Predict the Score versus Nebraska 10/26/13

With the Cornhuskers coming to town this Saturday, I see this as the opposite of hate week. The Nebraska fans are tremendous to visiting fans and I hope we can reciprocate their hospitality. I really think we have a chance to develop a great “friendly” rivalry with them.

If you are questioning why you should be nice to the Huskers well consider this, they despise the hogeyes and skunks as much as we do. This alone is a good enough reason to befriend them. We will always have the skunks and hogeyes to justifiably heap trash on so save your venom for those despicable creatures.

Let’s have fun with our Cornhuskers friends and treat them to a good time the same way they do when we come to Lincoln. If you’re tailgating, offer those red clad fans a beer and perhaps a bite to eat. While you’re at the game, thank them for coming and let them know you appreciate their traveling all the way to our great campus and stadium.

And yes, let’s beat the Huskers while they here but as Ron Burgundy would say, you stay classy, Minnesota.

Huskers 24
Minnesota 26

Ski-U-Mah and Go Gophers!

I predict that the Gophers will hold down Nebraska defensively in the first half. The game will turn in the 3rd Q when the Huskers will go for it on 4th down, pitch a halfback sweep, and the RB will bat the ball forward past the 1st down marker for a well-deserved 1st down by fumble.


Nebraska 24
Minnesota 30

Go Gophers!!

On KFAN this morning Justin Conzemius/ Fargo Flash picked Gophers 31, Huskers 28.

He was right last week picking the Gophs over NW so let's hope for 2 in a row!!

SelectionSunday: Gophers 24, Nebraska 22

And somewhere Tommy Frazier will be seething.

I (hopefully) predict the closest game in the series since the 1960's. ;) I was guessing NU 27 UofM 17, if it's a cold one.

Gophers can't get back to the Rose Bowl until they can beat NU.

My feeling is the our beloved rodents are kicking field goals to the Cornhuskers touchdowns in the first score:

Nebraska - 34
Ski-U-Mah - 19

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