Ralphs lack of emotion (HIS TWEET ON THIS)

If there were a way to sequester Ralph and give him truth serum, he would tell you that he doesn't even like playing basketball. You can see it on the court. It's not a lack of emotion - it's a lack of care. I'm sure he gets very emotional when doing/discussing things that he actually cares about.

Any news on his injury? Is it just a sprain or is it more?

If there were a way to sequester Ralph and give him truth serum, he would tell you that he doesn't even like playing basketball. You can see it on the court. It's not a lack of emotion - it's a lack of care. I'm sure he gets very emotional when doing/discussing things that he actually cares about.

Sadly this would not surprise me.

If there were a way to sequester Ralph and give him truth serum, he would tell you that he doesn't even like playing basketball. You can see it on the court. It's not a lack of emotion - it's a lack of care. I'm sure he gets very emotional when doing/discussing things that he actually cares about.

I agree that it might just be that he just doesn't love playing basketball. Understandable when your father is who he is, and you've been groomed to play professional basketball since as early as you can remember (I'm guessing here). Burnout? It's possible.

That said, I'd be far less frustrated with his play, if he'd just add 2 boards per game to his rebound average. Maybe with Mbakwe out he'll do that.

I'm all for supporting rather than tearing down players on the team I support, but comparing yourself to Tim Duncan only brings out the critics. I don't mind the lack of primal screaming, I just think that he doesn't do the things you need a big man to do to be a successful team.

On offense, he's a black hole. He has some scoring ability, but he completely disrupts the flow of the offense, making his teammates less effective. His stats come at the expense of the team's rhythm. Did anyone notice how fluid the offense was vs. VT? Coincidence?

Defensively, he is vastly overrated. People tend make the mistake of equating blocked shots with defensive prowess. The truth is, being a good defender is about hustle, positioning and awareness. For every blocked shot Ralph gets, there are five times when he's standing flat-footed 10 feet away from his man as he shoots a wide open jumper. Don't even get me started on his rebounding.

It's nice to have a big man with skills, but that's a bonus. Being a solid defender and rebounder are the baseline for being a solid big man. Tim Duncan is excellent in those categories. Ralph, to this point, has not been. I hope he can turn this around, but it's going to take an attitude adjustment from entitlement to desire.
I don't think he was comparing himself to Tim Duncan. It was more of, Tim Duncan doesn't play with emotion, does that mean he sucks too?

I don't think he was comparing himself to Tim Duncan. It was more of, Tim Duncan doesn't play with emotion, does that mean he sucks too?

If this is the case, I think he has a fundamental misunderstanding of the criticism of his play. If he played like Tim Duncan, it wouldn't matter how he expressed himself. He'd be worshiped. The problem isn't that he doesn't beat his chest. It's that he doesn't close out on shooters. It's that he holds the ball for 5 seconds before making a move on offense. It's that he doesn't box out for rebounds.

Fans may have a difficulty pinpointing exactly what their qualm is with RSIII, but the fact is that he doesn't play with a passion. His lack of emotion isn't the problem, it's his lack of determination, awareness and desire. Hopefully this clarifies the issue for him.

zambam said:
I don't think he was comparing himself to Tim Duncan. It was more of, Tim Duncan doesn't play with emotion, does that mean he sucks too?

Actually like father like son his dad didn't play with a lot of emotion either, but he had a damn good knock out sky hook.

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