rand writes about brew and twitter

Brew was God's gift to radio in this town with the cliche one liners he supplied over his short time here.

The first comment pretty much sums up my feelings on this:

Good for him. Surprised it took so long. Sounds like you were just begging for it so you could write a column about it.

I'm shocked he hasn't blocked me. I probably hate him the most (and yes, I really mean hate, not like the Iowa chant) and make fun of him all the time. not blocked by Brew.JPG

I have a really nice photo of my wife at the spring game at St. Thomas that Tim photo bombed. It is pretty cool.

He is two coaches in the past now. Leave him alone.

Brewster blocked me after I asked him how I could dress up as him for Halloween.

I'm shocked he hasn't blocked me. I probably hate him the most (and yes, I really mean hate, not like the Iowa chant) and make fun of him all the time. View attachment 3935

How can you hate a former coach of your team who tried his hardest, ran a clean program, and just wasn't good enough? I generally reserve my hate for terrorists and child molesters and not for underachieving football coaches, but perhaps that's just me.

How can you hate a former coach of your team who tried his hardest, ran a clean program, and just wasn't good enough? I generally reserve my hate for terrorists and child molesters and not for underachieving football coaches, but perhaps that's just me.

How are you related to Brew?

How can you hate a former coach of your team who tried his hardest, ran a clean program, and just wasn't good enough? I generally reserve my hate for terrorists and child molesters and not for underachieving football coaches, but perhaps that's just me.

Why don't you hate murderers and rapists?

Not to interject, but I too, do not feel any hatred towards brew. I will always remember him as the guy who made me believe we could be relevant again. Dream big. And now we are once again headed towards being irrelevant. Sucks.

This is quite the reversal. Brewster is blocking people now instead of female sport reporters among others having to block his calls.

How can you hate a former coach of your team who tried his hardest, ran a clean program, and just wasn't good enough? I generally reserve my hate for terrorists and child molesters and not for underachieving football coaches, but perhaps that's just me.

This. The guy came here, gave everything he had to the program, and fell short. Let's put the Brewster punchlines to bed.

How can you hate a former coach of your team who tried his hardest, ran a clean program, and just wasn't good enough? I generally reserve my hate for terrorists and child molesters and not for underachieving football coaches, but perhaps that's just me.

Is this a joke? You did know that several of his players were not going to class?

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So Brewster plays along with Rand's games while he's head coach of Minnesota, and then when he is relegated to taking a Wide Receiver coach position at Mississippi State, Rand decides to mock him. Now Brewster has blocked him on Twitter and he thinks that is somehow news. I am no fan of Glen Mason, but I wouldn't dream of @'ing him on Twitter and mocking his befuddled looks on the sidelines or his "recruiting" his last few years on the job. Remember when Glen actively campaigned for the Ohio State job WHILE HEAD COACH AT MINNESOTA and the Northwestern coach at the time called him out on it?

No need to go out of your way to mock somebody. Tim Brewster will likely never get another shot to be a head coach at a power 5 school. His dream is over and he'll likely be a position coach for as long as he has the desire to do so. Those that "hate" they guy already won. No need to twist the knife any further.

How can you hate a former coach of your team who tried his hardest, ran a clean program, and just wasn't good enough? I generally reserve my hate for terrorists and child molesters and not for underachieving football coaches, but perhaps that's just me.

Agreed, seems very strange to hate Brewster. The guy failed, and is easy to mock. But by all accounts he tried his best and simply wasn't up to the job.

Agreed, seems very strange to hate Brewster. The guy failed, and is easy to mock. But by all accounts he tried his best and simply wasn't up to the job.

I bet the guy DOES get another Power 5 job. Presumably, he is learning now.

Is this a joke? You did know that several of his players were not going to class?


"The University of Minnesota football team has set a program record for its Academic Progress Rate (APR)."

"Gopher Football compiled a 968 APR score, which was an 81-point increase over the previous year. It was the biggest jump of any Gopher program in 2008-09."

"Of the 26 seniors who were on the Minnesota football roster for the 2009 season, 23 have already graduated or are on pace to graduate by this summer. Combined with graduates from the 2007-08 (14-of-16) and 2008-09 (13-of-13) years, this year's numbers would mean that 89 percent of those Gophers who reached their senior year of eligibility left the University of Minnesota with degrees."

"Following the 2008 season, Minnesota tallied 27 Big Ten All-Academic Team members to lead the entire conference. Last season, 22 Gophers were on the Big Ten All-Academic Team, ranking No. 3 in the league."

Oops. What else you got?


"The University of Minnesota football team has set a program record for its Academic Progress Rate (APR)."

"Gopher Football compiled a 968 APR score, which was an 81-point increase over the previous year. It was the biggest jump of any Gopher program in 2008-09."

"Of the 26 seniors who were on the Minnesota football roster for the 2009 season, 23 have already graduated or are on pace to graduate by this summer. Combined with graduates from the 2007-08 (14-of-16) and 2008-09 (13-of-13) years, this year's numbers would mean that 89 percent of those Gophers who reached their senior year of eligibility left the University of Minnesota with degrees."

"Following the 2008 season, Minnesota tallied 27 Big Ten All-Academic Team members to lead the entire conference. Last season, 22 Gophers were on the Big Ten All-Academic Team, ranking No. 3 in the league."

Oops. What else you got?

Was Kill lying then? Numerous times he stated what a shambles the academic side of the program was in when he took over.
But Kill was shocked by what he saw when he first took over the program. Players were out of shape and not taking academics seriously.

Kill vowed to "change the culture" at Minnesota.

And he did, even if it didn't change the record on the field.

Kill entered his first spring practice frustrated that several players were at risk of being academically ineligible. After this past spring semester, the Gophers registered a 3.0 team grade-point average for the second straight semester -- something never accomplished under predecessor Tim Brewster.

Was Kill lying then? Numerous times he stated what a shambles the academic side of the program was in when he took over. http://www.twincities.com/golf/ci_21429549/gophers-football-will-year-2-be-turning-point

Lying is a strong word. But Kill was absolutely trying to lower expectations to give himself more time and ease pressure, under promise over deliver. Brewster did the opposite and came in talking about rose bowls. Which is sort of what he had to sell to be a significant improvement over Mason and I think is also his personality.

Kill came into a rebuilding job and the correct PR move was to talk about how tough it is here and how bad things are, even if you have to exaggerate a bit. The fans and media's hatred of Brewster made this even easier.

Was Kill lying then? Numerous times he stated what a shambles the academic side of the program was in when he took over.

Brewster was fired in mid-October, meaning there were basically 2 full months of the fall semester remaining. It was well-reported at the time that a lot of players basically stopped caring about going to class and doing the things they were supposed to do outside of football. It doesn't take a long time to be put on academic probation, particularly if you stop going to class. I also personally can't really blame Horton, given that he probably spent most of that time looking for his next permanent job. I'm sure someone will make that out to be Brewster's fault, though.

Brewster was fired in mid-October, meaning there were basically 2 full months of the fall semester remaining. It was well-reported at the time that a lot of players basically stopped caring about going to class and doing the things they were supposed to do outside of football. It doesn't take a long time to be put on academic probation, particularly if you stop going to class. I also personally can't really blame Horton, given that he probably spent most of that time looking for his next permanent job. I'm sure someone will make that out to be Brewster's fault, though.
Was firing Brewster a mistake?

Brewster was fired in mid-October, meaning there were basically 2 full months of the fall semester remaining. It was well-reported at the time that a lot of players basically stopped caring about going to class and doing the things they were supposed to do outside of football. It doesn't take a long time to be put on academic probation, particularly if you stop going to class. I also personally can't really blame Horton, given that he probably spent most of that time looking for his next permanent job. I'm sure someone will make that out to be Brewster's fault, though.

This too.

Was firing Brewster a mistake?

No. I personally think that, short of some serious malfeasance, firing college coaches in the middle of a season is a mistake for all of the reasons outlined above. You have to pay the guy anyway, so I don't see what there is to gain by firing him mid-season. But that's just me. I think he should've been fired at the end of the season, but that's minor quibbling.

I concur with most in this thread- unless he personally did something to you (and not via making the team worse), there's absolutely no reason to hate Brew. The one time I met him he was a very nice, down to earth guy. He tried probably as hard as he could (I can't believe anyone at that level goes into the job hoping to fail); he just wasn't ready for the job. If anything, place that blame on Maturi for hiring him in the first place.

As to Rand, why is this even "news," and what editor would allow it to be published. Brew is gone; has been for quite some time. Get over it. The "media" in this town can be so juvenile and asinine.

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