Reusse: AD announcement Tuesday (Maturi to retire?)

I would be completely behind Najarian, I think he would be a brilliant hire. I don't see it happening though, he has too good of a gig going.

Najarian would probably have to take a pay cut and also have his IQ drop by about 100 points as he would become, by definition, the dumbest guy in the state.

I'm for whatever works. If they want to bring in a business guy and then have an athletics guy as the assistant AD, I'd be fine with it as long as their was consistency and progress. Kaler probably has a handle on this because he was at StonyBrook when they moved up in the athletics world.

Didn't they just hire a bean counter as the assistant AD?

I think you're right and I have no problem with Mona being involved with the search. He knows Minnesota and he knows where the landmines are buried in the athletic department.

Keep Mona as far as possible from this search. Remember that he is one of the three stooges along with our former Prez and soon to be former AD.

I'm with others who want an AD with AD experience. Let's not make a Brewster mistake again and hire an AD who means well but is learning on the job.

There are three certainties with this search:

1) Maturi's replacement is presently an AD or associate AD at a Division I university.

2) It will be someone that 99.9% of us have never heard of.

3) There is a 0.1% chance that the new hire will have any affiliation with the U, past or present.

I was serious about Conzemius. A bunch of people on this site always talk about Shalala/Richter/Alvarez. Justin Conzemius is Pat Richter but younger. Alumnus, distinguished playing career, Brand manager who knows how to read a P&L. Will bring a waste elimination mindset - and cut sports which Kaler is prepared to do, and Richter did. And most importantly - would never have hired Tim Brewster.

A search for an AD is very different then a search for a head coach. What makes a great AD? What attributes does the person need to have to help turn around a University athletics department that has been stuck in reverse for a few years now?

...and what Michigan needed was the CEO of a pizza chain. That seems to be working out ok for them. You need a business man in the AD position now days.

SCum has a long tradition of hiring some alum with muchos dinero to be AD. Before the pizza guy it was some guy who owned a bank in Ann Arbor. That's how their stadium wound up looking like a Blockbuster video store. Lots of other pratfalls, too. The contract mess(es) with Dickrod were also in part due to incompetence in the AD's office

Nothing against Najarian. He's done very well for himself, and he's very knowledgable about Wall st. But he has zip, nada, zero experience at running an athletics program. More importantly, he wouldn't have ANY network established with other AD's (both within and outside the BT).

As someone else mentioned, we need someone who's SUCCESSFULLY run a big time athletic program. Not someone who's a candidate due to bleeding maroon, or having made a ton of money in a completely unrelated field. As someone else posted, if we learned only one thing from the Brewster debacle, certain jobs at the U don't lend themselves to OJT. The AD position is one of them.

Great points Mr. Wasteland. This is a different situation than Michigan and I agree that we need a harder-edged guy who is going to control the program top-to-bottom. There are going to be lots of changes made and the last thing we need is a schmoozer. For lack of a better term, we need (in my estimation), a "My Way or the Highway" guy who says please and thank you.

I disagree with getting too focused on prior experience as an AD. I don't know why we would rule out an up and coming associate AD from another major school.

Assuming Maturi is retiring, and knowing what I know of Kaler (secondhand but from numerous sources who have known him well for decades), I trust a good hire will be made for this position.

I nominate Dave St. Peter.

absolutely not. we already tried a former long time becky badger employee in joel maturi in the position. no way do i then want a univ. of north dakota graduate as the next guy in.

and dave st. peter isn't that great, imo. way over-hyped by his media buddies and has completely under-delivered in terms of real post-season success when it comes to the twins. winning one of the 15 division titles that MLB gives out each year isn't as hard to do as it may sound. just saying.

id like to see an someone brought in with big time football ties. an ex coach who under stands just how important football revenue is..

what about someone like Phillip Fullmer... maybe not him, but someone of his stature

absolutely not. we already tried a former long time becky badger employee in joel maturi in the position. no way do i then want a univ. of north dakota graduate as the next guy in.

and dave st. peter isn't that great, imo. way over-hyped by his media buddies and has completely under-delivered in terms of real post-season success when it comes to the twins. winning one of the 15 division titles that MLB gives out each year isn't as hard to do as it may sound. just saying.

I'd appreciate a few division titles for the gophers.

also... college football doesn't give out numerous conference / "division" titles?

I don't know that St Peter would be any good, but these reasons don't tell he wouldn't.

absolutely not. we already tried a former long time becky badger employee in joel maturi in the position. no way do i then want a univ. of north dakota graduate as the next guy in.

and dave st. peter isn't that great, imo. way over-hyped by his media buddies and has completely under-delivered in terms of real post-season success when it comes to the twins. winning one of the 15 division titles that MLB gives out each year isn't as hard to do as it may sound. just saying.

Are you honestly charging Dave St. Peter with the direct wins and losses in MLB post-season? Give me a break. The guy is the team President. I assure you Gardy did not once ask him who to start, and Bill Smith/Terry Ryan did not once ask him who they should sign (involvement in Mauer contract possible exception.)

His job is the overall PR and branding of the team. Target Field is amazing. The team is known as the class organization in town. He has done an excellent job. He has the kind of local connections you would want for fund-raising, etc. I don't know how much say he had in Bill Smith's firing, but it was a swift and surprising. Certainly un-Maturi-like.

As for his being a UND grad, eh. That's not the same as being a Wisconsin grad. I know to puckheads it is, but a high % of UMN grads/fans don't care that deeply about the UND hockey rivalry. In 2 years they won't even be in our conference. It's a total non-issue to 99% of folks.

Are you honestly charging Dave St. Peter with the direct wins and losses in MLB post-season? Give me a break. The guy is the team President. I assure you Gardy did not once ask him who to start, and Bill Smith/Terry Ryan did not once ask him who they should sign (involvement in Mauer contract possible exception.)

His job is the overall PR and branding of the team. Target Field is amazing. The team is known as the class organization in town. He has done an excellent job. He has the kind of local connections you would want for fund-raising, etc. I don't know how much say he had in Bill Smith's firing, but it was a swift and surprising. Certainly un-Maturi-like.

As for his being a UND grad, eh. That's not the same as being a Wisconsin grad. I know to puckheads it is, but a high % of UMN grads/fans don't care that deeply about the UND hockey rivalry. In 2 years they won't even be in our conference. It's a total non-issue to 99% of folks.

Exactly, Dave St. Peter is a great sports executive. If he wanted the job, the search should be over and he should be escorted via limosine to campus as soon as humanly possible. Obviously, he isn't taking a step backwards to take the Gopher AD job, though.

It is getting a little late in the day for an announcement, isn't it? No mention of any press conference, maybe it isn't happening?

Reusse already said his source must have been wrong. He said on the air around 2:40 that his source was a "big, booster type" who would know these things. Reusse then speculated that maybe the booster meant that they were informing Joel today and will announce later.

This is a great example of today's "Twitter journalism." It is a no-risk venture for reporters who have been trained to not "go with something" until it is confirmed by multiple sources. Now, a booster tells Patrick something, he tweets it with little risk. It was a "throw-away" line in his radio show today - "whoops, guess my source was wrong." 15 years ago if he had reported this in the traditional way (in the newspaper) and been wrong, it would have been embarrassing. Now, it is just a simple toss away.

Yeah, seems late now, but I will say just the word getting to Reusse is a good thing. If not today, I don't think it will be too long before we hear more major rumblings and eventually something official.

I would be very, very surprised of a booster knew of the decision before Maturi knew. That just isn't at all credible. Maturi will know before Reusse knows.

Exactly, Dave St. Peter is a great sports executive. If he wanted the job, the search should be over and he should be escorted via limosine to campus as soon as humanly possible. Obviously, he isn't taking a step backwards to take the Gopher AD job, though.

Sadly this is probably true. But you never know. Being a Division I AD is certainly more high-profile and hands on. A much higher % of Gopher fans know who Joel Maturi is than Twins fans know who Dave St. Peter is.

Sadly this is probably true. But you never know. Being a Division I AD is certainly more high-profile and hands on. A much higher % of Gopher fans know who Joel Maturi is than Twins fans know who Dave St. Peter is.

True, but I think in the sports management/sports business executive world:

Prez of MLB team > AD of NCAA team

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