Q&A: Jonah Pirsig: "I am going to be lifting every day of the week"

GopherHole.com caught up with Pirsig to learn the latest about his official visit, his senior season and expectations for his freshman year with the Golden Gophers.


Great article.

He seems like a humble kid who is excited to be a Gopher!

The thing that really stood out to me was that he is a giant of man who could probably put on 35-40 lbs and still be athletic. There aren't very many people in the word who can weigh 335 lbs and still be considered athletic. I'm glad he's on our side.

I'm excited to see him develop. I've got to believe he'll redshirt for sure. He could really fill out and be a beast.

My question is, where does a guy as big as Pirsig go lift weights? Oh, I know...any damned place he wants!!! :)

It all starts up front. A dominant offensive line can make an average running back good and a good running back great. Great to see the Minnesota big boys with some drive and determination.

I'm so excited for the future of our offensive line, I can't even explain it.

It's going to be like going back to the Mason years up front--- I miss being able to get a 3rd and 1 with no hesitation, no doubt in the stands.

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