It's "Walk like an Egyptian", Gramps.
Back-off. That song was written in 1986. OOG was already in his 70's by then.
I did note this though: "
Yesterday I promised I would not be back (writing) for 2 months. Broke my promise. " I had really hoped he would have had more willpower then that.
Reusse's column is pretty accurate. He's to easy on Wild fan's but TV numbers show there's not any of them anyway. He's wrong about the vast number of Gopher fans who embraced Brewster from Day 1 but he knows that. Mr.Brewster was the anti-Mason so there is that. Heck, I was all for Mason's extension but his behavior that last year was beyond bizarre, as has been outlined around here again and again and again. He fired himself.
The problem with Pat's premise is hardly anybody knew who Brewster was when he was hired.

No, Patrick is still smarting from the negative reaction to his report ripping Brewster on his very first day! Why, because of a speech. He wanted Brewster to say that it's never going to get any better for the Gophers' and Brewster, wanting to actually recruit some
kids, talked about going to the Rose Bowl. Go figure.
Pat's complaint about "demanding apologies" after 7-1 start is pretty rich to those of us who heard him
on the radio say back then, that maybe he was
wrong, maybe Brewster WAS who he appears to be. Brewster's record from that point on certainly justified Pat's position, the problem he still can't get over the butt-whipping he took for being a doshusbag on that first day.
Much like the heat he took for his girl's basketball column, Pat couldn't handle it, but he learned his lesson. His comments about the Skyline kids, criminals, admissions department at the U and after that 7-1 start were made on the
radio, not in the paper. Gutless for sure, but clever and much safer for Pat. Matter of fact he made a point of saying that "you could check the papers" because he never
wrote those things.
Brewster apparently really got under Pat's skin. Now Pat will say that he doesn't CARE about that kind of thing. It sure looks like he does :
You can read the papers!
The rest of the stuff he wrote here is true. I only hope no one writes in to complain or clicks on the link. The response here is predictable. Heck, I supported and hoped that Brewster would make up until the NIU game last year.I just didn't want to go through the "learning process"all over again. Looking back, Brewster's decision to sign that "
extension", with it's lowered buyout clause makes me think that he gave up too.
Brewster lost two or three games trying to prove a point, one over a two point conversion, in that 1-11 year. Kill lost the game last week trying to prove that the O-Line could get a yard, rather then sneaking the ball. That's enough.
If you were skeptical from the beginning, fine. Tim B. had NO track record, But please, spare us the "
I KNEW FROM THE NEWS CONFERENCE that Brewster would be a failure. Based on what, the "rah, rah" approach had never worked in
college? Or did you want to hear what Pat wanted to hear "You Gopher fans are LOSERS! We're NEVER going to win around here!"
Wonder who would have got the letters and e-mails then?