Problem with this team


Dec 23, 2008
Reaction score
To me the differance between the first few wins and the last Three losses is a matter of team chemistry. Every sense the blow up between Westbrook and Nolan the team does not look the same. No more smiles or having fun on the court. Instead Westbrook wants to take the game on his back,get more touches, and it hurts the unselfish attitude this team started the season with. I do believe Tubby can fix the problem and we will be fine. Go Gophers.

Chemistry has a funny way of healing itself when the ball goes through the hoop. If we get just 2 more three-pointers to go in instead of out in each of our losses, we would be 7-0 right now and everyone would be praising how well the team plays.

A different problem reveals itself after each game. Last night was rebounding. The Gophers were embarrassed last night on the boards.

As has been mentioned already, there are so many issues with this team right now that it would take a computer spreadsheet to catalog them all. Team chemistry definitely falls somewhere on that list however.

Better to have any team problems to show up early in the season so they can be corrected early and make the team stronger. A less than great start to the season but all of the parts are there for a solid foundation and an impressive season once the attitude problems are taken care of and the confidence level is raised.

Amongst other things last night-Spencer really, really, hammered on Sampson for his lack of toughness, rebounding, defense, etc.

Amongst other things last night-Spencer really, really, hammered on Sampson for his lack of toughness, rebounding, defense, etc.

Spencer was correct. Absolutely 100% spot on actually.

After watching the first 7 games, I think the problem with this team is the the two best rebounders on our squad are sitting at home watching the games on TV.

Lets be clear, I think the U is doing the right things with Trevor and Royce.

Having said that, it we get 20 minutes from each of those guys from day one, we are 7-0 and ranked in the top 10 right now.

We don't match up well on the boards so we don't get as many easy second chances, our fast break doesn't break as early and the other team gets more of both. Plus, their guards don't fear the paint when driving against us.

Every player on the floor would be improved if we had our two PFs on the floor.

Just my humble opinion.

To me the differance between the first few wins and the last Three losses is a matter of team chemistry. Every sense the blow up between Westbrook and Nolan the team does not look the same. No more smiles or having fun on the court. Instead Westbrook wants to take the game on his back,get more touches, and it hurts the unselfish attitude this team started the season with. I do believe Tubby can fix the problem and we will be fine. Go Gophers.

Blow up between Westbrook and Nolen? What happened?

After watching the first 7 games, I think the problem with this team is the the two best rebounders on our squad are sitting at home watching the games on TV.

Lets be clear, I think the U is doing the right things with Trevor and Royce.

I've really been perplexed by this. The Gophers early last year had some trouble rebounding but once the Big 10 season rolled around the Gophers were like 3rd in the conference behind Mich St and Penn St.

What happened? We returned pretty much the same team.

Blow up between Westbrook and Nolen? What happened?

Page two of the Nolen/Westbrook thread.

Alright, yes Al and Lawrence got in a fight after the Portland game. It was a culmination of many things but pretty much the whole team is fed up with westbrook's selfishness. Recently Lawrence's dad has decided that it is a good idea to go to practices and yell for his son to get the ball more and isn't shy about letting his feelings known. And during the film session Saturday, westbrook decided to take things into his own hands and made constant references to his lack of touches. But anyways after the team was done looking at film, Al stood up and pretty much said that he knew he was going to get in trouble for saying this but that the whole team was sick of Westbrooks comments and that he just needed to shut up and play. As you can imagine LW didn't like this very much so he immediately got into Al's face and got physical. So, to make a long story short the fight ended pretty quickly and the punishment was only a half for the two of them.

Amongst other things last night-Spencer really, really, hammered on Sampson for his lack of toughness, rebounding, defense, etc.

Lack of Mbawke and White more like it. The biggest need in this game was rebounding. They win going away with better rebounding. You go out and recruit and then do not have it when the season rolls around.

They win going away with better rebounding.

I agree. But, they had it last year without White and Mbakwe. If they returned last years rebounding and a strong presence from Trevor and Royce they would have been able to compete with Mich St. on the boards this year. It killed us during the Portland game as well.

Someone please 'splain what happened between last year and this year?

To me the differance between the first few wins and the last Three losses is a matter of team chemistry. Every sense the blow up between Westbrook and Nolan the team does not look the same. No more smiles or having fun on the court. Instead Westbrook wants to take the game on his back,get more touches, and it hurts the unselfish attitude this team started the season with. I do believe Tubby can fix the problem and we will be fine. Go Gophers.

Westbrook hasn't been very effective. If that is the case he is playing for tommorow. That does not bode well for this team. Nolen has stepped up to the plate so far. It shows on the court.

I wonder why Westbrook hasn't been frozen out completely, no touches for a game.

After watching the first 7 games, I think the problem with this team is the the two best rebounders on our squad are sitting at home watching the games on TV.

Lets be clear, I think the U is doing the right things with Trevor and Royce.

Having said that, it we get 20 minutes from each of those guys from day one, we are 7-0 and ranked in the top 10 right now.

We don't match up well on the boards so we don't get as many easy second chances, our fast break doesn't break as early and the other team gets more of both. Plus, their guards don't fear the paint when driving against us.

Every player on the floor would be improved if we had our two PFs on the floor.

Just my humble opinion.

You absolutely NAILED it.:clap:

Two guys, projected to be starters and leaders on a team are watching. I hope I am wrong, but I think Royce is lost. Trevor will have a chance at redemption.

Page two of the Nolen/Westbrook thread.

WOW. I missed that. Thanks for the info. This leads me to question why Nolen and Westbrook BOTH sat the first half of that game. It seems to me that Nolen did exactly what you would want. He got it out in the open and said it- that shows some leadership and guts IMO. Maybe Tubby shoud have been sitting Westbrook and perhaps before it ever hit that point. And maybe he needs to clear Will Hump- oops- Mr Westbrook out of the practices and take back control of the team.

Amongst other things last night-Spencer really, really, hammered on Sampson for his lack of toughness, rebounding, defense, etc.

Spencer should have concentrated more on his rebounding as a gopher than hammering current players.

Rebounding Avg

2004 4.1
2005 4.1
2006 5.3
2007 3.7

2008 4.2
2009 5.9


watching the game it looked like they pounded us on the boards but the stat line shows we lost that battle 33-34 so we weren't killed there

Westbrook should be the 6th man. He thinks much too highly of himself.

Westbrook should be the 6th man. He thinks much too highly of himself.

agree it a bad sign when westbrook gets the ball at the other end of the court i can tell when he is going to take it to the hole no matter how many defenders are in his way. All he tries to do is initiate contact and get to the line. did anyone see last night when he was wide open for a jumpshot but did a weird lean in floater?? what the hell is that

Spencer should have concentrated more on his rebounding as a gopher than hammering current players.

Rebounding Avg

2004 4.1
2005 4.1
2006 5.3
2007 3.7

2008 4.2
2009 5.9

I was waiting for someone to post something like that. Yes, Spencer was soft, too. But now his job as an analyst is to point it out in others when he sees it. And he was right.

Spencer should have concentrated more on his rebounding as a gopher than hammering current players.

Lol. Spence had a lot of faults but he can point out the flaws painfully. After about the 12th ( literally ) offensive rebound in a row during the first half he let 'em have it. Specifically, pointing out Ralphie's failure to go up with two hands and grab the ball rather than try and tip it out everytime.

Are our offensive troubles:
1. A lack of a cohesive game plan like Wisconsin has ?(or Purdue or Northwestern - many teams could fit here) We seem to not have identifiable offensive scheme. Those of you who know hoops better than me and disagree please weigh in.
2. A lack of scorers? Or scorers without confidence?
3. A lack of chemistry between the players? It seems our bigs get in position and the guards aren't looking for them. It seems Westbrook tries to do too much and stalls the offense.
4. Or just part of the growing pains of 13 guys learning to play five at a time together and unified?
It's been cool to see the pick-and-roll develop.

I'm confused why everyone assumes that the addition of Royce and Trevor would be the difference between where we are now and 7-0, top ten team.

I was very impressed with Trevor at the Tip-Off and I think both he and Royce have great potential. But Royce has never played a minute of college basketball and Trevor wasn't an impact player as a freshman.

I have high hopes for both, and I do think they'd be an upgrade over our current PF's (do we even have one?), but to say that they would make that huge of a difference is way too presumptuous for my tastes.

That said, I do hope to see them both this year.

I'm confused why everyone assumes that the addition of Royce and Trevor would be the difference between where we are now and 7-0, top ten team.

I was very impressed with Trevor at the Tip-Off and I think both he and Royce have great potential. But Royce has never played a minute of college basketball and Trevor wasn't an impact player as a freshman.

I have high hopes for both, and I do think they'd be an upgrade over our current PF's (do we even have one?), but to say that they would make that huge of a difference is way too presumptuous for my tastes.

That said, I do hope to see them both this year.

They use it simply as a means to explain why the basketball team has performed poorly so far. In other words, they feel that there's no way the team would have struggled this much had Royce and Trevor's legal problems been overlooked and they were allowed to compete in full. Like you said, there is no evidence to suggest that either one would have suddenly catapulted us into the top-10. But that won't stop certain individuals from continuing to bitch and moan about how bad a job Tubby is doing, how an adherence to discipline has ruined our season and so on.

I can't wait for all the Monson guys to be off this team...

agree it a bad sign when westbrook gets the ball at the other end of the court i can tell when he is going to take it to the hole no matter how many defenders are in his way. All he tries to do is initiate contact and get to the line. did anyone see last night when he was wide open for a jumpshot but did a weird lean in floater?? what the hell is that

Are you guys serious? How many other guys on this team can consistently beat his man off the dribble and finish at the rim? On top of that, Westbrook is one of two jump shooters on this team right now along with Devoe. Criticizing someone for trying to initiate contact and get to line is absolutely moronic. Getting to the line is one of the best skills a player can have. Westbrook may be a little selfish with the ball, but the fact remains that he is easily our best offensive weapon until Devoe gets his shot back.

Uh, well, "we" are still here....


Great game by LW. No question. I really like him as a player and love his potential. But he had 12 games before this one where he was absent quite a bit, in my opinion. He has so much talent and I guess "we" wonder where it was during the non-conference schedule.

I also worry that as LW heats up, it becomes a one-man game for him, particularly down the stretch of a game. I am hoping that LW builds on this tremendous effort, while operating within the team concept, and brings it *every* night, not just occasionally. He is talented enough. We definitely need him badly.

I also worry that as LW heats up, it becomes a one-man game for him, particularly down the stretch of a game. I am hoping that LW builds on this tremendous effort, while operating within the team concept, and brings it *every* night, not just occasionally. He is talented enough. We definitely need him badly.

exactly, i still thinks he takes to many shots that he decided to take before the possession, sometimes it works for him (tonight) but it seems like it is often the other way around.

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