Ranking the Big Ten's Football Rosters for 2014 - Gophers Ranked 13 of 14

While there is correlation between recruiting rankings and wins there are plenty of exceptions to the rule and the preseason rankings are almost always way off at the end of the season.

Athlons preseason mags are ok for finding out roster changes, other nuts and bolts but all the prognostications in all the different media have gotten silly.

It's like The Dismal Science, economics. Driving by looking in the rear view mirror. And equally bad at the crystal ball stuff.

None of us know what will happen this coming season. It's fun to conjecture but at the end of the day we just don't know the dice will fall.

Typical Athlon garbage. Gary Andersen is a fantastic coach?

Michigan State #5? They must not be paying much attention to the last 5 years.

Same old stuff. The more stars your recruits have, the higher your ranking. What actually happens on the field is irrelevant.

Michigan State #5? They must not be paying much attention to the last 5 years.

Same old stuff. The more stars your recruits have, the higher your ranking. What actually happens on the field is irrelevant.

I have been observing that...AND...saying that very same thing for years about the "stars" and the fantasy recruiting crap. MSU's Coach IS the real deal. Fantasy High School Recruiting might work well for the Ohio State, FSU USC and a few other places, but MSU gives every college football program's fans "hope..."

Watching MSU close out their season last year was a thing of beauty! I don't think I would totally count them out in 2014. They have some good players. They coach them up. AND, they have a mental toughness that can not be ignored.

Placing Rutgers and Maryland in the top half of the conference?

Lordy, no wonder people consider recruiting rankings a joke.

I have been observing that...AND...saying that very same thing for years about the "stars" and the fantasy recruiting crap. MSU's Coach IS the real deal. Fantasy High School Recruiting might work well for the Ohio State, FSU USC and a few other places, but MSU gives every college football program's fans "hope..."

Watching MSU close out their season last year was a thing of beauty! I don't think I would totally count them out in 2014. They have some good players. They coach them up. AND, they have a mental toughness that can not be ignored.

wren - You said more with this post than you have said in your past half dozen rambling ones. Repeat after me "Short is better."

I'll take Kill's roster over Illinois, Indiana, Rutgers, and Iowa (that will stir the pot) this coming season hands down. I don't see Nebraska, Wisconsin, Nothwestern, and Maryland having a significantly better roster of players despite their recruiting rankings. Only tOSU, Michigan, MSU, and Penn State would have players that I would look at and swap with some of ours.

Good I like when we are disrespected. Four game winning streak 10 point dogs in all four. All that needs to be said.

Good I like when we are disrespected. Four game winning streak 10 point dogs in all four. All that needs to be said.

other than the team wasn't a 10pt underdog in all 4 games of that winning steak and lost 3 straight to end the season one of those coming in a bowl game as a favorite. does that need to be said?

other than the team wasn't a 10pt underdog in all 4 games of that winning steak and lost 3 straight to end the season one of those coming in a bowl game as a favorite. does that need to be said?

Hey! I like kool-aid! And the experts said we were gonna be last in the B1G before the season started and they were very wrong about that.

I bet our lowly ranked roster will prove them wrong again!

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