Pressure on OSU; OSU NIL reported at $20 million

$20 million?! This is going to destroy locker rooms at some point.

Yeah…show me the books
$20 million may not be as far fetched as we think. Ohio State has a tradition of elite football and regularly sell out the largest football stadium.

Getting 100,000 of their fans to average $200 for NIL donations sounds possible.

I’d think Gopher football has a chance to raise $10 million with 50,000 fans averaging $200 each. But even the wealthy Minnesotan’s squeak when they walk, so I think our $10 million would be harder to raise than OSU’s $20 million.

$20 million may not be as far fetched as we think. Ohio State has a tradition of elite football and regularly sell out the largest football stadium.

Getting 100,000 of their fans to average $200 for NIL donations sounds possible.

I’d think Gopher football has a chance to raise $10 million with 50,000 fans averaging $200 each. But even the wealthy Minnesotan’s squeak when they walk, so I think our $10 million would be harder to raise than OSU’s $20 million.

I’m not saying it’s impossible. I’m saying I flat out don’t believe the numbers thrown around. Two different things.

Anyway, this discussion does bring up questions around NIL that maybe only I wonder about:

1). How many self-described avid versus casual fans contribute on a percentage basis.
2. Average and median contribution
3. Uni-sport donations or multi-sport.

At OSU have to think the vast majority of fans are visiting, buying hotel space and rentals, tickets, food, drink, and the list goes on. Season tickets, flights. Now they want fans to fund payroll. I don’t know, but I’m skeptical by nature 🤷🏻‍♂️.

Show me the tax return.

I’m not saying it’s impossible. I’m saying I flat out don’t believe the numbers thrown around. Two different things.

Anyway, this discussion does bring up questions around NIL that maybe only I wonder about:

1). How many self-described avid versus casual fans contribute on a percentage basis.
2. Average and median contribution
3. Uni-sport donations or multi-sport.

At OSU have to think the vast majority of fans are visiting, buying hotel space and rentals, tickets, food, drink, and the list goes on. Season tickets, flights. Now they want fans to fund payroll. I don’t know, but I’m skeptical by nature 🤷🏻‍♂️.

Show me the tax return.

A&M boosters passed the hat around and came up with 75 mil just for Jimbo fisher to go away

I’m not saying it’s impossible. I’m saying I flat out don’t believe the numbers thrown around. Two different things.

Anyway, this discussion does bring up questions around NIL that maybe only I wonder about:

1). How many self-described avid versus casual fans contribute on a percentage basis.
2. Average and median contribution
3. Uni-sport donations or multi-sport.

At OSU have to think the vast majority of fans are visiting, buying hotel space and rentals, tickets, food, drink, and the list goes on. Season tickets, flights. Now they want fans to fund payroll. I don’t know, but I’m skeptical by nature 🤷🏻‍♂️.

Show me the tax return.
I wasn’t disagreeing with you, just showing that it is possible to reach these crazy numbers, especially for schools with a large and dedicated fan base. And the more rich guys stroking their egos, the easier it is.

I wasn’t disagreeing with you, just showing that it is possible to reach these crazy numbers, especially for schools with a large and dedicated fan base. And the more rich guys stroking their egos, the easier it is.

Oh yeah, it’s possible, but it all seems like hearsay and guerrilla marketing by collectives and programs. I’d like, just for once, to see some real numbers on black and white.

What we have seen was the Rashada (sp?) lawsuit where the actual money changing hands (in this case direct from a wealthy booster) was a small fraction of the total in the alleged contract.

$20 million?! This is going to destroy locker rooms at some point.
It already is, in a way. If you're a talented 4-star that is 2nd or 3rd string at UGA or Oklahoma, these kids are starting to transfer out at a rate that we didn't see over the last 20 years. I'd argue it's due to NIL and these young kids thinking "if I can just be a starter somewhere, I can land that NIL money"

Kirby Smart and people around the UGA program have been complaining this offseason that they are lacking the depth they've had over the last several years because of this.

$20 million?! This is going to destroy locker rooms at some point.
In a few years, $20 million will destroy locker rooms.

Because it won't be enough to keep everyone from transferring.

At OSU have to think the vast majority of fans are visiting, buying hotel space and rentals, tickets, food, drink, and the list goes on. Season tickets, flights. Now they want fans to fund payroll. I don’t know, but I’m skeptical by nature 🤷🏻‍♂️.

Show me the tax return.
The irony of someone making such general assumptions about the fans but then demanding specific details of what you're interested in knowing....

The irony of someone making such general assumptions about the fans but then demanding specific details of what you're interested in knowing....

Can you be more specific on what you mean here? I’m not being aggressive about it.

The Swarm (Iowa NIL) is registered as a legit charitable organization (rather than a front for paying players) and as of mid 2023 had set a goal of 10000 members and 5M income. That’s fanbase with arguably more fan engagement.

As a charitable organization they must file publicly available documents as can be seen below. They had 2.2M in income in calendar year 2022 and as a charity they will (I’d guess) distribute the lions share to you know, actual charities, not players. The actual dollar number reaching players for their appearances and so on isn’t clear but even if they hit $10M plus it will be a fraction of that.


Oh yeah, it’s possible, but it all seems like hearsay and guerrilla marketing by collectives and programs. I’d like, just for once, to see some real numbers on black and white.

What we have seen was the Rashada (sp?) lawsuit where the actual money changing hands (in this case direct from a wealthy booster) was a small fraction of the total in the alleged contract.
Yup. Agree! I also think that website that lists NIL deals ( is mostly way wrong.

You know I was initially concerned that NIL wouldn’t be the beautiful system to compensate players for their image and likeness. Its backers promised it wouldn’t just be a free for all cluster F.

But now that I see NIL payrolls like this and NIL money being offered to athletes to endorse political candidates, I realize I was being silly.

It already is, in a way. If you're a talented 4-star that is 2nd or 3rd string at UGA or Oklahoma, these kids are starting to transfer out at a rate that we didn't see over the last 20 years. I'd argue it's due to NIL and these young kids thinking "if I can just be a starter somewhere, I can land that NIL money"

Kirby Smart and people around the UGA program have been complaining this offseason that they are lacking the depth they've had over the last several years because of this.
Boo hoo for Kirby. This isn't a bad thing, because it will keep talent spread around. It's much better for football than basketball, where it's really hurt the game.

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