Q&A: Florida Receiver Charlie Miller Enjoys Minnesota Visit

this is one of the kids i want to see in maroon and gold...

Was he nervous for the interview? His answers are confusing.
GH: Have you thought about when you might decide on a school?
Charlie Miller: It will probably be soon, like this week, probably.

GH: Would you make another visit before you decide or not?
Charlie Miller: I probably will.

GH: When do you think that you would visit Central Florida?
Charlie Miller: I don’t know. Probably in the next couple of weeks.

Nice highlights though.

congrats to whomever did the interview on not asking stupid questions about weather, etc! :clap:

Thanks Chris, was he a shy kid, or did you get the feeling he didn't really enjoy the trip (lots of short answers)?

Yeah, he wasn't the most polished or forthcoming interview. As a former writer myself, I felt bad for the interviewer getting such short responses.

He was probably just new to the interview process and a little nervous. Nothing to be ashamed of, I know I would have been a little nervous giving all of these interviews as a high school senior, hell I probably still would be. But kid looks like a great player hope he choose's here

He was probably just new to the interview process and a little nervous. Nothing to be ashamed of, I know I would have been a little nervous giving all of these interviews as a high school senior, hell I probably still would be. But kid looks like a great player hope he choose's here

+1 - Amazing how some people want to grade a young kid who probably hasn't had much experience in being in the limelight. DrunkGopher’s response puts it in the proper context. I would really love to see the kid here.

He was probably just new to the interview process and a little nervous. Nothing to be ashamed of, I know I would have been a little nervous giving all of these interviews as a high school senior, hell I probably still would be. But kid looks like a great player hope he choose's here
Agree 100%.

I love his video, I'd love to see him in maroon and gold. Pretty impressive to someone so new to football.

I agree. He seemed like a nice kid, but I don't think that he was used to talking about himself. I tired to ask thorough questions without being overly persistent. I think the Gophers have a good chance of landing him.

Chris Monter

I agree. He seemed like a nice kid, but I don't think that he was used to talking about himself. I tired to ask thorough questions without being overly persistent. I think the Gophers have a good chance of landing him.

Chris Monter

Yeah, I can't blame the kid. I know I wouldn't have been much different than him. It must be strange for a kid like him who has been sort of off the radar most of his HS career (especially when it came to football) to get this much attention from all over the country. Minnesota might as well be Australia to a 17/18 yr old kid from Florida who has probably never seen snow. I actually liked the interview, he seemed like a good kid that is extremely talented who just isn't quite comfortable talking about himself yet. I count that as a plus.

As always, great job on the interview Chris!

The snow might have shocked him. Would love to see him at Minny, but I think he stays in Florida and I think that is why the Mayo kid from Bama is in for a visit next week.

The snow might have shocked him. Would love to see him at Minny, but I think he stays in Florida

If a kid would rather go to FIU or UCF than play in the Big Ten and get a free education from a world-class university, he is a moron and we don't want him here anyway.

and I think that is why the Mayo kid from Bama is in for a visit next week

Do you mean K.J. Maye?

If a kid would rather go to FIU or UCF than play in the Big Ten and get a free education from a world-class university, he is a moron and we don't want him here anyway.

Do you mean K.J. Maye?

Thanks for the correction dpodoll68. Vapor lock on my part> I was thinking the Mayo kid on the Marquette hoops team that did a job on Wisconsin

If a kid would rather go to FIU or UCF than play in the Big Ten and get a free education from a world-class university, he is a moron and we don't want him here anyway.

Do you mean K.J. Maye?

A bit hasty aren't we? Heaven forbid a kid want to stay near his family and allow them easy access to watch him play. Yes, we are Big Ten and yes the University of Minnesota is a good university (better than FIU and UCF), but I don't think you can constitute a kid a moron if he indeed wants to stay in his home state.

I don't think you can constitute a kid a moron if he indeed wants to stay in his home state.

If he wants to stay in his home state and play for a quality program, then yes, there's nothing wrong with it. Everything else being equal, if you'd rather play for UCF or FIU than Minnesota - yes, you are a moron. If there are legitimate mitigating circumstances (family illness, fathered a child as a teenager and wants to stay close, etc.), then obviously those trump the quality of offer and I withdraw the comment.

If he wants to stay in his home state and play for a quality program, then yes, there's nothing wrong with it. Everything else being equal, if you'd rather play for UCF or FIU than Minnesota - yes, you are a moron. If there are legitimate mitigating circumstances (family illness, fathered a child as a teenager and wants to stay close, etc.), then obviously those trump the quality of offer and I withdraw the comment.
Seriously, if someone wants to be near his family he is a moron? Maybe he has never been far away from his family and isn't comfortable going that far away from them? Maybe he has a girlfriend that doesn't want him to go far away from either? I think you're a moron for even thinking just because a better program offers doesn't mean he has to go there. That's like saying if a guy offered by the Gophers gets an offer from OSU, he's a moron if he chooses Minnesota because OSU is clearly a better program.

Seriously, if someone wants to be near his family he is a moron? Maybe he has never been far away from his family and isn't comfortable going that far away from them? Maybe he has a girlfriend that doesn't want him to go far away from either? I think you're a moron for even thinking just because a better program offers doesn't mean he has to go there. That's like saying if a guy offered by the Gophers gets an offer from OSU, he's a moron if he chooses Minnesota because OSU is clearly a better program.

OSU is a better job than Minnesota, but at least they're in the same ballpark. FIU and UCF are hanging out on the other side of the freeway eating scraps out of the dumpster with San Jose St. and Western Kentucky.

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