Reusse column: P.T. Barnum would love U football fans

Pat apparently does not understand sports fans and has an unrealistic hate for the Gophers and their fans.
I get that people get super PO'd by his constant Gopher/Gopher fan bashing, but c'mon...Pat understands sports fans VERY well. Which is why he writes the way he does. His schtick is to troll fan bases for attention while penning the occasional "Little League player with broken pinkie toe sees dreams of meeting Mr. Mauer come true on the day his granddaddy died 20 years ago from a stroke" type mush piece.

Yesterday I promised I would not be back (writing) for 2 months. Broke my promise.

This guy is so spot on. It is funny and oh, so true. I especially find the posts here to be an example of mass hysteria on a daily basis. Group think is enforced by a cabal of loopy enthusiasts who can only see through the optics of faith. Reason is often expressed in the "I know more than you" fashion and seems reasonable on its factual basis, except it isn't about the program, but the poster. So, reason rarely finds a fertile home when the righteous are patrolling the boards like little mullahs and short-thuggish tyrants. Like wolves they circle the unfaithful, who don't see the 8-4 record or the 10-2. For that matter, the little fish will join the hunt when they see a 3 win prediction or less.

The troll hunters, which I think are former snipe hunters, roam the web looking for the unwelcome non-Gopher, often non-Gophers themselves. Their xenophobia can only be framed by their loathing of anything non-Gopher Hole approved, as if this site actually has a credo. For some reason the Bangle's come to mind in Rock Like an Egyptian... Rock Like a Holer.... except not quite as fun as the Bangles.
I can't take this post seriously as it does not reference WWII.

I get that people get super PO'd by his constant Gopher/Gopher fan bashing, but c'mon...Pat understands sports fans VERY well. Which is why he writes the way he does. His schtick is to troll fan bases for attention while penning the occasional "Little League player with broken pinkie toe sees dreams of meeting Mr. Mauer come true on the day his granddaddy died 20 years ago from a stroke" type mush piece.

I agree. It's called entertainment folks. Reusse entertains readers and listeners every day.

Call me a dillusional 20-something or whatever you want, but I'll still be cheering for the Gophers 50 years from now no matter how they do.

Sports fans have never been rational and I never hope they become that way. It would lose a lot of the magic that makes it what it is today.

GoAUpher- the little leaguer thing is right on. hilarious!

I'll be heading home to Madison next weekend for some ribbing from my family. gonna get a gyro at the Mobil station on Verona Rd. Probably pick apples at Epplegarten.

One more thing: Reusse may be a downer but his overall point is not far off base.

GoAUpher- the little leaguer thing is right on. hilarious!

I'll be heading home to Madison next weekend for some ribbing from my family. gonna get a gyro at the Mobil station on Verona Rd. Probably pick apples at Epplegarten.
Thanks. :)

I can't place that Mobil station. I live on the north side so I get my gyros from the Athens counter at the Shell up in Westport. At least you won't have to deal with quite as many Badger fans since it's not a home game this weekend.

Turnabout is fair play. Reusse gave his take on the Minnesota Gopher Fan-Base, how about we talk about the Patrick Reusse Fan-Base. Here's my take:

One word: Bitter.

It's easier to be pessimistic because when times get tough you can smugly say, "I told you so". I don't know what happened to Pat (the Pied Piper of Pessimism), but I think it might go back to his childhood. Perhaps he didn't get that pedal car for Christmas that he so desperately wished for. Or perhaps one of the hotties from Fulda caught his eye and he struck out on a prom date. In any sense, he feels the need to spread his grumpiness to anyone that will listen. He attracts a 60+ age group, cynical about everything, that could star in Grumpy Old Men Part 3. These people don't see the glass half empty, they can't even see the glass without their readers.

They claim to be fans of Minnesota sports, but they meerly want to rain on everyone's parade and label those that fans that follow as delusioned dreamers who will take the bait; hook, line, and sinker. They speak of the "good old days" like it was yesterday and live life looking back rather than looking forward. They're not hopeful, they're hopeless thinking that they're realistic (and worse yet)....wise.

No, I never want to be part of this hopeless group of negativity.

I cheered on Mason as he brought us out of the perpetually cellar and raised us up to mediocrity. I cheered on Brewster as he had a vision for the team to be great while failing miserably at leadership. I will cheer on Jerry Kill as he brings to the Gophers disicpline, experience, and a track record.

I saw the humanity of Coach Kill last Saturday as he gave every bit he had to make this team successful. I saw his wife, worried and loving; praying that her husband would get through this once again. He expects the players to leave it all on the field and he modeled it much to the dismay of everyone around.

Count me out of the Pied Piper of Pessimisms Fan Club.

+1. and i will put money on it that 98% of the rubes here on gopherhole who stand up for/support the absolute CRAPTASTIC stuff that reusse writes and says are age 50+. you know the senior discount/early bird special crowd likes to stick together. AARP now....AARP forever! :p

Call me a dillusional 20-something or whatever you want, but I'll still be cheering for the Gophers 50 years from now no matter how they do.

Sports fans have never been rational and I never hope they become that way. It would lose a lot of the magic that makes it what it is today.

I think most sports fans, including myself, are more nuanced than Reusse gives credit for. Reusse seems to believe that they only way fans get utility from sports is via wins (the most important utility factor), not that they would actually be watching with the understanding that wins may be limited but that they are watching for development or improvement. I am going to watch both the Gophers and the Vikings this year knowing that both teams will likely not be making the postseason but looking for improvement and the who will form the core of a more successful future.
On a related note, whenever I listen to Reusse on the radio athletes are constantly taken aback by his negativity (e.g. Valencia and Robison).

Stole this from the comments on the Strib: "Patrick Reusee has nothing good to say about anything ever. He is a seagull. He comes in, craps on everything and anyone and then flies away to crap on something or someone else."

I think most sports fans, including myself, are more nuanced than Reusse gives credit for.
Which is why Reusse's schtick works so well. It's guaranteed to PO a sizable % of a fanbase all the time (it's just a question of which part of the fanbase is PO'd). It means his stuff is always getting clicks and getting talked about. It's pointless dreck, but you can at least appreciate the high level execution of this type of opinion piece.

Which is why Reusse's schtick works so well. It's guaranteed to PO a sizable % of a fanbase all the time (it's just a question of which part of the fanbase is PO'd). It means his stuff is always getting clicks and getting talked about. It's pointless dreck, but you can at least appreciate the high level execution of this type of opinion piece.
True, it's all about the clicks. The grouchy old guys who call Sunday morning sports shows read his stuff because they love it and the die-hard optimists read it to see what junk he's written, either way people are reading and revenues remain incoming.

Reusse's premise is that fans who continue to support their team even when they aren't doing well are worthy of mockery. Most of us respect people who continue to support their team more than we respect bandwagon fans, Reusse appears to have the opposite view. I don't see how you can agree with his column and continue to support the Gophers - or any other team that isn't doing well. I remember people who became fans of whatever team just won the Super Bowl, perhaps Reusse would crown them ideal fans.

It's "Walk like an Egyptian", Gramps.

Back-off. That song was written in 1986. OOG was already in his 70's by then. :)

I did note this though: "Yesterday I promised I would not be back (writing) for 2 months. Broke my promise. " I had really hoped he would have had more willpower then that. :eek:

Reusse's column is pretty accurate. He's to easy on Wild fan's but TV numbers show there's not any of them anyway. He's wrong about the vast number of Gopher fans who embraced Brewster from Day 1 but he knows that. Mr.Brewster was the anti-Mason so there is that. Heck, I was all for Mason's extension but his behavior that last year was beyond bizarre, as has been outlined around here again and again and again. He fired himself.

The problem with Pat's premise is hardly anybody knew who Brewster was when he was hired.:eek: No, Patrick is still smarting from the negative reaction to his report ripping Brewster on his very first day! Why, because of a speech. He wanted Brewster to say that it's never going to get any better for the Gophers' and Brewster, wanting to actually recruit some kids, talked about going to the Rose Bowl. Go figure.

Pat's complaint about "demanding apologies" after 7-1 start is pretty rich to those of us who heard him on the radio say back then, that maybe he was wrong, maybe Brewster WAS who he appears to be. Brewster's record from that point on certainly justified Pat's position, the problem he still can't get over the butt-whipping he took for being a doshusbag on that first day.

Much like the heat he took for his girl's basketball column, Pat couldn't handle it, but he learned his lesson. His comments about the Skyline kids, criminals, admissions department at the U and after that 7-1 start were made on the radio, not in the paper. Gutless for sure, but clever and much safer for Pat. Matter of fact he made a point of saying that "you could check the papers" because he never wrote those things.

Brewster apparently really got under Pat's skin. Now Pat will say that he doesn't CARE about that kind of thing. It sure looks like he does :

You can read the papers! :clap:

The rest of the stuff he wrote here is true. I only hope no one writes in to complain or clicks on the link. The response here is predictable. Heck, I supported and hoped that Brewster would make up until the NIU game last year.I just didn't want to go through the "learning process"all over again. Looking back, Brewster's decision to sign that "extension", with it's lowered buyout clause makes me think that he gave up too.

Brewster lost two or three games trying to prove a point, one over a two point conversion, in that 1-11 year. Kill lost the game last week trying to prove that the O-Line could get a yard, rather then sneaking the ball. That's enough.

If you were skeptical from the beginning, fine. Tim B. had NO track record, But please, spare us the "I KNEW FROM THE NEWS CONFERENCE that Brewster would be a failure. Based on what, the "rah, rah" approach had never worked in college? Or did you want to hear what Pat wanted to hear "You Gopher fans are LOSERS! We're NEVER going to win around here!"

Wonder who would have got the letters and e-mails then?

Yes, Gopher fans gave Brewster a chance. That's not the part that is in dispute, it's his assertion that Gopher fans are somehow worthy of mockery for having given Brewster a chance. His view is that we should have gotten off the bandwagon, and ceased to be Gopher fans until such time as the Gophers were sufficiently improved to be worthy of support. And he further mocks Gopher fans for supporting Kill.

Reusse's premise is that fans who continue to support their team even when they aren't doing well are worthy of mockery. Most of us respect people who continue to support their team more than we respect bandwagon fans, Reusse appears to have the opposite view. I don't see how you can agree with his column and continue to support the Gophers - or any other team that isn't doing well. I remember people who became fans of whatever team just won the Super Bowl, perhaps Reusse would crown them ideal fans.

I don't take this from this piece at all. This has nothing to with being optimistic about your team and supporting them. This to me is about the delusional fan base which there are plenty when it comes to this football program.

Many had crowned Kill as the savior before he coached a game, predicting wins over Michigan, Illinois, Purdue, Northwestern, Iowa and oh a 50 point blowout of NM State. I can't remember which poster but last year the post was something like "9 wins was a conservative prediction".

Reusee's isn't bashing all fans of the program he is ripping on the delusion of many of them.

I don't see how you can possibly get any other interpretation out of it. He's mocking Gopher fans for being optimistic.

Yes, Gopher fans gave Brewster a chance. That's not the part that is in dispute, it's his assertion that Gopher fans are somehow worthy of mockery for having given Brewster a chance. His view is that we should have gotten off the bandwagon, and ceased to be Gopher fans until such time as the Gophers were sufficiently improved to be worthy of support. And he further mocks Gopher fans for supporting Kill.

Exactly. I was supportive of Brewster initially, although it quickly wore off. What was I supposed to do? Assume that a guy I never met and knew nothing about was the WRONG choice? Folks gave him a chance, he failed, and we moved on. In retrospect Maturi really screwed up, and should be held accountable. There's nothing more to it than that, despite Reussie's desperate, "I told you so" pleas for acknowledgement.

For me Mason created some interest around the program, they started to be successfull, at least well prepared and competitive, they were enjoyable to watch.

Brewster kind of destroyed that.

I wonder if Kill will ever be able to get the program back to where Mason had it.

To be honest, I took Reusse's column to be total sarcasm. I enjoyed it. LMAO and just said, "OK, man!" and had a beer.

To be honest, I took Reusse's column to be total sarcasm. I enjoyed it. LMAO and just said, "OK, man!" and had a beer.
I don't know about total, but I've come to believe that the man writes what he thinks will get the biggest reaction rather than what most closely matches his own feelings. Some times his stuff probably represents what he is thinking to a T. Other times, he might only agree with some of it. Call it a "gift" of his.

I don't know about total, but I've come to believe that the man writes what he thinks will get the biggest reaction rather than what most closely matches his own feelings. Some times his stuff probably represents what he is thinking to a T. Other times, he might only agree with some of it. Call it a "gift" of his.

No kidding. Ask the Ohio University guy!

I love copying and pasting the entire article. No clicks for Reusse from me, thanks. It's truly impressive to watch Reusse at this point push the bounds of laziness and mean-spiritedness. The man has talent, I don't think there's any question of that. But he's realized that anger is easier to stir up than love, and almost as valuable, so he's wasting every last bit of talent. I've been able to do Souhan's job better than he could since I was about twelve, but it's only been in the last few years that I've become confident in saying that I could do Reusse's job better than he does. And lest you think me arrogant, let me hasten to say that 98% of the Minnesota sports blogosphere actually does Reusse's job better than he does, as do about half the posters on Gopherhole. I'm not sure which is sadder: Reusse, the bitter old man with talent who's decided to be a lazy, surly outcast, and hasn't typed out a column worthy of his talent in fifteen years, or; Souhan, the man without any ability to construct a column whatsoever.

Doc, drinkin beer in the A.M.? Ahh you earned it. I am kinda with scools12 on this topic- besides Kill hasn't shown me anything.

big difference between optimism and delusion.

There are two mutually contradictory schools of criticism of Minnesota sports fans. One is that they're fair-weather pansies with no concept of loyalty. The minute their team drops in the standings they turn and run - presumably spending their Sundays/Saturdays going to the theater or looking at the next pretty sports team whose season is about to start. The other (espoused by this column) is that they're peppy deluded optimists who refuse to criticize their teams for any reason. I've heard both criticisms from the Strib.

So which one is it? If you're being honest, the answer is neither. The fact that Vikings games are still sold out every Sunday refutes the first theory. Looking at any comments section on any sports article on the Strib website refutes the second theory. (Bonus points if the headline contains the word "Mauer").

Minnesotans are no different than any other collection of sports fans - and that goes for Gopher football fans, too. I mean, what is this "more" you want us to expect, Patrick? Big-time coaches aren't going to come here. Nobody can be expected to spin *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!# into gold. There are two sane options when a new coach arrives: optimism, and giving up to watch some other team. Those who remain fans choose the former. No sane person would choose eternal despair. Anyone who would is a masochist. It's not that hard to understand.

I had no problem with the 98% of the entire article. It was pretty much dead on the money, pretty accurate with respect to most of the fan bases of all MSP teams.

He blew it with the last comment on the article where he apparently felt the need to close with (essentially) saying:

".... but I don't feel or think that way because "I" am not stupid like the rest of you."

Congratulations, Pat. Congratulations for not being a "sucker" like so many fans of the various sports teams in the country.

I wish I could appreciate your "no risk, no reward" or "nothing invested, nothing lost" approach towards life but I'm afraid it just doesn't work for me. I hope I don't ever get to the point in my life where I'm just numb to everything and just don't care.

So which one is it? If you're being honest, the answer is neither. The fact that Vikings games are still sold out every Sunday refutes the first theory.
I do agree with your general point but your examples also make the mistake of generalizing based off of too small a sample. Vikings selling out only refutes the fairweather claim when it comes to the Vikings. Doesn't speak to MN fans as a whole across all sports.

I didn't read all the responses, and I'm sure someone's already kinda made this point, but I think he literally just described about 80% of all fanbases of virtually every sport in college and professional levels. Any team worth anything has a sector that is delusional about their squad, even in the face of obvious evidence against them. If the team is a perennial loser, then that group sticks out even more cause they sound illogical. But I fail to see this as a negative.

I wouldn't call myself delusional honestly, but yes, I look for positive aspects of my favorite squad before assuming the worst. I gave Brewster his time to get his act together and he never did, and then I was done. Same with Kill now. I'm gonna give him his time, regardless of the hiccups along the way, to prove his worth, give him his few years to figure this thing out. That's because as a fan of this program, I know it is in the best interest of it to win as much as it why would I not hope for the best?

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