Replace Brew?....How is your patience?


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Nov 26, 2008
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The discussion of replacing Brew during this season, or after the season, has been thrown around ad nauseum on this forum, but to those who want, or have Brewster gone during or after the season, I ask...... "How long are you willing to wait for the next coach to develop the top flight program that we all want"?
The best answer might be until we get the right coach!

OK.....How many coaches have done it in one year? two years? three years? And at Minnesota?
I would agree, all things considered, if a coach is not showing marked improvement in a program after four years the program needs to go in another direction. We all realize it is the the culture of big time football. It is reality. It is sometimes necessary.

Former coach Gary Denardo (Big Ten Network) says a coach needs 5 years to have all his players in place.

So....from one of us who have watched the revolving door of coaches come in to coach at Minnesota, the question is (especially for those newer to the program) many years are you willing to wait for the next coach to develop the top flight team that we want?
Do you have the patience?

I do not want to start over on a new five year plan. Brewster needs two more years to see his recruits become fourth and fifth year players.

Exactly. To be honest, I loved how we played on Saturday. Against a physically and far more talented competition, we held our own and even gave me a sense that we could pull out the W after McKnight's TD catch. If not for the kick return TD right after and for the face mask, we would have been in the game the whole second half. This game got me very excited for the beginning on the B10 season to see what we can do. It's a young, inexperienced team and I think people should give Brew at least until the end of next season. Beal, the LB transfer from FL, has got me pumped up to see what he can do next season. Also, when we are trying to make our program better by recruiting players and bringing them to games, why should we chant "Fire Brewster" constantly? It's not what's good for the program.

Is it really a question of how long we are willing to wait for a coach to develop a top flight team? I'd willingly give Brew another year or two if there were clear signs he was making progress towards that goal, but, despite him again saying this morning, "we're doing everything right," I just don't see it. I think waiting five years for a terrific program makes sense, but in four years you need to be at least competitive and not finding moral victories about still being close to USC in the third quarter. No question if Brewster stays, the team will be better next year, but I'd rather restart that five year clock with someone who offers more than a thin ray of hope.

Is it really a question of how long we are willing to wait for a coach to develop a top flight team? I'd willingly give Brew another year or two if there were clear signs he was making progress towards that goal, but, despite him again saying this morning, "we're doing everything right," I just don't see it. I think waiting five years for a terrific program makes sense, but in four years you need to be at least competitive and not finding moral victories about still being close to USC in the third quarter. No question if Brewster stays, the team will be better next year, but I'd rather restart that five year clock with someone who offers more than a thin ray of hope.

Exactly. Improvement in a football program is gradual. If this team were progressing towards becoming a top-flight program, by year four we would see indications of it both on the field and in the record. I don't see these things.

Wacker got five years. Salem got five years. Was it really worth keeping them around for that fifth year?

Brewster is still not a coach. I'm all for letting coaches get their time to prove themselves, but he never was and still is not a coach.

Maybe if Brewster was a little more honest as well.

How can Brewster really say that this team is "Light years ahead from where he took over 4 years ago?"

Light years ahead of a 1-11 season maybe, but don't forget he inherited a team from Mason that went to a bowl game the year before.

Its not just Brewster's coaching, what about his leadership? He needs a big money OC to run the spread and brings in Dunbar, fires him (against the advice of the Athletic Department) and continually shifts around his other coaches.

We can't expect the team to ever make legitimate steps forward if there is no consistency within the program. With that said firing Brewster would not help that consistency, but it would be a chance to hit the reset button with someone who knows what identity he wants for his offense and doesn't spew everything fans want to hear in an attempt to keep them complacent.

Exactly. Improvement in a football program is gradual. If this team were progressing towards becoming a top-flight program, by year four we would see indications of it both on the field and in the record. I don't see these things.

Wacker got five years. Salem got five years. Was it really worth keeping them around for that fifth year?

You and Duluthguy hit it! Based on his record thus far he hasn't even come close to what Mason did if you compare quality wins. I have wanted every coach that has been here to succeed but Brewster has to get some quality conference wins this year, at least 2 to keep his job for another year.

Exactly. Improvement in a football program is gradual. If this team were progressing towards becoming a top-flight program, by year four we would see indications of it both on the field and in the record. I don't see these things.

What indications should you see?

QUOTE=SonOfTheVarsity;262392]Wacker got five years. Salem got five years. Was it really worth keeping them around for that fifth year?[/QUOTE]

On the other hand, was it worth it for Arizona to keep Mike Stoops around for a fifth year?

He inherited the exact same team?

Plinnius...I respect your take on things a lot....I missed if you gave your take on how things should go if Brewster were to be canned. What do you think?


Nobody expected Brewster to be an unbelievable coach, so to me that is not the main reason I think he should be gone.

To me Brewster needs to go because the reason he was hired in the first place was his recruiting - and other than MarQueis Gray I don't see the type of player that is athletically different from previous regimes.

But, let's say. however, you think the overall talent level HAS improved slightly. With his coaching ability even slightly better players have so far to not proven to be enough to even show signs that we can compete with upper level teams, so to me enough is enough.

My problem with Brewster is he was put here to Recruit Talent & even though you can say he has upgraded the talent level even slightly it does not show up on the field. I don't see a position where he has a more talented player then the Mason Era...maybe on Defense but even that is debatable...

He inherited the exact same team?

Both Decker and Weber wern't Brewster's recruits. A new coach doesn't cut everyone and bring in an entire new roster when they take over. At least I hope not.

Maybe two bigger stars were gone in Brian Cupido and Ernie Wheelright.

What indications should you see?

QUOTE=SonOfTheVarsity;262392]Wacker got five years. Salem got five years. Was it really worth keeping them around for that fifth year?

On the other hand, was it worth it for Arizona to keep Mike Stoops around for a fifth year?[/QUOTE]

As far as indications are concerned, a couple quick ones. Taking care of business against an inferior team. We haven't done that. A couple of good, signature wins. We haven't done that yet. We have some chances to do that this year still, but at this point I'm not sure we can. And I'd like to just have a general sense of direction or a strong identity. For example, Michigan has had struggled under Rodriguez. But he stuck with the quick spread style, and it looks like they may be turning it around this year with Robinson (and if they don't, he'll be gone). There's that commitment to that particular style. We've shuffled through coordinators and identities, and I'm not confident that we have any solid direction. Rodriguez struggled but stuck to his guns. Brewster has wavered and has failed, in four years, to establish an identity (and I'm not sold on this pound the rock identity--not as long as Gray is the quarterback in waiting).

And since this was his first head coaching job, I'd like to see some signs that he is improving as a coach. Having his team show up ready to play every Saturday. Making solid in-game adjustments (I don't think he has, although it could be up for debate). Bringing in and, more importantly, developing talent (and I think that USC game showed that we are not where we need to be, talent-wise, to take a step to the next level.)

As far as Stoops is concerned, I guess that's a fair point. But Stoops inherited a worse program that hadn't been to a bowl game since 1998 when he took over. Brewster took over a consistent bowl team and has at best treaded water. And I'd bet we could find a list of coaches in similar circumstances who have been given the fifth year; some would have been successful, others not. And in the end none of it really matters when we're considering Brewster. His performance, good or bad, speaks for itself at this point. I brought up Wacker and Salem to point out that most Gopher fans wouldn't want to repeat the history of their tenures.

(Sorry about the length. I'm trying not to be so longwinded. I'm not succeeding at this point.)

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