, He's insulting UNLV, not the gophers. The ending punch-line is just that, a punch-line. The meat of the story is how bad UNLV has been.
This is the sunken-eyed sloth setting the table so he can gorge if the Gophers lose or barely eek out a victory. Expect a very similar column one week from now about NMSU.

Correct. This post is basically Reusse holding Goldy Gopher, setting him up for the Souhan sucker punch that will come if we don't win by more than 3 TDs.

To be fair I'm going to be extremely disappointed if we don't win by at least 3 tds. Anything less will feel like the program took a huge step backwards from the bowl game to now.

This is the sunken-eyed sloth setting the table so he can gorge if the Gophers lose or barely eek out a victory. Expect a very similar column one week from now about NMSU.

Reusse's weight is slip slidin' away as a target for his GopherHole critics. He has lost over100 pounds in the last 12 months. Reusse now weighs in around 240. More to come.

Reusse's weight is slip slidin' away as a target for his GopherHole critics. He has lost over100 pounds in the last 12 months. Reusse now weighs in around 240. More to come.

Pope, regarding Reusse and his weight loss...I was hoping you would say "Less to come."

Many of Ruesse's comments about UNLV are accurate. There is no argument to counter that they have lost forever. I think that Ruesse is setting up the Gophers so that if they lose its the end of the world and the Gophers are the worst team ever. But UNLV can play good games and has beat OK teams (Wisconsin, Iowa state and Utah) in the last 10 years. Its not the end of the world to play a close game vs. UNLV or even lose to them as much as Ruesse would like that to be the case. I will be surprised if the Gophers lose, but that outcome is definitely possible. BTW Robinson was waaaay past his prime when he coached UNLV. But, as Holtz used to say, "they give scholarships too," and any team can play well on occasion.

Do people realize Reusse (and every other columnist) often resorts to "fishing" in order to get readers?

Just have the GopherHole moderators delete his column and warn him that he is on a short leash because he continues to push his agenda, some of the GH posters hate what he writes and his columns are too long-winded. That should keep him in line.

Or, BleedGopher could just quit posting Reusse's columns...

; 0 )

Just have the GopherHole moderators delete his column and warn him that he is on a short leash because he continues to push his agenda, some of the GH posters hate what he writes and his columns are too long-winded. That should keep him in line.

Or, BleedGopher could just quit posting Reusse's columns...

; 0 )

.............or, GH could just quit posting wren's comments? :)

There seems to be a lot of people who expect the gophers to substantially beat the 14 point spread in this game. I am not so sure that is going to be the case. UNLV may have a history of being a bad program, but, quite frankly, so do we. Both programs are trying to turn things around and it does seem like the gophers are doing a better job than UNLV. However, we did barely eek out a win at UNLV last year, despite the fact that we were supposed to have many more talented athletes, such as Q. Furthermore, Hauck, I believe, is a good coach, UNLV has A LOT of returning starters and, most importantly, UNLV does not fear MN. UNLV will come into TCF thinking they can win and they will take MN on and punch MN in the mouth. it is important that the gophers are also ready to punch UNLV and do not make any bone headed plays. There is no question we should win. But I have been through too many seasons where the preseason hype did not live up to expectations. I do believe Kill is one of the better coaches the Gophers have had in a long time, but it is still going to be a fight to get a W on Thursday, IMO.

Reusse's weight is slip slidin' away as a target for his GopherHole critics. He has lost over100 pounds in the last 12 months. Reusse now weighs in around 240. More to come.
Good for him. He probably ripped the piss out of Limegrover for having the surgery and then turned right around and had it himself. Sloths aren't typically fat. They are lazy and lack effort, as does this and nearly every column Reusse writes that isn't about townball.

Good for him. He probably ripped the piss out of Limegrover for having the surgery and then turned right around and had it himself. Sloths aren't typically fat. They are lazy and lack effort, as does this and nearly every column Reusse writes that isn't about townball.
It's by way of a diet, believe it or not. I suppose if you're able to beat alcoholism, foodism might not be as bad.

We should all just thank this he has given the UNLV program some great bulletin board material. Somehow, I think
that was his intention with this all along....

No doubt. The Runnin' Rebs will have this read to them before kick-off and be filled with rage! On Friday, we will all be wondering what happened, lamenting what could have been if our media were only more supportive... Honestly, it's one thing if he gives Wisconsin billboard material, but give me a break. Will we really whine about anything?

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