Radio Broadcast Feedback

Justin Gaard

New member
Oct 22, 2009
Reaction score
We've got a meeting next week wrapping up and recapping the football broadcasts...I'm looking for feedback (constructive or otherwise!): what did you like, what did you hate...what did we miss, what would you like added, what else can we improve?

Thanks for any input,


Loved the coverage. I particularly enjoyed the post-game interviews with Coach Kill. It would be nice to hear a bit more from the players more after the game, as well. It might also be worth considering doing more human-interest type stories about some of the players, so we can know a little bit about who they are, where they are from and anything interesting about them, so they are more than just names and numbers to us. And certainly anything that emphasizes some of the community work the players do would always be a good thing.

Went hunting out in SD and have always been able to listen to the game!! No more, none of the border stations reach 50 miles into SD. We always could and still can get WCCO,, but come on St. Thomas. People we hunted with say can't listen to FB or BB now. Never realized the number of Goph fans in eastern SD.

I personally like the podcasts available of the pre and post game talk. I also really enjoy listening to Zach Johnson regarding recruiting with the Gophers. Some things I wouldn't mind would be more guests or hosts talk about potential recruits or committed recruits that could help the program for years to come.

One gripe would be if the pre games are two hours long, then why are the pregame podcasts only one hour long?

Keep up the Gopher fan line, I can't get enough of it (good or bad), it's always good to hear peoples opinions.

Other than that keep it up KFAN, lovin it so far!

Justin, big time upgrade overall this year...kudos to the U for making the switch and kudos to KFAN for the quality of the production.

I would like to see a longer and more consistent post-game show. I realize there were some games with programming shortly after the end of the Gopher game that you had to go to, but I'd love to see you dedicate a bit more time when you can to the call-in show. I understand we'll never have a post-game show like the Vikes have, but hopefully it can be a full hour or longer (!) after the game.

Go Gophers!!

Went hunting out in SD and have always been able to listen to the game!! No more, none of the border stations reach 50 miles into SD. We always could and still can get WCCO,, but come on St. Thomas. People we hunted with say can't listen to FB or BB now. Never realized the number of Goph fans in eastern SD.
WCCO should have done a better job and you could still listen while out of the state. Maybe try hunting in Minnesota or just going without the Gophers for a weekend?

* Love the enthusiasm of the broadcast crew.
* Love Darrell Thompson (who ever wouldn't?)
* Attention to detail is a virtue.
* I think your station should hire me as a writer. This would really help the quality of the programming.

I would like to see a longer and more consistent post-game show. I realize there were some games with programming shortly after the end of the Gopher game that you had to go to, but I'd love to see you dedicate a bit more time when you can to the call-in show. I understand we'll never have a post-game show like the Vikes have, but hopefully it can be a full hour or longer (!) after the game.

I would agree with this. Having the same hosts every week (love the work that Ray Hitchcock did) and having a longer post-game/call-in show would be great.

I also am interested in hearing more from the players - both pre-game and post-game. There are some great guys on this team and having the listeners know more about them can only help. Same goes for the Asst. Coaches. Maybe a weekly spotlight on each one - what got them into coaching, what is it about Coach Kill that keeps them around, what do they like about living in Minnesota, etc.

Great work this year Justin! When I had a chance to listen, I really enjoyed the interviews with Coach Kill post-game. Also loved the tidbits that you included on each week. Always fun to hear about the stuff we didn't see.

Went hunting out in SD and have always been able to listen to the game!! No more, none of the border stations reach 50 miles into SD. We always could and still can get WCCO,, but come on St. Thomas. People we hunted with say can't listen to FB or BB now. Never realized the number of Goph fans in eastern SD.
FWIW, I believe you can catch the KFAN game feeds via the IHeartRadio app on any smart phone. So if you're willing to run one phone down to dead and you have 3G coverage (prob gonna require Verizon or Sprint for that) then you should be able to get the game. Just an idea!

I didn't get to hear much of the KFAN coverage since I live out of state and am a STH who isn't in to having a radio with him at the stadium. However, the Holer who gets seats with me does do that for some games and I always found the details he shared with the rest of us (provided to him by you and the rest of the KFAN crew) to be a positive addition to the game. I can only assume listening more would have provided a stronger positive opinion. FYI, he never used to bring a radio when CCO was covering the games. :)

KFAN did a much better job then I expected. The game broadcast itself was very good. The sideline reporter consistently added to the broadcast something that doesn't happen very often elsewhere. It was just very enjoyable overall job.

Never thought I'd get the opportunity to say nice things about a Gopher Broadcast once Ray retired.

WCCO should have done a better job and you could still listen while out of the state. Maybe try hunting in Minnesota or just going without the Gophers for a weekend?

Nice attitude, maybe Minnesota could have more Pheasants so people wouldn't have to travel to eastern SD to hunt. I agree with littlebigboy. I live in Sioux Falls (15 miles west of the Minnesota border) and I have a difficult time getting a clear broadcast. It can be frustrating for all the Gopher fans here.

I caught the post-game coverage from time to time following home games and it was great. And I heard the Grimm feed on highlight videos, Gopher Weekly, etc, etc. and it sounded great as well.

Separate from the radio broadcast, I also appreciated the "Opening the notebook" pieces as well.

WCCO should have done a better job and you could still listen while out of the state. Maybe try hunting in Minnesota or just going without the Gophers for a weekend?

well, just to stay with the spirit of others already breaking your balls on the issue..........or how about you take a few weekends off from the oh-so-stereotypical-minnesotan going hunting every weekend and instead make you way over to minneapolis to catch our gopher gridders in person at tcf stadium. problem solved. just saying. ;-)

gaard: tough for me to say this, but i think you personally (as well as KFAN as a station) are doing some nice work with the gopher football broadcasts. that said, here is my gopher football programming suggestion per your request.

during some of the early and mid-week gopher football talk on KFAN, i think you guys need to consider inviting some additional former gopher players in to chat about the team as well. rather than just using justin conzemius all of the time as the primary contributor for that. justin conzemius does a good job and all, but it would be nice and more informative as gopher fans to hear other former gopher player's perspectives from time to time.

p.s. you don't always need to try and be a wise-guy on the radio. it is can be pretty unbecoming at times. imo, you actually do a better job and come off as a far more professional radio host when you aren't always trying to one up dan barreiro in the cheap-shot, uncalled for, smart-ass comment department.

p.p.s. i get that you and dan barreiro don't like tim brewster. we all get it. but, come on man. the guy has been gone for a year and a half now. the bloom is off the rose and the material is getting pretty old and stale from you and dan when it comes to him. time to move on already. and the phrase basement brew is starting to just get tiresome.

just some friendly "producer notes" for you.......even though you didn't ask for them.

again, you are doing good work with the gopher broadcasts.

1. I'm not a fan of Zach Johnson's but I do like recruiting updates during the pregame (visitors, recent activity, etc). I've met the guy that runs the FBT blog and he'd be a great addition to the pregame show. Good guy that knows his stuff. Monter could be a good addition as well but I've only met him in passing so I don't know how he would do on the radio.

2. Like hearing from former players about their take on the team (Adam Kelly excluded).

3. On the rare occasion when I watch Wheel of Fortune, I'm reminded that I'm not close to their target demographic given the range of advertisements that run (all geared for folks with one foot in the grave). Speaking of folks with at least one foot in the grave, I'm not a fan of the funeral home ads. Makes me think I'm in the Wheel of Fortune demographic. Very strange feeling that almost makes me want to change the station. I thought the ad would die (pun intended) with the switch from WCCO to KFAN. I was wrong. I'm sure they're a wonderful supporter of the program but can they contribute in another fashion?

4. Love that Dave Lee is no longer calling the games. That's huge for me and never look back.\

5. Year one on KFAN exceeded my expectations. Good job.

You have all done a fantastic job!

I do have one suggestion about something that bugged me all year. When Kevin interviews Zach Johnson before games next year (assuming that will be the case) I would love to hear more recruiting questions. That's ZJ's main job on GI isn't it? It's obvious that Kevin lacks interest or information on that, which is fine, I guess, but at least feed him some pertinent questions. ;)

Honestly the only change I would recommend is replacing the sideline reporter. Grimm and Thompson do a great job.

What I heard, I liked. I mostly listened before and after home games, but I did listen to two road games and found everything top-notch. I was worried that there would be snark from KFAN folks, but everyone was professional and presented themselves as genuinely enthusiastic about gopher football. Grimm is a step up from Dave Lee as far as his descriptive powers. Back in the mid 90s KFAN used to have a gopher rube show where somewhat knowledgable fans hosted a round table about the gophs and took calls. I tuned in all the time for that and missed it when it went away. Between all the bloggers in this town (Jeffrick, JDMill, MV) and the Rivals, Scout guys, I think you could put a high quality show together about that. My god you have a show about video games and that's just stupid.

My complaint is with Daryl Thompson, I loved him as a running back. But he is horrible as a color man. No matter what Grimm says to him, Daryl will repeat it back. For example, "Daryl. that was a really good, hard run by Bennett." Daryl: "Yeah that was a really good, hard run by Bennett." This has been going on for years. I wish they had Mona instead. Also, Grimm is far superior to Paul Allen (the John Gordon for football), but he gets a little corny and repeats himself too much. JG does a fine job!!!! The postgame with Hitchcok and Conzemius is awesome. But the guy who does the recap is horrible.

What I heard, I liked. I mostly listened before and after home games, but I did listen to two road games and found everything top-notch. I was worried that there would be snark from KFAN folks, but everyone was professional and presented themselves as genuinely enthusiastic about gopher football. Grimm is a step up from Dave Lee as far as his descriptive powers. Back in the mid 90s KFAN used to have a gopher rube show where somewhat knowledgable fans hosted a round table about the gophs and took calls. I tuned in all the time for that and missed it when it went away. Between all the bloggers in this town (Jeffrick, JDMill, MV) and the Rivals, Scout guys, I think you could put a high quality show together about that. My god you have a show about video games and that's just stupid.

THIS! apparently there are unearned benefits for a dude like paul charchian when you are "buddies" with paul allen

Justin, big time upgrade overall this year...kudos to the U for making the switch and kudos to KFAN for the quality of the production.

I would like to see a longer and more consistent post-game show. I realize there were some games with programming shortly after the end of the Gopher game that you had to go to, but I'd love to see you dedicate a bit more time when you can to the call-in show. I understand we'll never have a post-game show like the Vikes have, but hopefully it can be a full hour or longer (!) after the game.

Go Gophers!!

+1 Exactly my sentiment.

Pat Reusse Sucks...oops wrong station.

I'd like to hear Kills press conference live on Tuesdays and the Thursday show have an alumni on with Kill or for part of it.


Justin I would personally like to thank KFAN for doing an excellent job, both during and after the game. It is such a huge upgrade versus what we had before it is not comparable. I like Grimm a lot, and Darrel does a good job on the color. I will admit I did not expect such an excellent job from you both during and after the game. I thought you were great at everything you did.
Personally, especially given how badly the season started, I don't think your team could have done a better job.
Please keep Ray H on the post game coverage. He is a believable person, he knows the game, and he brings instant credibility to the program for anyone who ever saw him play.

Thanks KFAN

I really enjoyed your Gopher football coverage this year. I would like to suggest an interview with a different assistant coach each week. Their responsibilities
and information about younger players. I look forward to next year.

What I disliked is how the U/Gopher Sports Properties/KFAN hired an Iowa Hawkeye booster to be on the broadcast team.

What I liked is how I was either at the game or able to watch it on TV each week so that I didn't have to listen to a second of the radio coverage.

Glad it is on FM

Agree that we need more alumni on the interview schedule.

I was very pleased overall with the coverage from KFAN this season. I thought it was a major step up from WCCO's coverage. I attened every home game so I did not listen to home games during the game, but pre and post game broadcast were done very well. I did listen to the majority of games via iheartradio on my iPhone and I thought they were done well. Now, I do think there are a few areas that I think could improve and some areas I enjoyed very much.

1) I live in Wheaton, MN and when a game is away or it is not on TV (we get ESPN but not the BTN on our cable package, I know I could simply upgrade to dish but it is not my decision :( ), it would be nice to have a more consistent voice here in west central MN. I know a station in Alexandria, MN broadcasts games but they are sometimes hard to pick up.

2) I think a longer post-game show would be fantastic. Ray H does a great job on the post game and I would like to see more time with callers and things of that nature. Now, not sure on how many people are calling in to make that work, but if there are alot, it would be nice to here more from fans. I know there are some restraints, but any fix around this would be fantastic.

3) When I do listen to games (which were most of the away games), I thought the play-by-play was excellent. I will say I am a huge fan of Mike Grimm and I think he does a great job as a play-by-play guy. I also enjoy Darell Thompson as well, and his work is exceptional.

EDIT: ALSO, I really enjoy that they are set up on the plaze for the pre-game. It would be great to get a bunch of fans out there every game to set up a sort of college gameday atmosphere. I know that would be really tough and that hinges on us, the fans. But, I don't know if there would be a better location or something that could help with that, but that would be pretty fun as well.

Overall, kudos to KFAN for the excellent job you guys have done this sseason! Looking forward to next year already. Go Gophers!

What I disliked is how the U/Gopher Sports Properties/KFAN hired an Iowa Hawkeye booster to be on the broadcast team.

What I liked is how I was either at the game or able to watch it on TV each week so that I didn't have to listen to a second of the radio coverage.


I was waiting to see your response.

Hopefully it doesn't chap your ass too much to see all the glowing reviews of Gaardsy and the FAN's Gopher broadcasting. =P

Overall, a very big step up this year in terms of quality and quantity for Gopher Football on KFAN compared to when it was on WCCO. I usually only hear bits and pieces when its on during tailgating and post-game festivities but often listen to the podcasts later.

One suggestion I would make that I have heard from others is having more input on the "culture" aspect of gopher football. Tailgating/diehard fans/big alumni/former players stories just to gain even more insight into the overall atmosphere and environment sorrounding the team and program. IMO, i think that could help the overall positivity sorrounding the Gophers and get people more excited to join in on the festivities. Over time this would hopefully improve the game-day energy and enthusiasm from the non-diehard gopherhole rubes.

Thank you for the time and passion you and the team put into the broadcasts this year!

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