Prediction on fate of players?

Frank Grimey Grimes

Active member
Jun 14, 2016
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Now that the boycott is over, it seems that one of the important events that will follow will be a hearing for each suspended player by a review board. I think that at the end of the day some of the players will have their suspension/punishment overturned and some will not.

My prediction:
-Ray Buford
-Kiante Hardin
-Dior Johnson
-Tamarion Johnson

I am somewhat optimistic that few of the other players who were not even reported to be at the apartment(Green, Winfeild) will be completely cleared.

The other players I have no idea about and I will be interested to see what happens with Carlton Djem since he had reported consensual sex at first but kind of started the whole incident as well.

Obviously this is pure speculation, but what are your thoughts?

Why would any player remain at the U or go there in the current climate. I would absolutely transfer if I had options.

I would like to see the 5 players fully involved with the incident be put on a 1 year suspension (and encourage them to leave). The other three associated with it to be put on probation, and the two not even reported to be at the apartment to be fully cleared.

But, I expect nothing to change except possibly the two individuals not present to be put on probation, though I do expect civil lawsuits to be brought against the woman and also possibly against the U because of how decisions were made.

i hope winfield and green stay.

Regardless of suspension/expulsion, I would guess that 8 to 9 of the ten players will not be on the roster come opening day next season.

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Winfield SR. has basically said JR. is gone because the likelihood the U fires Kaler and Coyle are slim. I hope the players who were not there are cleared but have little confidence in this process.

i hope winfield and green stay.

Winfield Sr sounded pissed at the whole administration including the coaches. I wouldn't be at all surprised if he has his son transfer even if completely cleared.

Winfield SR. has basically said JR. is gone because the likelihood the U fires Kaler and Coyle are slim. I hope the players who were not there are cleared but have little confidence in this process.

True...but perhaps he will change his mind. I changed my mind a few times during this whole process trying to sort out the facts. I'm hoping Sr. realizes what took place and will be supportive of it. We all were running on emotions and I'm sure his were higher as he had a son involved. Making decisions on emotions isn't always very positive.

i hope winfield and green stay.

This. Loosing Hardin will be a tough break but it sounds like that is deserved. Losing Buford and potentially Shenault will deplete our secondary even further but Winfield and Seth are definitely the two guys most essential to our future of that list. Every one else I can live with if there no longer on the roster.

Winfield Sr sounded pissed at the whole administration including the coaches. I wouldn't be at all surprised if he has his son transfer even if completely cleared.

I bet Urban Meyer has already sneakily reached out to the old man.

I would like to see the 5 players fully involved with the incident be put on a 1 year suspension (and encourage them to leave). The other three associated with it to be put on probation, and the two not even reported to be at the apartment to be fully cleared.

But, I expect nothing to change except possibly the two individuals not present to be put on probation, though I do expect civil lawsuits to be brought against the woman and also possibly against the U because of how decisions were made.

I would be shocked if some of these players - especially the five who didn't participate but have been painted with the same brush - don't sue the U over this.

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I would be surprised if any of them came back. I would not be surprised if some people who aren't even involved decide to leave.

Mentally, I'm already prepared to be back at square one next season.

I predict many of them will get nice little settlements when they sue the u of m for releasing their names

I predict many of them will get nice little settlements when they sue the u of m for releasing their names

I dont think they did I think it was the football coach that decided to name them I could be wrong though.

Djam should be gone for involving the recruit.

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It's probably a situation that after they have the student board of conduct hearings that many of them will leave. Maybe not all but I would be willing to bet that a good majority of them will transfer.

Djam should be gone for involving the recruit.

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Involving the recruit was clear violation of all program, and University conduct rules. He is in cross hairs a lot even if Djam didn't intend all that ended up happening because of the underage recruit.

I would be surprised if any of them came back. I would not be surprised if some people who aren't even involved decide to leave.

Mentally, I'm already prepared to be back at square one next season.

I'm ever the pessimist, so I'm right there with you.

The situation has improved slightly since the player statement this morning, so I still have a sliver of hope that cooler heads will prevail. It's almost certain that 3-5 players will be gone, on way or another. I've got my fingers crossed for minimal collateral damage. But as a Gophers fan, I'm trying to prepare for the worst.

As someone said last night, remember when the worst thing EVER was Mitch throwing 3 picks thereby cursing the team to another 8 win season?

Consulted the 8-Ball this morning: "Reply hazy try again".
So I tried: "Ask again later".
So I asked: "Better not tell you now".
So I waited: "Concentrate and ask again".
So I concentrated: "It is decidedly so". Finally!
"Is it 'decidedly so' that players will suffer a fate?", I asked: "You may rely on it".
"Will the fate the players suffer be a Good fate or a bad fate?": "Outlook Good".
"So you're saying the outlook is for a Good fate...right?': "Don't count on it".
" are you saying there may be a bad fate for the players?": "Outlook not so Good".
" is the 'Outlook not so Good' for a bad fate for the players, or is the 'Outlook not so Good' for the fate of the players?: "It is certain".

Now you know.:cool02:

Winfield is for sure gone. The 4 in the OP are gone. Likely another 5 or so players will transfer out. If they decide to change coaches (get a yes man), I expect more will go.

At least I won't have to waste my time watching them next year. GL recruiting tracy.....

I'm ever the pessimist, so I'm right there with you.

The situation has improved slightly since the player statement this morning, so I still have a sliver of hope that cooler heads will prevail. It's almost certain that 3

I was thinking the same thing this morning. I remembered a couple of weeks ago just complaining about Leidner. I was at the Oregon St. game and thought back to the following morning coming down the elevator at the Commons hotel with one of the Freshman football players who will remain nameless. I thought at that moment I bet he was visiting his parents. Now, I unfortunately have to wonder if that was indeed the case.

I predict many of them will get nice little settlements when they sue the u of m for releasing their names

if they weren't named I am guessing we would have figured it out once the game started and none of them were on the roster or were around

When push comes to shove, how many will actually even fight it? That is the more relevant question.

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if they weren't named I am guessing we would have figured it out once the game started and none of them were on the roster or were around

Is figuring out that they were suspended for sexual issues is very different than Kaler saying it on TV

I believe A9 was the only player who was charged who was not at the apartment. He was charged with lying about where he was that night.

The Board of Regents Policy: Student Conduct Code, Sectjon IV, Subd. 3 provides that students who willfully provide University offices or officials with false, misleading or incomplete information are subject to appropriate disciplinary action. We find that A9 violated this Subdivision by repeatedly and deliberately providing false information to EOAA.

A9 conduct had the serious negative effect of hindering a University sexual harassment and assault investigntion. By falsely reporting that he was not present in apartment A that night, A9 avoided providing EOAA with critical first~hand information about the events in apartment A that night. This information was particularly important to EOAA' s investigation given that RS and many of the accused students were present in apartment A before and/or after visiting apartment B. of M EOAA redacted5.pdf

When push comes to shove, how many will actually even fight it? That is the more relevant question.

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See the thread I started. Gopher Alum are going to continue the boycott and provide resources to the accused players. This fight has only just begun...even if players transfer out to other schools.

I believe A9 was the only player who was charged who was not at the apartment. He was charged with lying about where he was that night.

The Board of Regents Policy: Student Conduct Code, Sectjon IV, Subd. 3 provides that students who willfully provide University offices or officials with false, misleading or incomplete information are subject to appropriate disciplinary action. We find that A9 violated this Subdivision by repeatedly and deliberately providing false information to EOAA.

A9 conduct had the serious negative effect of hindering a University sexual harassment and assault investigntion. By falsely reporting that he was not present in apartment A that night, A9 avoided providing EOAA with critical first~hand information about the events in apartment A that night. This information was particularly important to EOAA' s investigation given that RS and many of the accused students were present in apartment A before and/or after visiting apartment B. of M EOAA redacted5.pdf

Why would he even need to give a statement? We're these students advised they have the right to speak with an attorney prior to questioning? Not answer questions? I'm guessing no.

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