Reasons Dredrick Snelson Should Come to Minnesota

Immediate impact...... Ummmm, and the above.

Because it is not creepy that a bunch of middle-age and older men are spending more time trying to convince a 17-year old kid to play football at their school then they did wooing their wife/gf/partner/etc.

Mitch Leidner is a very solid passer and Snelson could jump right in for KJ Maye.

Isn't he 100% committed? I thought he was a lock!?!

Wasn't it his mother that was a nurse that would move to Minnesota for a job with him? My memory is foggy.

My biggest reason is at the real U he would be BMOC. Yes, that's right! Big Man On Campus. The heir apparent to KJ Maye. At Miami he is just another WR competing for 1 - 2 passes per game. At the real U he is the "go too" receiver. That's a huge difference. The biggest challenge he is probably facing is pressure from family and friends to stay close to home rather than chase his dream to the NFL.

When I was a young man many years ago I was faced with a similar decision. I choose to go to where I felt I had the best opportunity rather than settle for less and stay close to home. I have never regretted that decision but Snelson needs to do what he feels is in his own best interest.

1) he would get little playing time at Miami
2) Minnesota is a better college
3)more exposure at mn

Some of you have apparently never been to Miami Beach. Anyways, as to why would a WR pick Minnesota? Well, Larry Fitzgerald and his crew of NFL WR's regularly practice at the U in the summers.

Why would he get so little run at Miami? Silly.

Why would he get so little run at Miami? Silly.

I may have misunderstood your question but looking at Depth Charts and WR recruits the chance of being the "go too" receiver at Minnesota would be much greater than his chance to be the "go too" receiver at Miami. This is a big deal if his goal is to eventually play at the next level.

We're graduating the nation's leading college receiver -- we'll miss you Peter Mortell -- even if your average reception was only 7 yards.

Seth Green!

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Pesky invasive Pythons can't survive our sub zero temperatures. Can Miami say that? Hmm? Hmm?

Minnesota has more Big Ten titles than Wisconsin or Iowa. What's your ****ing point?
Going to go out on a limb here and assume he meant those teams are farther along than us.

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August Practice in Miami: 95 degree temp + 95 percent humidity = misery and heatstroke
August Practice in Minnesota: 78 degree temp + 45 percent humidity = perfect

If the twins end up at Maryland, he can show them up and laugh all four years ('16-'19) at the U's superiority. They betrayed Snelson, he's upset: what better revenge than torching them 4 straight years!!!!!

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