Reusse: Adversity can fuel emotions of sports teams, but only to a point


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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per Pat:

The expectation is the Minnesota Gophers will be in a frenzied state when they come out of the tunnel before the kickoff to Saturday night’s home football game against Michigan.

Presumably, the Gophers would be worked up anyway, at the opportunity to defeat the Wolverines and maintain the Little Brown Jug in a second consecutive season for the first time since 1963.

The added incentive for leaping and bouncing and helmet-whacking before this kickoff is that Jerry Kill stepped away as the Gophers’ coach this week because of ongoing problems with his epilepsy.

The motivation for the players to go forth with extra intensity against the Wolverines will be to give a highly visible sign to everyone — including an ESPN audience — the degree of admiration that the fellows possess for their former coach.

Go Gophers!!

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