Predict the Score - New Hampshire

MN 17 NH 27
I hate myself for this but I'm hoping for reverse psychology!

after what i saw last week, and hope for some improvment in play i feel confident in that this game wont go into ot... but i think the score will be closer... we recover an onsides kick with 55 seconds left in the game


gophers 24 UNH 20..

z-stein: Gophers 41 - UNH 17

for old times sake and despite my deep admiration for President Josiah Bartlett:

Gophers 31 and Wildkitties 21

WhoFellDownTheGopherHole: Gophers 29 - UNH 17

Gophers go for 2 pt conversion but lose it on a penalty.

Gopher in Qatar hit it on the NUTS!!!

His pick: Gophers 44 New Hampshire 7

Final Score: Gophers 44 New Hampshire 7.

Atta Boy Qatar!!!

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