Respectfully curious


Jun 1, 2009
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Coach Fleck mentioned the closeness and importance of his family (wife and kids), and that they will be ever-present around the program. That said, it made me wonder about there situation logistically and how difficult a decision to move her to MN would be for them. It's my understanding that Fleck just married his current wife Heather in early 2016? That one of their children is her biological son (not Fleck's), and that the other children are Fleck's biological children and not Heather's (please correct me if I'm wrong). As someone who is re-married to a wonderful 2nd wife (both my wife and I have previous spouses with whom we had biological children, but those spouses are both deceased), I know how difficult blended families can be and the extra challenges this presents. Does anyone know if both PJ and Heather can live here in MN fulltime with all the kids, or will the kids have custody with a biological parent back in MI (or elsewhere), and/or require Heather to split-time in MN and MI, or often have to shuttle the kids for visitations?

Curious because it simply would really complicate their social/family life, and it would seem to be an additional obstacle which may have made Fleck previously reluctant to leave WMU, and also made his personal sacrifice to come to MN greater.

Definitely curious myself. I am sure more information will find its way to fans as Fleck starts to get to know people, media, etc in Minnesota.

And while I am in no position ask anything of anyone on this board, I would genuinely ask everyone to model their posts in the same respectful tone as gopherfield's. Let's not be the fanbase that starts to speculate about his kids. This is the kind of thread that could spiral a bit and give Gopher fans a bad name.

Off my soapbox.


I don't think PJ would have talked about her and the kids being around the program if they weren't moving to Minnesota. And frankly, I don't think PJ would have taken the job if she couldn't come.

I avoided family law like the plague. I couldn't envision myself writing a legal brief on who gets a sofa or not. I always hear people ask lawyers, could you do criminal law? Most of them say yes. If you asked the same people, could you ever do family law? Um. . . no. It's too depressing, sad, and vindictive, even for lawyers.

As to the point, yes, they can both come. They do have to work out some sort of different custody arrangement. It's usually something like the non-custodial parents getting longer (but less frequent) visits, arrangements for transporting the kids, etc. In short, yes, that stuff isn't a restriction but you do need to come up with some suitable arrangements.

Likely longer holiday and summer stays with non-custodial parent.

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We don't know their relationships with their ex's and frankly, their is a wide spectrum of what those relationships might be. I'm fine with letting them figure that out privately without speculating about it on a messageboard.

We don't know their relationships with their ex's and frankly, their is a wide spectrum of what those relationships might be. I'm fine with letting them figure that out privately without speculating about it on a messageboard.

Agreed. Completely unnecessary thread.

$3.5 million helps with the transition from MI to MN. For all we know Fleck's ex-wife makes it to MN.

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