Recruit numbers

What I was trying to say

It appears that my comments on recruiting and scholarship numbers evoked a great deal of passion and misunderstanding as to what I was trying to say. I have no desire to do a dpodoll rebuttal to the many misunderstandings and errors made as to what I was trying to point out. Instead I will try again to make it clearer. Hopefully the follow comments will do that.

The main point I was trying to make is that the number of scholarships available is a moving target because of all the variables that affect it. It is very unlikely the coaches will be able to predict exactly how this will play out. Coach Kill pointed this out again today on The Sports Huddle. The coaches’ challenge therefore is to come up with their best assessment and then implement a plan that allow for contingencies for the unforeseen. My disagreement with some of you is not that they don’t know a great more than we do, but that they don’t know as much as people think they do. This especially true for those events between now and fall camp that will effect the number of scholarships available. A good example of this is that it wasn’t too long ago coach Kill had all of you believing that there would mass academic causalities. How accurate was that?

I actually have a great deal of confidence in Coach Kill to manage this process. I appears to me Coach Kill wants to error on the high side and will then use gray shirts to solve any over signing if that occurs. Gray shirts will lead to a whole new set of issues and challenges, but this can be discussed later when it becomes clearer as to how many scholarships will be available because of it.

Lastly, it should be fun to see how all this plays out on Wednesday. I will definitely keep a low profile at the social so check your guns at the door.:)

P.S. If I get my courage up, it might be interesting to discuss how much the coaches are likely to expand the play book this spring and fall. I think that this factor could be important plus in our success in 2012.

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