Questions with Bob Sansevere: Gophers coach Kill gets busy with spring practices


there are some guys that Kill wants to run off the team. Coach knows who they are. I think after spring ball those players will know who they are, too. His answer on M. Grey's status was interesting as well.

It was nice to read an interview with a Minnesota football coach that didn't include any of these words:

Gopher Nation
special forces

Every interview I read or hear with Coach Kill has the strange effect of making me depressed and excited at the same time.

If you are getting depressed over this fall's record, I guess that makes sense, but if you have some perspective, you realize that no matter who came here this was a several year project and people are going to do it the right way or be gone. His answers on finding out who wants to work and who does not were the most pointed I can remember. This is great! I feel the most optimistic I have felt in a long time when I see the standards he is imposing in the football program.

No B***S***...

BS: Do you have some players who will miss spring practice because of academic issues?

JK: We have some kids who have some issues. No question. That doesn't mean you'll miss spring practice. There's a large number that have to do the right things or they won't make it. We may hold a couple out of spring ball to study more or work on a paper, but we have some that are in a pretty deep hole. Like I said, who can identify with the grind of school and football.

Clear message that Kill expects high productivity from athletes in both areas in order for them to see playing time. No waffling on the issue.

No question this coach will be playing and recruiting his type of student-athlete...he's not mesermized by "stars".

While I know that you should take anything a coach says with a grain of salt, I think that we should temper our expectations for this coming year. It will take a while for Kill to get the players he needs to run his systems, and it's entirely possible/probable that it will take 3+ years to get there. What I think we should look for this coming year are more intangible elements- good fundamentals, few mental mistakes, ect. If the team shows those, we should be good going forward. But it will take a while to get where Kill wants to be.

While I know that you should take anything a coach says with a grain of salt, I think that we should temper our expectations for this coming year. It will take a while for Kill to get the players he needs to run his systems, and it's entirely possible/probable that it will take 3+ years to get there. What I think we should look for this coming year are more intangible elements- good fundamentals, few mental mistakes, ect. If the team shows those, we should be good going forward. But it will take a while to get where Kill wants to be.

Coach Kill has said that from the get-go. Why question it?

Coach is all business and is very clear in his expectations. This is what you need to do to play for me. Those on the border line must raise it up a notch or its adios.


Spring football has not yet started. He is the "new sheriff in town". He's changing a culture.
If week two of the fall season he is talking like this....we suck. I'm very confident we will have amazingly improved in his eyes come this fall. "Still a need to get better but we are coming along nicely." That's what I expect to hear. Right now we are the worst team in college football. We gotta work harder.

The wheel barrow is in reference to Niagara Falls. Guy walks across the Falls on a tight rope pushing a wheel barrow. Everyone cheers. "You are the greatest. You da man" He asks for
volunteers to ride back across in the wheel barrow. Nobody wants to do that. Long story short...Are you in or out?


Coach Kill has said that from the get-go. Why question it?

Coach is all business and is very clear in his expectations. This is what you need to do to play for me. Those on the border line must raise it up a notch or its adios.



Every interview I read or hear with Coach Kill has the strange effect of making me depressed and excited at the same time.

I have pretty much the same feelings.

BS: Do you know how long it will take to compete for a Big Ten title?

JK: Absolutely not. I have no idea. I can't tell you how many games we're going to win. We've got a lot of work to do. I think we've got to concentrate on getting better, whether it's now, one year, two years, three years, four years. I don't think you put timetables on things.

Traditionally, Coach Kill's teams have excelled in year 3. Go ahead and take a look at the progress his teams made from year 1 to year 3 at NIU (2008-2010) Same for SIU (2001-03). I believe JK only won a single game in his first year at SIU.

I believe coach is tempering expectations. It should be interesting to see what happens.

In summation

Grab your life preservers. It's the end of the world as we know it...

there are some guys that Kill wants to run off the team. Coach knows who they are. I think after spring ball those players will know who they are, too. His answer on M. Grey's status was interesting as well.

It was nice to read an interview with a Minnesota football coach that didn't include any of these words:

Gopher Nation
special forces

Why is it necessary to include this in here?

It will take a while for Kill to get the players he needs to run his systems, and it's entirely possible/probable that it will take 3+ years to get there.

On the other side of that coin...

Is there a group of guys in the country more "accustomed" to yearly philosophy change than our current Gophers? Perhaps they take it all in perfect stride. ;) ;)

there are some guys that Kill wants to run off the team. Coach knows who they are. I think after spring ball those players will know who they are, too. His answer on M. Grey's status was interesting as well.

It was nice to read an interview with a Minnesota football coach that didn't include any of these words:

Gopher Nation
special forces

Hey, big britches...if you are gonna say something like that (in bold) please give us the five big answers as to...who, what, where, when, and why.

Other than that, your comment in bold is pure unadulterated bull*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#.

Hey, big britches...if you are gonna say something like that (in bold) please give us the five big answers as to...who, what, where, when, and why.

Other than that, your comment in bold is pure unadulterated bull*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#.

A Jerry Kill quote from the article: "We hope we can get that accomplished by the end of spring: Play hard. Finish. Be consistent. Play smart. Have mental toughness. Be physical. The other thing we have to do is we have to identify personnel. We have to eliminate guys that don't want to do it that way."

This is a pretty classic attitude for a new coach to take when going into the first camp.
Make no mistake, this spring is going to be more about conditioning, mental toughness, pace, and pushing limits than x's and o's.
Remember when we played Syracuse in Marrone's first game? I lurked quite a bit on the syracuse scout board in the spring and summer leading up to that game. Marrone ran that team through the ringer and alot of kids quit, their best player quit midseason, they had serious depth issues for the first year but 2 years later they had a solid squad and I would imagine are looking forward to next year coming off of a 8-5 season with a bowl win.
Syracuse is as similar a program to us as I can think of, they needed a serious culture change and I think got it. Kill will be trying to do the same here, the summer might be tough with transfers and academic casualties, but in the fall I think we'll be better off.

While I know that you should take anything a coach says with a grain of salt, I think that we should temper our expectations for this coming year. It will take a while for Kill to get the players he needs to run his systems, and it's entirely possible/probable that it will take 3+ years to get there. What I think we should look for this coming year are more intangible elements- good fundamentals, few mental mistakes, ect. If the team shows those, we should be good going forward. But it will take a while to get where Kill wants to be.

Couldn't agree more. I would love to see them run the table this year, but being realistic I think there are going to be quite a few growing pains. As the year goes on I expect to see players being in position to make plays, fewer penalties, that sort of thing. I'll be looking for that week to week improvement more than W's. And if we get W's along the way, all the better.

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