

Section 112, Row 1
Nov 20, 2008
Reaction score
What's with these announcers? "The world Famous Ohio State Buckeyes", said it many times......

Just awful. I sent a couple tweets to Tim Brando. What a couple of clowns- biased toward Illini the whole game. Not recognizing targeting, continually calling out MN for holding when Illini was holding all day inc their last 3 offensive plays, "Illini driving for a game winning TD"-what?
Brando should stick to hoops where he can say "the iron unkind" 10x game
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If Penn State didn't lay an egg like usual against the Buckeyes then maybe they would have toned it down.

They were the worst I can remember. They were annoying, ill informed and weren’t even paying attention - the fact that it took them going to break to realize it was still going to be a 1 possession game if we made the final FG was just unprofessional.

At least Aggie Vision wanted to be good.

Just awful. I sent a couple tweets to Tim Brando. What a couple of clowns- biased toward Illini the whole game. Not recognizing targeting, continually calling out MN for holding when Illini was holding all day inc their last 3 offensive plays, "Illini driving for a game winning TD"-what?
Brando should stick to hoops where he can say "the iron unkind" 10x game
Brando is well past his prime. But I bet he makes a pretty good living. 🤔

They were the worst I can remember. They were annoying, ill informed and weren’t even paying attention - the fact that it took them going to break to realize it was still going to be a 1 possession game if we made the final FG was just unprofessional.

At least Aggie Vision wanted to be good.
Long live Casa de Auto lol

They were "TRYING" a little too hard....

They were the worst I can remember. They were annoying, ill informed and weren’t even paying attention - the fact that it took them going to break to realize it was still going to be a 1 possession game if we made the final FG was just unprofessional.

At least Aggie Vision wanted to be good.
Well said.

Declaring a sacked QB 13 yards from the line to gain was “close to a first down” and saying that the Gophers won the coin flip and deferred to the second half “so they will be kicking off after the break” was just the start of an avalanche of announcing that was as inaccurate as much as it was biased.

It's like they were only paying half attention. Like they were calling another game simultaneously or prepping for dinner.

I texted a buddy during the game that I remember when Brando started as a scoreboard reader on ABC College Football Scoreboard show, and I wish he was still there.

I think there are so many games televised that the announcing pool is very thin these days.

Should hire the Dynamite guy
I'll see myself out...

It was stunning. The older fellow almost seemed like he was watching his first football game.

Just awful. I sent a couple tweets to Tim Brando. What a couple of clowns- biased toward Illini the whole game. Not recognizing targeting, continually calling out MN for holding when Illini was holding all day inc their last 3 offensive plays, "Illini driving for a game winning TD"-what?
Brando should stick to hoops where he can say "the iron unkind" 10x game
Are you drunk?

What's with these announcers? "The world Famous Ohio State Buckeyes", said it many times......
I should probably clarify, I was referring to the OSU-PSU game.

I should probably clarify, I was referring to the OSU-PSU game.
Hilarious that this thread morphed into a rip Tim Brando thread.

The gaffe in post #7 was bad with the QB "scrambling" back to the line of scrimmage thinking he was near a 1st Down.

Other than that, I didn't think they were that bad. Caveat, I DVRd and didn't start watching for about 90 minutes, so I jumped ahead when each play was over and didn't really pay attention to the announcers.

Big time saver. I didn't catch up to real time until just before the Gophers went ahead for good.

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