Predict the score vs North Carolina

Blizzard Gophers 85 - 80
Gopher07 UNC 87-75
GoldenGopherSwag UNC 88-72
GophersOnTheRise: Gophers 75-73
Idagopher MN 70 UNC 67
JGopher: UNC 82-70
mattw1067: Gophers 79-76
SS: Tar Heels 84-74
RunGopherRun: UNC 82 - 76
Dirk Diggler Gophers 85-81
Fryguy22 Gophers 66-62
GopherInPittsburgh.. UNC 91 Minnesota 79
mnsports1 UNC 87-66
Markous15: Gophers 80-78
Roy Christensen Gophers 70-62
dex8425: North Carolina 84-72
Reserve Gophers 71-65
Dr. Gopher: UNC 87-72
GopherHomer: UNC 88-64
Gopher Nate: Gophers 84-75
gopher1more: Gophers 71 - 68
MFauver35: Gophers 78-74
Peanutbuttertubbytime Gophers 75-71
ChemEGopher: Gophers 73-72
Marooned: UNC 88-79
gopherfrommt: Gophers 71-UNC 70
Dr.Don: Gophers 67-59
Varmint Cong: Gophers 85-84
Gopher737. Gophs 81-77
The-Real-Truth Gophers: 70-50
boryancheetz: UNC 85-74
Jon Gophers 97-93
minimax: UNC 91-82

Actually I think there was a tie. Two people were two off the score, I think.

Sorry for the delay-

Idagopher and gopher1more were both two off the final score.

Bronx cheer to those picking North Carolina. :D

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