Reusse column: Gophs' Huge Challenge to be Worst Ever

In IT for the ∫e ͯ;446211 said:
How is it that when Coach Kill says how bad this team is, he is being to negative, hurting the team, and destroying their confidence and when someone in the media says the same, they are just being realistic and telling it how it is?

NOT saying you are one of the member on GH that is against Coach Kill saying how bad this team is.

I'm surprised this hasn't bee commented on. Some of the same people who are defending Pat for "telling it like it is" are also the ones jumping on Kill for doing the same thing.

I'm surprised this hasn't bee commented on. Some of the same people who are defending Pat for "telling it like it is" are also the ones jumping on Kill for doing the same thing.

bingo! most media tools have a huge double standard when it comes to what you have just said. and you just know the majority of the idiot posters on here who consistently stand up for media whore d-bags like reusse, souhan, barreiro, powers, et. al. are either those guys themselves, work with them/for them, or are pathetic knobs who also work in the dying "traditional" media industry.

Turkey of the year? Donovan's passing wizzard? Or, maybe Joe Mauer, the twinks "25 million dollar a year designated injury guy..." Why not the t-woofers former coach...or their entire team, coaching staff and front office, complete with the owner.

These would all be worthy candidates. It would be hard to top a POTENTIAL winner of the schmuck of the year...badger joel macturi! For his role in running the Gopher Football Program to rock bottom in the Big Ten. For his part in bringing us the failed brewball experiment. For his constantly taking the heat for that prexy b, in exchange for getting to hang on to his job long enough to go "over 10 years" for extra retirement benefits when he SHOULD have been fired when brewster was fired. In general: just for being who he is and what he is and how he has led the revenue sports programs into the crapper.

But, In my very humble estimation, the real turkey buzzard of the year could ONLY be prexy b. He leaves the University of Minnesota a poorer place than when he came into the job. He has constantly raised tuition...lowered a number of the rankings of individual academic departments...squandered the potential positive impact of the STADIUM on the football program and has been the very lamest of lame duck prexy's EVER, in a long line of former lame prexy's at the U of M. He was SO lame, that at the end of June of 2011, he finally left office with a BROKEN LEG! Talk about being "cast" as a lame duck prexy, he basically let the door hit him on the way out. But, not before setting up a golden parachute for his "yes-man" bjm. The HORRIBLE timing of his spur of the moment firings at the VERY worst of times coupled with the fact that he didn't have a CLUE who he would hire to replace the people he fired showed just HOW clueless he was. That prexy b deserves all the scorn and lack of respect he can be shown. Go back and hang out at vandy prexy b. and just go away from the U of M. You should NOT be retained on staff. You have done much more than enough harm to this University.

IF reusse goes any other way for his Thanks Giving bird carcass loser of the year roast, you will know that the rotund reusse has over-dosed on empty calories again.

; 0 )

I don't see how anything can be argued about this article. What do you all expect? Very truthful, painfully truthful.

The program and the administration were really bad during the brewball era that prexy b and badger joel macturi FORCED upon the Football Program. That brewster clown is gone now. prexy b limped out of the U of M just this past June. Unfortunately, badger joel macturi is still on the payroll and still reminds us of the HORRIBLE job he and prexy b did with the Football Program.

reusse is probably correct. This is going to be a very rough...tough...difficult season for the Gopher Football Program...Coach Kill, his staff and all of the players.

But, do you people know what? reusse can't hurt Coach Kill, his staff or the players. reusse can't hurt the U of M Football Program. That prexy b character and his "yes" agent, bjm, and the entire failed brewball experiment have already hurt the Football Program very badly.
Coach Kill and his staff are now evaluating the damage and are reporting same to the U of M's new Chief, prexy k. We don't know what prexy k will do with the information Coach Kill will provide him. Will he act on it in a positive, supportive and constructive manner by ditching the pathetic macturi and by bringing in a "FOOTBALL MAN" as the new AD? Or, will prexy k just kind of "sit there and think about things?"

At any rate, the rotund, old reusse will be the rotund, old reusse that we have always seen around here. How the hell can he do anything to hurt anything? He's ONLY a damn media dude/dudette, and media dudes/dudettes are dime a dozen whacked out, burned out, watered down, dead-ended peons for the syndicated/incorporated,advertising-driven, headed for bankruptcy accidents just waiting to happen media outlets and out-dated newsprint shops. They are literally ted baxters only they aren't as likablely pathetic. They are merely pathetic.

the rotund OLd reusee can't hurt the Gophers. prexy b, their boy brewster and bjm already hurt the Gophers. Things will begin to get better now under Coach Kill and his staff. The players will need to decide if they want to play, if they want to be students and if they want to fight back. The Coach and his staff will gradually be able to bring in players who want to do all three of those things.

But DON'T worry about reusse. He's harmless. IF he's so big and bad and good at what he does, why the hell did he spend his entire life at places like the pp, the strib and 1500 kstp in Minneapolis/St. Paul? No East Coast? No West Coast? No Houston? No Chicago? No LA? No New York? That boy reusse just never got BIG enough...good enough...rough enough...marketable enough. Go ahead and admit's pathetic media material that makes you be even a more committed Gopher Football Fan...He never drove anyone away who didn't want to go away any way.

; 0 )

But, he sure can't hurt the Gophers after what prexy b, that brewball and badger joel macturi did to Gopher Football. Just settle in for the long-haul, take good care of your health and spit in his general direction when the big one smacks reusse down and just never give him another thought.

In the mean while...settle back, hang on to your season tickets and watch as Coach Kill builds us a football program.

I really hate it when I agree with Walrus.

Why bring up Joe Mauer in a Gopher conversation?

Didn't think of Mauer, good call. Since the Twins have been irrelevant this year, I completely forgot about him. At least the Gophs didn't have the expectation of a divisional title on their shoulders. I renege my statement.

He writes "I'm not saying the 2011 Gophers make up as bad a team as the young men from 28 years past." and then goes on to write "I would rate the 2011 Gophers just a tad worse than the '83 team at the moment." This is a blatant contradiction, but it is a few paragraphs, so I guess he can't remember that far.

He says "But forget 84-13; it was over the last six Big Ten games that the '83 Gophers really made their mark."

Really? The first half of 1983:

Gophers 21 at Rice 17
Gophers 13 Nebraska 84
Gophers 20 Purdue 32
Gophers 18 at Ohio State 69
Gophers 31 at Indiana 38
Gophers 17 Wisconsin 56

The second half of 1983:

Gophers 8 at Northwestern 19 21,411
Gophers 10 at Michigan State 34 76,481
Gophers 23 Illinois (6) 50 WCIA-TV 35,514
Gophers 10 Michigan (9) 58 WSTN-TV 40,945
Gophers 10 at Iowa (11) 61 66,160

In the first half of the season, the Gophers had three games where they gave up 50+ points, two games where they gave up 60+ points and one game with 80+ points. In the second half of the season, the Gophers had three games where they have up 50+ points, and one game with 60+ points.

In the first half, the Gophers lost by an average of 20 to 48.3. In the second half, the Gophers lost by an average of 12.2 to 44.4. The Gophers scored 7.8 points less per game on offense in the second half of the season, but gave up 3.9 less points per game.

At this point in 1983, the Gophers had given up scores of 56, 69 and 84 points. The 2011 Gophers have given up just one game of 50+ points thus far this season. If the 1983 Gophers were very lucky, they could have won one more game, in their 11 losses, they were within one score in only one of them.

The column could - and should - have been written that at least the 2011 Gophers aren't as bad as the 1983 Gophers. It's very fashionable to call the 2011 Gophers the worst team ever in college football, but at least he isn't trying that yet. The 2011 Gophers just aren't the worst Gophers team ever. Cold comfort, but they aren't.

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