Do they know we are in the Big Ten? I don't know how Big Ten the often repeated mantra: "...row the boat... WE are ELITE..." sounds. At least SKI-U-MAH has some history, but: "...row the boat...SKI-U-MAH..." sounds pretty cheesy. "...and that's another Golden Gopher first down...row the boat SKI-U-MAH..." "...please Mr. Fleck...I don't want to row..."
NOT good...NOT too Big Ten...Pretty much KZOO Western Michigan like if you ask me.
I don't care as much what the BOR does in the privacy of their hallowed chambers ...or...where ever it is they meet...but...our football coach is kind of making me shudder the way he throws around his crazy little "culture club" pharses, words and slogans. Please Mr. Fleck...don't make us be ashamed of what you are bringing here from WMU & KZOO..
Let our Football Team be big, grown up Big Ten representatives. NO MORE MAC for us.
we had to put up with badger joel MAC (turi) for entirely too long. He tried to steal Penn State's cheer by disguising it as "...we ARE Minnesota..." That was shameful enough. Please don't make us look too KZOO...You may have had a good time there and thought you had taken the BIG MAC Conference by storm with all your cute stuff...but, please leave us with SOME dignity my good friend Mr. Fleck. For ALL the money you are being paid, you can come up with some new material, can't you. One mantra does not fit all football teams. Don't just give us an instant replay of all that MAC/KZOO razzel-dazzle...Just wait until all the other Big Ten Stadiums start mocking you and your players with "elite", "Row the boat...
Instead of the axe, the stinking badger will want to cut the goal posts down with an oar or a paddle. You just can't do that stuff to the GOPHER Mr. Fleck. The Horseshoe Crowd will go nuts. In the BIG HOUSE they probably heard rumors about the
culture in KZOO..." East Lansing might have heard about it too. I love to go to watch the GOPHER play in other Big Ten Stadiums...but you are just giving them too much material to play with. Go gently with this "slogan" builds "culture" business. It might get ugly out there around the Big Ten when the Gopher comes to call. Row the boat won't play too well @Kinnick, Evanston, or even out at PSU. College Park in Maryland or any where in Jersey...I fear the only place "row the boat ..." played well was back at dear old WMU...the PRIDE of your KZOO. Better win big @ home or TCF might get a little sarcastic Big Ten Stadiums, the sarcasm, "friendly rivalry" and even hostility is a matter of pride for the home field student sections and fan bases. Those darn students are ALWAYS looking for the NEXT over the top, cutting and rude thing to yell at the "U"...Some times it's even really funny too.