Predict the score vs West Virginia

mattw1067: Gophers 59-56

Blizzard Gophers 82 - 63
Roy Christensen Gophers 77-71
Skage: Gophers 75 - 67
XMan: Gophers 67-64
Gopher in Texas: Gophers 71-68
gopherphan Gophers 68-60
Slim Tubby: Gophers 69-64
JGopher: Gophers 77-75
Gopher Nate: Gophers 83-72
mom8pop Mountaineers 67 - 64
Gopher07 WVU 72-66
Gopherbadgerman: Gophers 63-61
Dr.Don: Gophers 73-67
GophersOnTheRise: Gophers 70-63
Burton34: Gophers 76-70
StewieGopherFan Gophers 79-75
gopherfrommt Gophers 81-72
StCroix: WVU 68-63
rccola889: Gophers 79-70
KGdaBom Gophers 65-63
JJSINMN Gophs 74-66
MaroonGopher: West Virginia 71-60
Goldenboy: Gophers 70 - 64
tcgopher: Gophers 76-67
Eye of the gopher: gophers 76-71
Section201 Mountaineers 69 - 63
Idagopher Gophs75 WVU 61
Markous15: Gophers 78-68
MinneStoa: Gophers, 79-70
Peanutbuttertubbytime Gophers 70-63
Gopher737 Gophs 80-77
Dr. Gopher: Gophers 61-58
Reserve Gophers 91 - 79
Roland Brooks 68-65 Gophers
book Gophers 73 - 66
Gopher Madness- MN84 / WV77
mattw1067: Gophers 59-56
everybody knows my name Gophers 69-59
DiehardGopher Gophers 74-63
Bayfieldgopher: WVU 74-Gophers 66
Gopherholefan 64 56 Gophers

It looks like Burton34 had it with a prediction of 76-70 Gophers, off by 2 points.

I absolutely sucked at predicting the score the last few years. I guess every dog has his day!:cool02::cool02::cool02::cool02:

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