Recruiting not ending on a strong note.......

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Based on the number of posts from HAWGEYE fans the last few months, they aren't worried about us. If you think the Gopher football program has been managed well the last 40 years then you really do have your head buried in the sand.

hahahaha He just deletes his post and tries to cover it with a half-assed put down of Iowa!


What's your take on the situation? If you are capable of saying something other than I'm an Iowa fan. It's OK to ask your mom for help typing.

We rehash this everytime someone starts a thread along these lines. Again, we're happy for you that you decided to pay for some information, but what good does it do to say something mysterious like "big news comin" or "you guys aren't going to like what's about to go down." Honestly, we'll find out when it does. We aren't going to look back and say, "wow, that Gopher was sure cool for letting us know he knows something before we do. I wish I could be best friends with him, then i could get the most up to date insight." Just stop please. If we really wanted to know, we'd have paid the couple bucks a month.


You will indeed find out at some point. The point of the post originally was Brewster has run into some real headwind when it comes to recruiting. I don't what the reasons are, but it's real. If the team struggles next season, just watch what happens to recruiting. He needs to find some positive momentum again, because the facts are he's lost some of positive momentum that was built on the field and on the recruiting front.

"Honestly" you have 25 posts in this site and close to half of them are in this thread.

"Honestly" you chose the name "Gopher" which just screams troll job.

There is no doubt that recruiting has slowed down, but there is also no doubt that, at worst, this will be the 2nd best class to come to Minnesota in the last 15 years. I was hoping Brewster would be able to improve on last years class, so I am somewhat disappointed. The programs momentum has been going the wrong way since Northwestern upset us at the dome....I don't think anyone can disagree with that.

Your initial post had ZERO content, what would make you think it was worth its own thread if you were not just looking to stir up rival fans?

You will indeed find out at some point. The point of the post originally was Brewster has run into some real headwind when it comes to recruiting. I don't what the reasons are, but it's real. If the team struggles next season, just watch what happens to recruiting. He needs to find some positive momentum again, because the facts are he's lost some of positive momentum that was built on the field and on the recruiting front.

In what respect? Unless we lose some of the very good players from this class who have verbally committed, this class looks to be a very good, but not great, class. Each and every player is solid and, while there may not be the load of 4.0 GPA blue-chippers that we'd all like, I'd say that it looks quite satisfactory to me - better than Mason's Maroney class that nearly went to the Rose Bowl, IMO. If we don't get another Rivals 5.7 in this class, I'm still happy with it. These guys are quality players. Will they be a lock to win the Big Ten title because of this class? Of course not. But if we can get some 8, 9, and 10 win seasons out of them, I'd hope that we'd all be very happy. While I want to see a Gopher Rose Bowl someday, I just really want the team to compete and be respected by every other team. I don't see why that can't happen. If Northwestern can go to a nice bowl this year with a team full of low 3* players, then we should be able to do the same with a team full of high 3* players, right? If Zook can keep recruiting after the seasons that he has had, then Brewster should be able to too, especially since he has had a faster start than Zook, right?

Yeah we wanted Carter and McNeal and Richardson. Didn't happen, oh well, congrats to those guys for following their own personal dreams and thanks for at least considering our program. Quit crying and be happy for the nice class we have - it's much better than anything I've seen since my undergraduate years in the early 90's; and from the sounds of it, with the exception of the 2008 class, possibly better than anything since the times of Murray Warmath. In the meantime, enjoy the quality Gopher basketball and hockey teams and put a smile on your face. Then, next year be happy that the team starts playing in a beautiful outdoor on-campus stadium with a view of the Minneapolis skyline. You can start crying about the program again after our first loss, whenever that may happen. I'm sure you won't be the only one.

If I were a betting man I would bet we get ZERO from your list. ZERO. The chances that I'm right are MUCH greater than any chance you will be right. As I said...we'll see and I'll revisit this thread on Feb 5. I promise.

That's ZERO, folks. TWICE. IN CAPS. He MEANS it!

Based on the number of posts from HAWGEYE fans the last few months, they aren't worried about us. If you think the Gopher football program has been managed well the last 40 years then you really do have your head buried in the sand.

I think the winter is getting long for him in Iowa. When the snow is out they can't go pig tipping, basically ruining the top source of fun down in that hell hole.

"Gopher", how bout that hawkeye bball squad???? You gotta get on that board and things going, they are the worst program in the big 10!!!!

Don't hate guy!!!!

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