Reporter rips Gophers, says fans should watch NDSU

Just trying to make the point that some (not all) Gopher Hole posters just seem to react reflexively whenever NDSU is brought up. Yes, some of their fans are arrogant. (but, if the Gophers won - say - 5 consecutive West Div titles or god forbid, 5 consecutive B1G titles, I suspect some of the Gopher Hole gang might come off as a touch arrogant, too.)

Same thing with the Wisconsin bashing.

bottom line- the Gophers need to take care of the Gophers and not worry about what other programs are doing. If NDSU has a good season, that does not or should not reflect poorly on the Gophers. (except in the minds of certain fans).

My bashing the embarrassment of Wisconsin has nothing to do with football.

We should hear him out. He writes for a legitimate news organization, ABC..

BarnBoy is handed a note

Wait, I've just been told it's ABC Newspapers, not ABC.

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The Anoka County UnionHerald, Blaine/Spring Lake Park Life and The Anoka County Shopper (ABC Newspapers)

Guys.....this is big time stuff and the author is a well known something. We should be worried considering his reach.

I should submit my article about how hair plugs inflitrate your brain and make you an NDSU fan. ABC newspapers might publish it.

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