Q&A: New Gopher Commit Briean Boddy Could Be A Key Addition

GopherHole Staff

GopherHole Admin
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Nov 3, 2008
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Briean Boddy, a 5-foot-11, 175-pound freshman cornerback from Coffeyville (KS) Community College, committed to Minnesota after visiting the campus this past weekend. Boddy was named a second team All-Jayhawk Conference cornerback this past season. GopherHole.com caught up with his former defensive back coach Nick McBroom to learn more about Boddy’s visit and commitment.


It sounds like this could be a key addition to this class,especially since he will be here and able to go through spring practice.

Lots of potential in this kid. Played QB in HS and has a good football IQ.

An entire interview without citing some ridiculous 40 time? I like this kid better already.

I like that Kill & Co. went down there and grabbed this kid as a Fr when other's where overlooking him. We get him for 4 years with 3 to play...like his Coach said, if he would have come back for his So year...he would be playing in the SEC and MN wouldn't have a chance. This is what we have to do now to get an edge...hopefully one day we will be a name program again and can recruit straight up...but for now, love that the Killer Cs are working the angles!

Good interview. I like that it provided some insight as to why some kids--even though they qualify out of high school--take the junior college route.

Great interview, good job GH! Favorite section:
GH: He was a qualifier out of high school, right?

Nick McBroom: He was on a bad football team, played quarterback and he is from Delaware. Those things aren’t very well recruited. You don’t get a lot of traffic through Delaware, so he and Coach Bo knew that we did good things. I told coach Miller and those guys that if he came back to Coffeyville that they wouldn’t have had a shot at him. He probably would have gone to the SEC, if he would have come back for a second season. They got a great kid and a great player out of the deal. He will come up in January. The new rule is that he doesn’t have to stay a full calendar year. He comes out now.

I support Coach Kill and all recruits---

But, 4 tackles per game... in Kansas?

This kid sounds like he can really contribute at the MAC level as an upperclassman.

I support Coach Kill and all recruits---

But, 4 tackles per game... in Kansas?

This kid sounds like he can really contribute at the MAC level as an upperclassman.

I didn't realize tackles were a good way to evaluate cornerbacks. Morris Claiborne has less than 3 tackles a game for LSU. He must suck.

hahaha....does he have eligibility left??...maybe he should drop down to DII and increase his stats to improve his draft stock :)

Back on topic...Seems like a good kid that can HOPEFULLY contribute right away...

I know with JC's the intent is to have them play right away and we have little depth at DB, but is there any chance he redshirts with 4 years to play 3? Maybe to bulk up a bit and learn the schemes. Doubtful probably?

He seems like a solid pick-up, but let's not throw him in the starting line-up just yet. With Stoudemire coming back (in all likelihood), Vereen with another year of experience, and a dedicated Michael Carter, we should be ok a CB. It will be tough for a JC guy to crack the top 3 unless they are a lights out player. Hopefully Boddy can be a special teams contributor and provide some depth in passing situations next year, and possibly move into a starting role when he's a junior.

We just need DBs who can stay in the same area code as opposition receivers. I think Claeys was getting a better idea of who he had and the defense did improve as the season rolled along.

I agree with JG that it's probably too much to expect Boddy to jump right in there, but if he can get on the two-deeps and provide quality depth and special teams contributions, that would be a very good thing indeed.

Don't forget, that with the defensive rotation we play, we need to to be at least 4, and preferably 5 deep at corner. He'll play a lot

How did Whitney Mercilus win the Hendricks Award for Best DE? He didn't even have any interceptions!!!!!1!1!

My guess is that he will contribute right away on ST's. I admit that I did not see anything special or outstanding in his Frosh highlights with coverage skills. Obviously the staff felt differently which is all that matters. And we will see what he brings this Spring.

My guess is that he will contribute right away on ST's. I admit that I did not see anything special or outstanding in his Frosh highlights with coverage skills. Obviously the staff felt differently which is all that matters. And we will see what he brings this Spring.
Remember we saw his high school film. The Jayhawk Conference he played in in Kansas is very much a passing league. His making second team all conference, as a first year player, is a strong indication that he can cover.

All positions present challenges in recruiting but I have to think DB is one of the more difficult to evaluate. Clearly the coaches see some potential in this kid and we have a major need in the secondary so hopefully he will pan out. We have had mixed levels of success with JC help in the secondary in the past few years so tough to say what we will get in Boddy but I am all for looking to the JC's for help back there.

Remember we saw his high school film. The Jayhawk Conference he played in in Kansas is very much a passing league. His making second team all conference, as a first year player, is a strong indication that he can cover.

Like I said, I am basing my not very informed opinion on his JC Frosh year highlights that I saw on Rivals.

I support Coach Kill and all recruits---

But, 4 tackles per game... in Kansas?

This kid sounds like he can really contribute at the MAC level as an upperclassman.

Good sign as far as I'm concerned....people aren't throwing at him or they're not catching the ball

If his current coach isn't just blowing smoke we've stolen one! Way to go coach!

Yeah, you don't really want to judge a CB by the amount of tackles he is making, it just may mean that the guys he is covering is making a lot of catches.

The only time you look at tackles for a cornerback is if they are playing teams that run alot (run support) or teams that rely on the WR screen.

I support Coach Kill and all recruits---

But, 4 tackles per game... in Kansas?

This kid sounds like he can really contribute at the MAC level as an upperclassman.
You realize he plays corner, not LB or S right?

This Kansas league he plays in is the best JUCO conference in the country. These jucos give scholarships and redshirt. When Bama,LSU, and other powerhouses need a juco player, most of the time they get them out of this conference. I'm very excited to get a young kid who started right away and was successful in a very competitive conference. 3 yrs eligibility only sweetens the deal!

any concern that he is only 175 pounds

our corners always seem smallish

I agree, tackles aren't the best way to evaluate a defensive back--- he had 4 picks in 10 games--- not bad.
But, this guy played on a 6-4 team, in a Juco league that most wouldn't consider among the best in the nation.

I hope he helps the Gophers win but I'm not going to say this guy is a "key addition" to our recruiting class.

He's another guy that will hopefully work hard and represent the team well--- who knows, maybe he will be a solid corner and even start in a few years. But I'm not going to get geeked up about some Kansas Juco who hasn't done much yet.

I agree, tackles aren't the best way to evaluate a defensive back--- he had 4 picks in 10 games--- not bad.
But, this guy played on a 6-4 team, in a Juco league that most wouldn't consider among the best in the nation.

I hope he helps the Gophers win but I'm not going to say this guy is a "key addition" to our recruiting class.

He's another guy that will hopefully work hard and represent the team well--- who knows, maybe he will be a solid corner and even start in a few years. But I'm not going to get geeked up about some Kansas Juco who hasn't done much yet.
He's a solid player filling a position of need, a key addition needn't be a star player, they just need to be good enough. Bill Snyder has built his program on the backs of kids from the Kansas JUCO ranks we dream of having similar success.

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