Predict the attendance at the Spring Game

Predict the attendance at the Spring Game

  • Greater than 20,000

    Votes: 1 0.8%
  • Between 15,000 and 20,000

    Votes: 4 3.3%
  • Between 10,000 and 15,000

    Votes: 7 5.8%
  • Between 5,000 and 10,000

    Votes: 49 40.8%
  • Less than 5,000

    Votes: 59 49.2%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
Nov 22, 2008
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8,000,000 people with another 2,000,000 watching live on closed circuit television. translation = i don't really care all that much. a lot of people show up (which i would recommend and our family will be there)....that is great obviously. frankly, i am more concerned with seeing how guys have progressed and improved during spring practice and over last season, than i am with how many people show up to the spring game.

penn state (they had some rain) and michigan (in cool weather) each only had a couple to a few thousand people at their spring games last saturday. even if the weather had been better in those two locales, i still don't think they have thousands and thousands of people show up at their spring game. massive spring game attendance totals seem to be localized to a few specific teams like alabama, ohio state and a couple other southern schools. imo, the recent uber-hyping of spring game attendance totals seems to be a trumped up "espn" type of thing/statistic.

just my two cents. peace out. :)

Good attendance would be a sign of increased interest, which would be encouraging. Many people don't realize that most schools don't have large crowds at the Spring Game, which can lead people to think that other people aren't interested.

Too bad it's on Easter weekend. We are going out of town, otherwise I would most likely attend. I wonder how many others are either out of town or too busy with Easter plans to make it to the game.

There could be people coming into town for the Easter weekend too, maybe they would take in the Spring Game while they are here. A lot of people visit family over Easter, but they family they visit could just as easily be in the Metro area as be out of the metro area.

Too bad it's on Easter weekend. We are going out of town, otherwise I would most likely attend. I wonder how many others are either out of town or too busy with Easter plans to make it to the game.

i guess i didn't realize that people celebrate easter sunday all week/weekend long. :confused:

i mean, i typically like to start my easter bash festivities on palm sunday, rock it out all week through good friday, recover on saturday, then really tie one on come easter sunday. just teasing! ;)

if come saturday, people are in town or live near minneapolis, then i really think the whole too busy with easter plans mantra is a bit "over the top" and kind of a cop out. unless of course you have an "over the top" wife/girlfriend who demands it be that way (on thanksgiving & christmas too).......simply so you can't have any part of those days/weekends for yourself! i know you all know what i am talking about here.

i guess i didn't realize that people celebrate easter sunday all week/weekend long. :confused:

i mean, i typically like to start my easter bash festivities on palm sunday, rock it out all week through good friday, recover on saturday, then really tie one on come easter sunday. just teasing! ;)

if come saturday, people are in town or live near minneapolis, then i really think the whole too busy with easter plans mantra is a bit "over the top" and kind of a cop out. unless of course you have an "over the top" wife/girlfriend who demands it be that way (on thanksgiving & christmas too).......simply so you can't have any part of those days/weekends for yourself! i know you all know what i am talking about here.

Maybe one's religion and/or family take precedence over a football practice that means nothing?

I take it you are not familiar with the Easter Triduum.

thursday mass of the lord's supper, good friday, easter vigil. completed by easter sunday. i went to a catholic university. ;-)

don't get me wrong, i absolutely respect people's right to practice and observe easter week for as little or as long as they wish. i am a christian too. that isn't the point i was really trying to get across. i was just making light of the fact that there will probably be some out there who will likely use a religious holiday as a convenient excuse for why they didn't show up on saturday afternoon when in reality they were "available" on saturday afternoon.

to each his own, i am just hoping some out there don't falsely use a religious holiday they may not even really be observing that closely prior to easter sunday (certainly not to the extent of easter triduum) as a convenient "cop out."

3 reasons off the top

If you are a married guy and you are having 10 to 40 people at your house for Easter....probably not going to the spring game...traveling out of town, similar

If the weather is not gorgeous, most people are probably not going

If you know you can watch it on the Big Ten network on several probably are not going unless it's gorgeous or friends want to go more than you do. Gas at $4 a gallon probably factors into that decision if you live outside the Twin Cities.

I never seem to be able to make the spring game. Once again, this is the only weekend that works to open up the cabin. I will be out of town starting Thursday night or Friday morning. Bummer, because I think my kids would enjoy it and I know I would.

Interesting, people are predicting a smaller attendance now than they had just after the season ended. I had thought that people would be predicting larger attendance now than then. When I ran the poll the last time 11 people (17.74%) predicted greater than 20,000, 5 people (8.06%) predicted 15,000 to 20,000, 11 people (17.74%) predicted between 10,000 and 15,000, 17 people (27.42%) predicted between 5,000 and 10,000, and 18 (29.03%)people predicted less than 5,000. Of course there are more respondents for this poll than for the older one.

I'm still going to have a good time no matter how many show up, but there is an enthusiasm that wasn't there before. My 4-year old will have fun with the face-painting, the free stuff (she loved her maroon and gold beads) and of course, seeing Goldy Gopher. She wants to sit in the gold seats that spell out Minnesota.

Being a controlled scrimmage

I think anything over 5,000 would be pretty good. When Kill has the numbers for a full scrimmage I would expect attendence to increase.

Trying to tie Spring game attendance to Easter is one of the more ridiculous concepts I've seen in a while...thanks for the chuckle.

Trying to tie Spring game attendance to Easter is one of the more ridiculous concepts I've seen in a while...thanks for the chuckle.

It may not be a huge reason numbers wise, but it is why i won't be there. spending saturday with my family, sunday with my wife's family.

I'll be 3 1/2 hours north at my parents' house, otherwise I would go. Coach Kill knows family > football.

Depending on the weather, if it's sh*t maybe 3,000. If it's nice I could see 5,500-6,000

Trying to tie Spring game attendance to Easter is one of the more ridiculous concepts I've seen in a while...thanks for the chuckle.

There would be 5 of 6 people in attendance from my season tix crew but we all grew up in outstate MN and family on Easter weekend trumps 18-22 year old kids going through an organized scrimmage.

We can have a political sig war if we really want to, but it doesn't seem to be that great an idea to me.

My wife and I are coming home for Easter and we will be there for sure. I'm also hauling my parents and other relatives with me, they're all very excited to see the stadium for the first time.

Trying to tie Spring game attendance to Easter is one of the more ridiculous concepts I've seen in a while...thanks for the chuckle.

I took my two nephews to last year's spring game. This year, I'm taking my daughter to an Easter egg hunt at 1:00.

Trying to tie Spring game attendance to Easter is one of the more ridiculous concepts I've seen in a while...thanks for the chuckle.

I believe they did that Brew's 1st year too - it is bad timing. I know a ton of people out of town for Easter, or that have guests in town not interested so they can't come.

I'd say there were about 6K there, which more than doubled last year's #. Posted some crowd pics on Twitter that I'm too lazy to upload here.

In the future, they should plan the spring practices, so that the Spring Game doesn't fall on Easter, or Spring Jam weekends, because those will drive attendance down (especially student attendance).

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