Q&A from Camp: Texas OT Alex Mayes on Minnesota: "They are my number one."

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Nov 3, 2008
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Q&A from Camp: Texas OT Alex Mayes on Minnesota: "They are my number one."

Texas OT Alex Mayes on Minnesota: "They are my number one."
By Chris Monter


Alex Mayes, a 6-foot-4 ½, 286-pound senior-to-be offensive tackle from Van Alstyne, Texas, made his second trip to Minnesota for the Gopher football camp this past Sunday. Mayes previously visited the Twin Cities this March as he attended spring practice. GopherHole.com caught up with Mayes Sunday to learn the latest on his recruitment.

Mayes shined at the Gopher Camp Sunday along with “baby brother” Connor, a 6-foot-4, 338-pound 2014 offensive lineman. Gopher fans are hoping that the duo will join the Olson and McAvoy brothers on the offensive line.

Gopher Hole: Who are you hearing from right now?

Alex Mayes: Minnesota, of course. They are my number one. I have got offers from Colorado, Colorado State, Houston, UConn, Kansas, Kansas State and Texas State.

Gopher Hole: You were up for a visit in March. What was that like?

Alex Mayes: I came up during spring ball and watched spring practice. We checked out the university and got a tour of that. That was great. Fell in love with the place. I’m still in love with it. Every time I come up here. It just renews it. It is an awesome experience.

Gopher Hole: What would it mean to maybe become a Gopher?

Alex Mayes: It would be great. I didn’t really know much, but seeing all the tradition that they have and how Coach Kill is going to turn the program around. I really believe that he can. Talking to some of the players, they are all really buying into it and are all really good guys. It is something that I want to be a part of the next four years.

Gopher Hole: Have you even thought about when you would like to make your decision? Would you make some official visits in the fall?

Alex Mayes: I really want to try to make a decision by August, maybe sooner, maybe later than that, but that is when the deadline is, August, right before two-a-days start and we’ll just see. I am going to take a couple of more visits and iron some things out and see what is the best decision for me.

Gopher Hole: What things are you working on to continue to improve yourself as a player?

Alex Mayes: Really, foot work, explosiveness and some hand stuff. Just get better with my punch and hand placement. Coach Limegrover did some great stuff to help me with that today. He is a great coach and I took a lot of stuff from him.

Gopher Hole: Have you talked to your brother a lot about playing together in college?

Alex Mayes: We have talked about it a lot. Man, it would be a dream to play with Connor. That is what we have been doing since we were little, since he has been playing up with me and even in pee wee. These past few years in high school have been awesome together and continuing on that tradition having that brother thing going on would be great.

Texas OT Alex Mayes on Minnesota: "They are my number one."
By Chris Monter


Alex Mayes, a 6-foot-4 ½, 286-pound senior-to-be offensive tackle from Van Alstyne, Texas, made his second trip to Minnesota for the Gopher football camp this past Sunday. Mayes previously visited the Twin Cities this March as he attended spring practice. GopherHole.com caught up with Mayes Sunday to learn the latest on his recruitment.


Alex Mayes: I came up during spring ball and watched spring practice. We checked out the university and got a tour of that. That was great. Fell in love with the place. I’m still in love with it. Every time I come up here. It just renews it. It is an awesome experience.

Gopher Hole: What would it mean to maybe become a Gopher?

Alex Mayes: It would be great. I didn’t really know much, but seeing all the tradition that they have and how Coach Kill is going to turn the program around. I really believe that he can. Talking to some of the players, they are all really buying into it and are all really good guys. It is something that I want to be a part of the next four years.


He would be a great pick-up. I like his attitude, size and vision. I hate to be too presumptuous, but I see this kid wearing maroon & gold.

It's interesting that we're in good position to get the commitment of both Mayes brothers, given that Kill only recruits MAC-level prospects.

It's interesting that we're in good position to get the commitment of both Mayes brothers, given that Kill only recruits MAC-level prospects.

dpo...I see what you did there.

dpodoll68 said:
It's interesting that we're in good position to get the commitment of both Mayes brothers, given that Kill only recruits MAC-level prospects.
What the h@ll are you talking about?

What the h@ll are you talking about?

dpod commonly likes to use hyperbole to prove a point. not sure why he always feels the need to do this. in this instance he is saying that alex has offers from bcs schools and would be different than many of the recruits we've signed who only have mac level offers.

It's interesting that we're in good position to get the commitment of both Mayes brothers, given that Kill only recruits MAC-level prospects.

I'll bite. Nobody has said he only recruits MAC-level prospects, just that many out-of-state commits from 2012 had few if any other BCS offers. For our sakes, hopefully this is because the staff is full of shrewd evaluators that can consistently identify talented players that others can't. It's an interesting comment coming from you, since you typically talk about the importance of recruting rankings to wins/losses. The 2012 class was ranked 12th in the B1G, so how will the Gophers improve dramatically unless this ranking does?

Nobody has said he only recruits MAC-level prospects

Been here long?

It's an interesting comment coming from you, since you typically talk about the importance of recruting rankings to wins/losses. The 2012 class was ranked 12th in the B1G, so how will the Gophers improve dramatically unless this ranking does?

On average, no doubt, it is much easier to win when you recruit highly-ranked players. It's not a direct correlation, however, and there are certainly outliers on both sides. Schools like Notre Dame and Clemson consistently underperform their recruiting rankings, while schools like Wisconsin and Oklahoma St. tend to outperform their recruiting rankings. It makes things more difficult, but it can be done - through things like finding undervalued, late-blooming prospects, getting the overwhelming majority to stay 4-5 years, and taking better advantage of local prospects that tend to be undervalued by the recruiting services anyway. I don't think anyone was under the illusion that it would be easy for Kill to succeed here, and that includes in recruiting as well as actual on-the-field results.

Been here long?

On average, no doubt, it is much easier to win when you recruit highly-ranked players. It's not a direct correlation, however, and there are certainly outliers on both sides. Schools like Notre Dame and Clemson consistently underperform their recruiting rankings, while schools like Wisconsin and Oklahoma St. tend to outperform their recruiting rankings. It makes things more difficult, but it can be done - through things like finding undervalued, late-blooming prospects, getting the overwhelming majority to stay 4-5 years, and taking better advantage of local prospects that tend to be undervalued by the recruiting services anyway. I don't think anyone was under the illusion that it would be easy for Kill to succeed here, and that includes in recruiting as well as actual on-the-field results.

I've been here for a while, and I don't think anyone seriously suggested that we will only get MAC level recruits. It was probably said in jest, however, if someone believes this, come forward now. We're all still learning about Kill's recruiting process for a Big Ten team. The 2012 out-state recruiting class left something to be desired from a stars/offer list standpoint, I don't think anyone can deny that given that the class was rated 12th in the Big Ten. Time will tell how these players perform.

Back on topic, here's a quote from FBT:

"Of note, Texas mauler bros Alex and Connor Mayes reportedly destroyed everyone and according to Ryan Burns over at Gopher Illustrated, both brothers have Minnesota #1 ($) on their list. A double signage on the Scroll of the Sworn soon? "


I've been here for a while, and I don't think anyone seriously suggested that we will only get MAC level recruits. It was probably said in jest, however, if someone believes this, come forward now. We're all still learning about Kill's recruiting process for a Big Ten team. The 2012 out-state recruiting class left something to be desired from a stars/offer list standpoint, I don't think anyone can deny that given that the class was rated 12th in the Big Ten. Time will tell how these players perform.

I thought someone is going to make fun with Western Michigan offer joke which is very pervasive here. :D And I think dpo's sarcasm nailed it pretty well. Anyway, I'm happy to hear good things from Mayes(s).

I'm replying mostly because I'm hoping this kid might be checking this site and realizes we're pulling for him to be a Golden Gopher.

Go Gophers!

Connor is listed as 6'4", 340 lbs. Even if this is exaggerated, that's one big dude for a kid who just finished his sophomore year of high school. It sounds like they definitely are planning to go to the same school, so let's hope we get these two committed by the end of the summer. And maybe Jeff Jones and Malik Rucker while we're at it...

According to Rivals, he has already scheduled his official visit for Oct 12.

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