Based on station19 and Parski1, The Commissioner is gonna have a big time problem if the score 27-20 Gophers prevails. I may need to go into secret session with PM to all entrants. "I just don't know, Clark".

Based on station19 and Parski1, The Commissioner is gonna have a big time problem if the score 27-20 Gophers prevails. I may need to go into secret session with PM to all entrants. "I just don't know, Clark".

Go ahead and copy me....I have never won "predict a score" in hoops or football. I have just been copying Doc Doc because he always wins - I changed my pic.

Based on station19 and Parski1, The Commissioner is gonna have a big time problem if the score 27-20 Gophers prevails. I may need to go into secret session with PM to all entrants. "I just don't know, Clark".

If Parski edits his prediction, does that mean I have to edit my perdiction? Is that in the fine print portion of the rules? I'm confused.

This perdicting is perplexing.

Benadryk Brownie, if the Gophs score 45 pts. I'll donate another $100 to the gopherhole site.

If Parski edits his prediction, does that mean I have to edit my perdiction? Is that in the fine print portion of the rules? I'm confused.

This perdicting is perplexing.

Station12 - I can change my score as many times as I want until Gametime...I read the fine print....BLAH!!

Station12 - I can change my score as many times as I want until Gametime...I read the fine print....BLAH!!

I guess The Commissioner is going to haffta call a meeting of the Executive Committee (GH Admin) in order to make a decision on this. The decision will be made public on April 1, 2013.

I guess The Commissioner is going to haffta call a meeting of the Executive Committee (GH Admin) in order to make a decision on this. The decision will be made public on April 1, 2013.

I'm sure it will be MOVED.

19, you and you alone, can keep this from becoming a major issue. All you haffta do is make your own prediction, and problem solved.

I can't even spell predict correctly.

kisarazu - Gophers 34 TT 27

TT defense doesn't impress me. I think we'll be able to run and control TOP. (Might be the Guinness talking)


Number of Times the 2006 Insight Bowl is brought up (including highlights) by broadcast crew = 4

Sorry! Kind of late to the party, but here it is 5 hours before kickoff.

GGG: Gophers - 44, TT - 28

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