You’re offended by his positive culture? Offended??? Toughen up snowflake.
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You clearly have never built a team or managed a group of people successfully. It is all about that group's buy-in. By whatever means you decide to try. Clearly it is working with our players. That. Is. All. That. Matters.
I like the row the boat slogan and I think the uniform combos/helmet decals are pretty cool. Fleck is doing an awesome job connecting with today’s youth with his marketing. I know our older fan base doesn’t like change or being flashy but “traditional” things and remaining status quo won’t connect with a lot of today’s kids.
I would also consider myself a critic - not a skeptic.
I have said from day 1 that he was the right hire and I think he could be successful here. I still feel that way.
I have also said from day 1 that I didn’t like his shtick, found it annoying, and in some cases insincere and/or dishonest, and therefore offensive. I still feel that way.
I really like the direction of the Gophers. I already think it was “worth it” to hire PJ - but I am also unlikely to ever change my view on either of the day 1 statements mentioned above.
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Maybe the skeptics can create the caricature for a how the head coach at the U should behave. Let us know what he should say, how he should motivate, what’s acceptable and what’s not. Let’s go find that guy, right?
I am an optimistic.
PJ is doing a fantastic job of building a positive program of players that believe they can win. Players that pay attention to the details and continue to improve. Players that think about others and represent the U well. Players that feel honored to be playing college sports and not entitled.
He does that by recruiting high quality players and nurturing the traits that lead to those skills. Some of his methods may seem over the top and too “slogany” for us old fans, but they work.
I do not like the paddles and slogans on the uniforms. The U has been around for a very long time, please keep the markings on the uniforms specific to the school. I love the Goldy helmets.
I also think that PJ has toned down his slogans a bit in public. He had to hit it hard when he first got here to make them stick. Now they are installed he can just keep it going.
I think stopping the fake punt is a prefect example of how these players believe in themselves. So many times in the past we would have let a team back into a game by not paying attention. These guys pay attention to the details.
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Maybe the skeptics can create the caricature for a how the head coach at the U should behave. Let us know what he should say, how he should motivate, what’s acceptable and what’s not. Let’s go find that guy, right?
Offensive??? Get a grip, man.
Yes, I find it offensive when someone deliberately and repeatedly is dishonest with the sole intent of creating a perception that is based on falsehoods. Other’s “don’t care”, think it is “minor” or “coach speak”, or accept it if we win. We have been over this many times.
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The OP asked for people's opinions. I gave my opinion.
An opinion is just that - an opinion. It's my perspective. You don't have to like it or agree with it.
But telling me I need to change? Sorry, not going to happen.
I am me. You are you. different people, different opinions.
There is more than one way to be a fan, or follow a football team. You cannot force other people to think what you think, or believe what you believe.
No matter how "right" you think you are, there is always going to be someone who disagrees with you. Learn to live with that.
I stated clearly in my post what offends me at times. I never mentioned a positive culture in my post once. So, are you trolling or just not very good at reading?
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Yeah, his positive spin. I read it clearly. All part of his positive culture. I don’t think you have to like him at all.
If you’re offended by PJ Fleck, grow a pair.
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When college football show announcers (Dave wandstant,etc)yesterday on Fox all we’re talking about rowing the boat the purpose was clear, it is a type of branding that makes the u stand out from everyone else.
The OP asked for people's opinions. I gave my opinion.
An opinion is just that - an opinion. It's my perspective. You don't have to like it or agree with it.
But telling me I need to change? Sorry, not going to happen.
I am me. You are you. different people, different opinions.
There is more than one way to be a fan, or follow a football team. You cannot force other people to think what you think, or believe what you believe.
No matter how "right" you think you are, there is always going to be someone who disagrees with you. Learn to live with that.
This is exactly what I was thinking. Minnesota has ZERO brand recognition and ZERO tradition in the world of college football. Love it or hate it, PJ has given Minnesota instant brand recognition, the winning is putting it in the forefront. Most transitions on national shows to Minnesota football goes right to the RTB and Ski U Mah (Fleck has brought Ski U Mah into the living rooms of college football fans everywhere) which we never had before.
I have learned to live with it, it is what it is! Relevance comes with a price for Minnesota football.
It all depends on whether the media types who mention "row the boat" are doing it respectfully or mockingly. One or two media types have actually put it into context and given the background with the death of Fleck's child. But, I suspect that most of the mentions are being done more tongue-in-cheek or as an excuse for jokes and headlines.
I realize a program that is trying to gain respect or prominence in the college football landscape may have to promote itself more actively. but in the end, good programs are know for winning. the consistent top-20 programs generally don't have catch phrases or slogans. people respect them because they win.
When people talk about Gopher football, I would prefer that their first association with "Gopher Football" is "boy, they're good." Not row the boat or any other slogan.
Love it or hate it, PJ has given Minnesota instant brand recognition, the winning is putting it in the forefront.
I have a question for the poster(s) who has (have) a problem with Coach Fleck's jargon, slogans, etc....
Would you please name a modern football coach you like and/or admire, and describe what it is you like about him?
I ask because I have been under the impression that most coaches use slogans and jargon for communicating and motivating. Some go for the 'military metaphor'; some use stuff like "This is OUR house!". Some love the "It's us against the rest of the world!" device.
Vince Lombardi was famous for "Winning isn't everything; it's the only thing." It isn't difficult to think of many hackneyed coaching cliches: "There is no "I" in team" comes to mind. This sort of thing is generic Coaching 101, I would think.
It all seems kind of the same to me; no specific one jumps out at me as offensive or wrong.
I wonder if all coaches bother or offend the anti-Fleck people in the same way? I'm curious as to why anyone would find Fleck's use of these types of communication tools particularly offensive. It seems pretty benign to me, not to mention positive — and, apparently, effective.
I also find it curious that people sometimes describe Fleck, or his 'enthusiasm' or his 'energy', as somehow dishonest or insincere. I really don't see that at all. What specifically seems dishonest to you guys?