Recruiting Info


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
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Lots of Gopher recruting news available on the web today, much of it via Ryan James:

Jodan Price and Sherron Dorsey-Walker are both expected to visit the Gophers within the next month or so. Price and Dorsey-Walker are both wings with good size with Price catching the Gophers eye due to his 3 point shooting ability.

Two new PF types on the radar in addition to Taylor who Chris Monter posted an interview with on the front page yesterday:

Nick Barnyard:

Zach Auguste:

Auguste appears to be more highly recruited and James tweets that he just received a Florida offer.

It will be interesting to see if the Gophers have shift their focus away from the C types (Woodbury, Hammons) to PF types or if the Gophers are planning on 3 open scholarships and are looking at Wing/PF/C to fill those spots.

I don't see how center would be recruited ahead of power forward. We're losing Trevor after this year which will only leave us with Andre Ingram at PF and who knows how good Ingram will be. EE and Mo shouldn't be playing PF and I don't think Oto is going to be able to play a lot of PF either.

Per several Twitter sources, Dorsey-Walker has committed to Iowa State. Did he ever make an official visit?

How does a coach that has a national championship on their resume have so much trouble recruiting??

Read the thread, i'm caught up now. So Dorsey-Walker interest dropped after the Wally commit? Still would have been nice to get DW, he can play the 1 and has an NBA-range jump shot, and would have been a good complement to Wally. Did the Gophers back off after the Wally commit or was it DW?

How does a coach that has a national championship on their resume have so much trouble recruiting??
Last year I posted Tubby and company were the laziest recruiters in the Big Ten and FOT/The Real Truth almost blew a valve. Nothing has changed, always last out of the gate.

Last year I posted Tubby and company were the laziest recruiters in the Big Ten and FOT/The Real Truth almost blew a valve. Nothing has changed, always last out of the gate.

Not going to pretend that Tubby and staff are the hardest working recruiters anywhere. But that has nothing to do with Dorsey-Walker. They stopped recruiting him after Wally. They had him lined up to visit before that. All the news we've heard lately has been with "bigs." Clearly that is a higher priority at this time.

Again, I have some issues with Tubby's recruiting at times, but this is a very poor example to prove your agenda.

Last year I posted Tubby and company were the laziest recruiters in the Big Ten and FOT/The Real Truth almost blew a valve. Nothing has changed, always last out of the gate.

No worries Mother Vandelay. I am wondering about this isssue also. Unlike some of the guys around here, I don't blame it on Tubby's staff only. This is a pure speculation but what if:

1. Tubby had the guy who sued him, recruiting for MN since he knew the area very well?
2. Minnesota's campus was more ....... (I have been in many campuses in my life. With exception of Meharry in Nashville, this campus is the worst I have seen)?
3. We had a practice facility?
4. It was not so cold around here?
5. we had a winning season?

There are so many factors these days that are important in recruiting. Again, I do think that this staff can do better but I am not sure how well I would have done if I had their job. What can they do if the player wants to be closer to their family so they decide to play at Purdue?

After all, they have brought in some really good players like RW, TM, RS... Lets see what happens this season. If we have a good season, all of this will be forgotten.

Go Gophers

No worries Mother Vandelay. I am wondering about this isssue also. Unlike some of the guys around here, I don't blame it on Tubby's staff only. This is a pure speculation but what if:

1. Tubby had the guy who sued him, recruiting for MN since he knew the area very well?
2. Minnesota's campus was more ....... (I have been in many campuses in my life. With exception of Meharry in Nashville, this campus is the worst I have seen)?
3. We had a practice facility?
4. It was not so cold around here?
5. we had a winning season?

There are so many factors these days that are important in recruiting. Again, I do think that this staff can do better but I am not sure how well I would have done if I had their job. What can they do if the player wants to be closer to their family so they decide to play at Purdue?

After all, they have brought in some really good players like RW, TM, RS... Lets see what happens this season. If we have a good season, all of this will be forgotten.

Go Gophers

Minnesota has the worst campus you have ever seen? What a joke.

Why is it a joke? A gas station on campus has protection bars on it. Would you see that at madison or WL? Be realistic.

Go Gophers

In the West Bank area.

Go Gophers

The West Bank Area? what do you consider West Bank Area? I am struggling to think of a Gas Station near the West Bank. I would say you are stretching your claim a bit. Bars on a window within walking distance of campus?!? Oh boy better get the pepper spay!

The West Bank Area? what do you consider West Bank Area? I am struggling to think of a Gas Station near the West Bank. I would say you are stretching your claim a bit. Bars on a window within walking distance of campus?!? Oh boy better get the pepper spay!

Riverside and 94/Riverside and Franklin. I think you can call these West Bank gas stations.

Minnesota has the worst campus you have ever seen? What a joke.

As far as Big Ten campuses Minnesota is the equal of Madison, Ann Arbor and State College campuses easily. Those are the only ones I have been on.

Gopher vs. Madison Campus

I have been a Gopher fan my entire life, but lived in Madison for 2 years. I have spent time on both campuses and Madison would be extremely attractive to any new recruit. The lakes and facilities at Madison make for really tough competition.

We're #50, in most beautiful campuses, according to this:

Some rankings for our neighbors:

#29 - Wisconsin
#27 - Northwestern
#15 - Indiana

No mention of the Iowa schools - The Iowa City campus is much worse than the U, in my opinion...Iowa St. is a very nice campus, kinda surprised they're not on the list.

The U campus is a great campus - the real downside to the U, as opposed to those mentioned above, might be that the U is more of a commuter school, as opposed to a college town. To each his own, i guess


I don't see how center would be recruited ahead of power forward. We're losing Trevor after this year which will only leave us with Andre Ingram at PF and who knows how good Ingram will be. EE and Mo shouldn't be playing PF and I don't think Oto is going to be able to play a lot of PF either.

I agree on EE and Mo not playing pf, but I see Otto actually guarding pf more than small forwards. Offensively he looks the part of a sf, but I doubt he could guard a wing on the perimeter. He's 6'8" 220, so he could use a little more strength but the size is fine for a first year player. About 20 lbs heavier than Bauer started out as. It all comes down to matchups I guess. I saw 6'5"220lb David Lighty playing pf for ohio st plenty of times.

I grew up in Madison and went to Minnesota (obviously) and I'd have to say they are pretty equal and also two of the nicest campuses I've ever been to. Bloomington is nice, a lot like Madison but more of a poor man's Madison. Ann Arbor is really overrated, Champaign is nothing special. Michigan State is probably one of the worst in the conference. I've never been to Iowa's but I can't imagine it's as nice as Minnesota or Wisconsin's. Haven't been to the rest of the Big Ten's campuses. I've been to U$C, Kentucky, Marquette (I live on their campus right now and there are gas stations within walking distance of campus with bars on windows), Gonzaga, and a few others and none of them are as nice as Minnesota or Madison. When comparing Wisconsin and Minnesota, yeah Wisconsin has the lakes and the union on the lake, but I think Minnesota has more interesting architecture and a more interesting layout than Wisconsin. Both are among the best I've ever been to though and I've had a ton of fun on both campuses.

Why is it a joke? A gas station on campus has protection bars on it. Would you see that at madison or WL? Be realistic.

Go Gophers

If you are referring to the gas station that I think you are, I believe it's wildly inaccurate to refer to that as "campus". In fact, there's a whole separate college in between West Bank and that area (Augsburg). I've been to that gas station and are dozens of times, at varying times of day, and even by my standards (growing up and living in the suburbs my whole life) it's hardly threatening or shady looking. I'd grant you that yes, it's an older area, but protection bars are all over gas stations all over the country. I don't think that area is particularly damning to the overall image of campus at all.

To your other point about campus being less impressive thatn some (paraphrase), I will grant you that much. I've been to many campuses and the U's campus isn't full of green space and scenary like some of the smaller campuses I've been on. I did tour Madison and Iowa City and I personally think that Madison and the U are pretty comparable. You know you're in a city in both of them. Truthfully, I really liked Iowa's campus (probably best of the three, just for aesthetics). But you are comparing apples to apples because they're very similar in the grand scheme of college campuses. If you want to see a pretty campus, you should make a point to see Notre Dame. Absolutely gorgeous. But, obviously this is all just my opinion and you are entitled to yours as well.

Are we really rehashing this conversation regarding town versus metro...yadda yadda yadda. What's next, Mason versus Brewster?

I'll take Mason, Teams were never great but at least they were mediocre,

I hated Mason at the time he got fired but I mean how could you ever take Brewster over him? Brewster was 0-12 in trophy games and only wen to one bowl game. Plus he wasted the opening of our new stadium.

Mason was a better coach than recruiter. Brewster was unproven at BOTH and it shows, particularily now. Kill has both skills and we all need to relax and give him time. Anyone who thought they were going to magically beat all the teams that have given us fits before just because Kill was coaching are not being realistic.

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