Predicting Top 20 Seniors in College Basketball for the 2014-15 Season (Mathieu #18)

I said that Russ could beat you in a debate because when you don't have a response, you come back with "whine whine whine, blah blah, blah, holier than thou, etc." Since NCAA sanctions are the be all and end all, when are North Carolina's academic scandal sanctions coming?

"Everyone's doing it" isn't a valid defense. Coming from someone with no ethics, your tack is unsurprising.

Whether UNC's violations were less, greater than, or equal to Minnesota's is irrelevant to the fact that Minnesota cheated. You are also quite ill-informed or flat-out lying if you're attempting to pass off the story that Minnesota's cheating was mostly the work of one person.

You don't get to claim accomplishments earned by cheating.

Saying that they were there and played in the game is not necessarily calling it an accomplishment. It's possible to say they played in the game (which you and I both know they did), but cheated to get there and don't deserve it. If you stated it like this you would avoid the arguments, but you won't do it because you love arguing.

Coming from someone with no ethics, your tack is unsurprising.

Nice try. I love the personal attacks when you can't make a valid argument.

On the other part, okay, throw in Darville too. It still isn't nearly as systemic as NC's where whole academic departments were involved but, of course, in your black and white world, NC is clean because the NCAA didn't sanction them.

Saying that they were there and played in the game is not necessarily calling it an accomplishment. It's possible to say they played in the game (which you and I both know they did), but cheated to get there and don't deserve it. If you stated it like this you would avoid the arguments, but you won't do it because you love arguing.

No, I won't do it because I am an ethical person and won't give the team credit for something accomplished through a blatant, widespread, and systematic disregard for the rules. We don't and can't know how the team would've done had they been competing within the rules, so no credit is given for false "accomplishments".

I sincerely hope that most of you don't have children, and if you do, you're just playing games here and don't teach them that cheating is the way to get ahead in life.

Spot on. And dpo knows it. The guy just loves when anyone responds to his same boring arguments we've read for years. I haven't decided which he loves more: attention or arguing.

Saying that they were there and played in the game is not necessarily calling it an accomplishment. It's possible to say they played in the game (which you and I both know they did), but cheated to get there and don't deserve it. If you stated it like this you would avoid the arguments, but you won't do it because you love arguing.

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