Question for Gopher fans

I doubt that is the case, since I took a tour of the place when it was almost done and the guy in charge of the stadium construction told is the supports were in place for the third deck

I would be very disappointed if they kept the erector-set plaza bleachers.

I have heard that as well. Hopefully with the way attendance has been, they decided to keep those seats
Keep some seating there, but make it a permanent structure that truly matches the existing classic brick style asthetics of the stadium. The temp bleachers approach cheapens the look of our beautiful stadium imo.

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I hope they don't. Looks terrible. Loved the old open plaza. If we're really ready to expand, let's expand the 3rd level and actually make it a real concourse up there. Sure would help the overcrowding of the main concourse if there were more concessions and bathrooms up top.

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The stadium was built to support a third deck which will only be about a third of the size of the second deck.

Go Gophers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's unfortunately necessary part of having a NFL team these days. Will be a great place to host a lot of marquee events though, and a nice asset for the city/state. I think it looks great.

It's called an extremely poor job of negotiating.

The Wilfs made fools of MN

station 19 - You must be old enough to remember the "temporary" buildings built at the U at the end of WWII? As I recall they were far from "temporary", so "temporary can be as long as you want it to be.:rolleyes:

No I'm not....and I don't get to say that very often.:)

EDIT: anymore

There cannot be a third deck at this point. Last minute changes eliminated the proper piling and foundation to add on.

I highly doubt that is true. I think you had a bad dream..............

Temporary North of Appleby was still there in 1987. I had a class there. It was a hut from WW2.

There cannot be a third deck at this point. Last minute changes eliminated the proper piling and foundation to add on.

As others have said, I doubt that is true. There is already a third deck, if you will, on the home field side: the indoor suites and press boxes. So it already has piling and foundation to support it on the home side. I'd find it hard to believe that they changed the foundation only on the visitor side.

Regarding the temporary seating, I agree they are ugly, but only when they are empty, in my opinion. On TV, with people in them, it looks fine. If the A.D. has been pondering the retraction of the price increase next year, they could decide to keep the seats and not increase pricing. Granted the revenue from the 2,000 seats probably don't equal the price increase, but it would gain some good will and save some attrition from people not renewing next year.

Has there been a final decision on whether the heating coils will stay? I remember people were debating this.

As others have said, I doubt that is true. There is already a third deck, if you will, on the home field side: the indoor suites and press boxes. So it already has piling and foundation to support it on the home side. I'd find it hard to believe that they changed the foundation only on the visitor side.

Regarding the temporary seating, I agree they are ugly, but only when they are empty, in my opinion. On TV, with people in them, it looks fine. If the A.D. has been pondering the retraction of the price increase next year, they could decide to keep the seats and not increase pricing. Granted the revenue from the 2,000 seats probably don't equal the price increase, but it would gain some good will and save some attrition from people not renewing next year.

Has there been a final decision on whether the heating coils will stay? I remember people were debating this.

It's ugly when you walk over on that end of the field, all the time. That space used to be a lot of fun to walk through.

I've never heard anything about removing the heating coils.... they tore up the field specifically to put them in. I'm not sure digging them up would make any sense...

Why in the world would you remove the heating coils? Makes no sense.

They will be used at times by the Gophers.

Why in the world would you remove the heating coils? Makes no sense.

I agree that they are unlikely to remove them. I think that there was some concern over whether the U wanted to take on whatever maintenance expense is associated with the heating system.

I agree that they are unlikely to remove them. I think that there was some concern over whether the U wanted to take on whatever maintenance expense is associated with the heating system.

Yeah, I remember that conversation back when. Made no sense then either.

Someone 'gives' you a heated field system, and you rip it out?............How stupid is that?

Please tell me there is no one that stupid.

Yeah, I remember that conversation back when. Made no sense then either.

Someone 'gives' you a heated field system, and you rip it out?............How stupid is that?

Please tell me there is no one that stupid.

Sorry, 19. There is, out here somewhere.

Regarding the temporary seating, I agree they are ugly, but only when they are empty, in my opinion. On TV, with people in them, it looks fine. If the A.D. has been pondering the retraction of the price increase next year, they could decide to keep the seats and not increase pricing. Granted the revenue from the 2,000 seats probably don't equal the price increase, but it would gain some good will and save some attrition from people not renewing next year.

I can't believe the price increase is going to have that dramatic of an effect. I think people will eventually realize even at the inflated price it's still a relative bargain for entertainment and the opportunity to create great memories. The prices aren't anywhere close to what we encounter out here on the left coast- enjoy what you have there my friends.

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I had many a class in the old science classroom building - what a POS.

I recall being told they intended to build it like 6 stories high, got to the 4th level and realized it couldn't hold any more weight. One of the ugliest buildings ever on campus. Thank goodness they tore it down a few years back.

I recall being told they intended to build it like 6 stories high, got to the 4th level and realized it couldn't hold any more weight. One of the ugliest buildings ever on campus. Thank goodness they tore it down a few years back.

+1, and Bruininks Hall is an absolutely gorgeous building.

Yea, I also got to go on a tour during construction with our architecture class. Everything is in place to expand to third deck. Sorry but gopher jay you are misinformed. Haven't you ever wondered why the second concourse is so wide? its to service the eventual third deck.

I also want the temp seats gone. Loved the open plaza look way better.

Kind of related to this topic so I will ask it here...What would it take, besides money, to get the third deck built? A national championship? X number of years of consecutive sell outs? 100% season tickets sold over a period of time? Anyone have insight into this?

The heating coils will stay but the current field will be replaced with one that has permanent markings sewed in like the original one had.

Kind of related to this topic so I will ask it here...What would it take, besides money, to get the third deck built? A national championship? X number of years of consecutive sell outs? 100% season tickets sold over a period of time? Anyone have insight into this?

And have Renderings of the third deck in place ever been released? Would love to see that.

Kind of related to this topic so I will ask it here...What would it take, besides money, to get the third deck built? A national championship? X number of years of consecutive sell outs? 100% season tickets sold over a period of time? Anyone have insight into this?

1. The will to fund it and donors.
2. See 1.
3. See 1.
4. A series of B1G championships + playoff wins and appearances.

I feel like the University would be understandably cautious about expansion considering the competitive sports landscape in the Twin Cities. If the Vikings left town ..... whole other story, but that's not the case.

Really just selling out TCF frequently, hopefully picking up more donors, could be pretty valuable rather than making more space on a thrid level if it came to that.

The heating coils will stay but the current field will be replaced with one that has permanent markings sewed in like the original one had.

What are the chances the U says to the Vikings - "Give us the money to replace the field(as per agreement), and we will then replace the field down the road when we see fit."?

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