[POST GAME THREAD] Minnesota defeats Maryland 31-10


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Jan 12, 2013
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Up next: Rutgers, Illinois and Purdue. Let's get this season back on track.

Which QB gives us the best chance to win all of these games, Rhoda or Leidner?

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It's a fair question. This team looked more prepared and the OL improved their blocking immensely.

I can't say Leidner is a vastly superior QB, but I don't know how much of this win rests on Rhoda's shoulders.

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Nice win. Gives us a chance to save the season. Unfortunately with the losses to Iowa & PSU we are still limited bowl wise

It's a fair question. This team looked more prepared and the OL improved their blocking immensely.

I can't say Leidner is a vastly superior QB, but I don't know how much of this win rests on Rhoda's shoulders.

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The coaches simplified on offense. That helped today and I think they should continue to do so when Mitch starts next week. Run first with Slash and Bash.

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It's a fair question. This team looked more prepared and the OL improved their blocking immensely.

I can't say Leidner is a vastly superior QB, but I don't know how much of this win rests on Rhoda's shoulders.

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Ridiculous. Rhoda made the team more prepared?? Maybe the coaches realized they're coaching for their jobs. Maybe the kids stepped up their games cuz they knew they had to compensate for a first game former walk on QB. Leidner is heads and shoulders above CR- but I do appreciate him managing the game well enough for the win.

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It's a fair question. This team looked more prepared and the OL improved their blocking immensely.

I can't say Leidner is a vastly superior QB, but I don't know how much of this win rests on Rhoda's shoulders.

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I'm not sure about that. They played okay but the 70 yard run makes our offensive stats a little misleading. Averaged 3.4 yards a carry if you take out that run.

We had one drive over 50 yards all day.

Ridiculous. Rhoda made the team more prepared?? Maybe the coaches realized they're coaching for their jobs. Maybe the kids stepped up their games cuz they knew they had to compensate for a first game former walk on QB. Leidner is heads and shoulders above CR- but I do appreciate him managing the game well enough for the win.

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What I am hearing you say is that this entire team realized losing is bad for all of their futures. You realize that can also mean they weren't taking playing football seriously before today.

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It's a fair question. This team looked more prepared and the OL improved their blocking immensely.

I can't say Leidner is a vastly superior QB, but I don't know how much of this win rests on Rhoda's shoulders.

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It's absolutely not a fair question and I can say Leidner is a vastly superior QB. Ridiculous.

Nope- just saying when you realize you are now at a major disadvantage due to losing your senior QB you probably focus more effectively. Rhoda did nothing to improve the teams play directly and to try and make this into a QB controversy is insipid.

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Which QB gives us the best chance to win all of these games, Rhoda or Leidner?

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Leidner, although I expect with this game under his belt, Rhoda will be more confident if he starts the next game. If Leidner is iffy at all this week, I hope Rhoda starts again.

We beat a real crappy team, but handily. The good news, our defense forced 4 turnovers. The good news, the ref's finally treated the Gophers fairly. The bad news, our receivers can't get open against anyone. Stupid penalties continue.

Now let's start a streak.

Fire Claeys!!!! Just kidding. I like Claeys, I very much want him to succeed. They are really not far off of being 6-0 either. Please stop with the Rhoda > Leidner comments too, there's a good chance that was Rhoda's only career start at Minnesota. He's a nice backup but if they had to depend on him for a full season I think they'd have problems.

Fire Claeys!!!! Just kidding. I like Claeys, I very much want him to succeed. They are really not far off of being 6-0 either. Please stop with the Rhoda > Leidner comments too, there's a good chance that was Rhoda's only career start at Minnesota. He's a nice backup but if they had to depend on him for a full season I think they'd have problems.

This. All of this.

Nope- just saying when you realize you are now at a major disadvantage due to losing your senior QB you probably focus more effectively. Rhoda did nothing to improve the teams play directly and to try and make this into a QB controversy is insipid.

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Another way of saying that is the rest of the team and the coaches realized that they needed to prepare and play at a higher level.

This begs one of two questions be answered.

Why weren't we already playing and preparing at this level already?


Is Maryland that bad of a team?

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My thoughts on today's game:

1) Both Rodney and Shannon are great running backs, but right now I'd give the slight edge to Rodney because of his vision. The first TD run today where he spun out of a tackle on 3rd & 2 was a hell of a run. He also bounced a few runs outside that were designed to go inside really well. Impressive day for Rodney and he should be the # 1 back IMO, although Brooks should get 10+ carries a week as well. Pound the rock.

2) The number of Freshmen and Sophomores consistently making plays is impressive. Winfield, Hardin, Coughlin, Martin, the Huff brothers, Shenault and probably a few I am forgetting have looked damn good the past two weeks. The defense as a whole really has stepped up big time and I'm optimistic that they can keep us in any game the rest of the way, including Wisconsin and Nebraska.

3) Defense did a great job containing the Maryland QB. Clearly had the ability to make plays with his legs, but more often than not his scrambling resulted in a sack or throwaway.

4) Santoso had an underwhelming day (again). Started the season hot, but has had a few rough games in a row now. Need to get that cleaned up.

Overall, a solid win on the road against a decent (and likely somewhat overrated) Maryland team.

Fire Claeys!!!! Just kidding. I like Claeys, I very much want him to succeed. They are really not far off of being 6-0 either. Please stop with the Rhoda > Leidner comments too, there's a good chance that was Rhoda's only career start at Minnesota. He's a nice backup but if they had to depend on him for a full season I think they'd have problems.

Maryland is also an easier opponent than Iowa or Penn State so we can't do a full comparison.

Either QB at the helm, we're and average team. I think on a whole, we've the worst WR's in the B1G. They create no separation whatsoever. Both Rhoda today and Mitch in previous games have to throw the ball through the eye of a needle. They need to throw more to Brooks and Smith. They scored on a middle screen today win Brooks, but that was the only one they tried.

My thoughts on today's game:

1) Both Rodney and Shannon are great running backs, but right now I'd give the slight edge to Rodney because of his vision. The first TD run today where he spun out of a tackle on 3rd & 2 was a hell of a run. He also bounced a few runs outside that were designed to go inside really well. Impressive day for Rodney and he should be the # 1 back IMO, although Brooks should get 10+ carries a week as well. Pound the rock.

2) The number of Freshmen and Sophomores consistently making plays is impressive. Winfield, Hardin, Coughlin, Martin, the Huff brothers, Shenault and probably a few I am forgetting have looked damn good the past two weeks. The defense as a whole really has stepped up big time and I'm optimistic that they can keep us in any game the rest of the way, including Wisconsin and Nebraska.

3) Defense did a great job containing the Maryland QB. Clearly had the ability to make plays with his legs, but more often than not his scrambling resulted in a sack or throwaway.

4) Santoso had an underwhelming day (again). Started the season hot, but has had a few rough games in a row now. Need to get that cleaned up.

Overall, a solid win on the road against a decent (and likely somewhat overrated) Maryland team.

Pretty much agree with what you said. Smith and Brooks both played real well today and the defense came up with some solid stops. At this point, not sure what to make of Santoso. Like you said, he started good, but had recent struggles. Hopefully he can get back on track.

At the very least, we snagged a win, both sides of the ball made some plays in an overall ugly game and got a nice win. Hopefully builds some momentum for the next game.

Another way of saying that is the rest of the team and the coaches realized that they needed to prepare and play at a higher level.

This begs one of two questions be answered.

Why weren't we already playing and preparing at this level already?


Is Maryland that bad of a team?

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Maryland certainly played that bad today. They killed themselves. We just kind of where able to watch them self destruct. They had a lot of explosive offensive plays and almost everyone was called back on penalty. We played solid on D (eventually we figured out to watch for the QB draw) and secondary most certainly made some big plays. Our offense was 2 guys again, and that's not going to be enough against even Big Ten average teams (see Iowa). But there isn't an answer on our team for offense, so we should try our best to win the next 3 and call a 7 win season a success.

Nice win today. Rhoda managed the game as well as he was supposed to. D was solid all day.

Anyone else notice how quiet it is around here after we win compared to when we lose? There are a few that seem to only show up when things are bad.

Anyone else notice how quiet it is around here after we win compared to when we lose? There are a few that seem to only show up when things are bad.
It just proves the adage that nothing shuts up critics like winning.

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Anyone else notice how quiet it is around here after we win compared to when we lose? There are a few that seem to only show up when things are bad.

True. I'm watching the other games no matter what happens to our team...

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