[POST GAME THREAD] Gophers defeat Colorado State 31-24

We had all the same worries last year. A squeaker vs. Kent St. and then played Michigan and Ohio State tight. This team plays to their competition unfortunately.

The schedule is different this year. Let's stay the course. We are tied nationally with 0 losses.

Right. We won 2 B1G games last year. That's why I'm worried.

I'm worried. Offense looks slightly improved over last year. Defense is much worse. Boise St destroying Oregon St. in Corvallis isn't making me feel any better.

I would say more than slightly improved on offense. We scored 30+ points just three times all of last year. We scored at least 30 in all three games so far this year.

Oregon St. made a game of it in the 2nd half.

Had something going on today so recorded it and just finished watching the game.

- Leidner looked pretty good again. The INT was a bad read and the defender made a good play on it. You can definitely tell he is healthy compared to last season.
- Liked seeing all 3 RBs get in the mix. We're in great shape at that position. Brooks is a stud. Smith is great too.
- We're missing Lingren. Wozniak is okay, but he is too inconsistent.
- I thought we were moving the ball really well early on, then it is like we decided "we're being way too unpredictable, we need to change it up". I don't get it. That drive where we ended up kicking a FG in the first half was a prime example. Get 1st and goal, then are so predictable.
- Is it just me, or was painfully obvious the 3-4 with Martin and Couglin in just wasn't working? I like that we are getting them in the game and trying some different personal groups, but they were just shredding the defense when we were in this defensive set. I don't get it.
- I don't know how we weren't in a safe punt defense late in the game. Unacceptable.

3-0, let's beat Penn St!

Edit: Will also add that I really like the 3 WR formations we use much of the game. Would like to see Tyler Johnson get a few of those jet sweeps.

Yeah, I didn't think they looked great. But, true freshmen. Seems like they are just a shade behind the eightball at times. The defense as a whole is having issues getting off blocks, finding the ball carrier. They seem to be thinking too much pre-snap and then either playing too slow or overpursuing. if I were an opposing coach I'd be inviting the blitz every play. It's just kryptonite to these guys. How much is coaching and how much is on the players is unknown.

What happened on that 4th and short late in the game? The D didn't seem to be lined up or ontersted in stopping that run. It signaled as a whole that they are out of sorts.

The staff should get the benefit of the doubt, they have a track record. However sometimes they just may not have the horses to run their D properly. I'm pretty confident they will improve but the question is how fast? We need to bomb through this leg of the Big Ten to have the season we want? PSU and Iowa look vulnerable, thankfully.

Yeah, I didn't think they looked great. But, true freshmen. Seems like they are just a shade behind the eightball at times. The defense as a whole is having issues getting off blocks, finding the ball carrier. They seem to be thinking too much pre-snap and then either playing too slow or overpursuing. if I were an opposing coach I'd be inviting the blitz every play. It's just kryptonite to these guys. How much is coaching and how much is on the players is unknown.

And I'm not really blaming those two guys. I just thought we looked a lot better with 4 down lineman instead of 3.

And I'm not really blaming those two guys. I just thought we looked a lot better with 4 down lineman instead of 3.

I didn't take it that way. I agree I found myself wishing to stay in the base D with 4-3, Lynn, Poock, and Celestin and go to the 2-4 or 3-4 less often It seemed like they were subbing guys out more frequently than historically, seemed like after almost every play and I wonder if that contributes to the confusion. They even caught us with 12 men at one point.

Today was probably my worst experience with Gopher football in the Kill/Claeys era. The stadium experience and fans were absolutely pathetic. Poor turnout and no energy. Just like the defense in the 2nd half.

Today was probably my worst experience with Gopher football in the Kill/Claeys era. The stadium experience and fans were absolutely pathetic. Poor turnout and no energy. Just like the defense in the 2nd half.

That looked to be the smallest crowd I've seen at TCF.

Does the U athletic department not have one person capable of keeping the down and distance accurate and up to date?

If I recall correctly the 12 man penalty was where the Gophers did a mass substitution while the Rams lined up no huddle...really just lined up, set, and snapped the ball. I don't think they did any substitutions on that play however I thought the defense was allowed to substitute before the whistle to begin play blows.

If the rule is they have to substitute first...then this was a poor coaching call. Should not have substituted.

This offered I thought the Rams came in with a good game plan...and when they went no-huddle they executed.

My 10 things:

1. See the above post regarding stadium atmosphere. Do we need to contract the stadium size to 40k? If you're a fan, get to the game.
2. Having Brooks back and getting some of the rust off will help for next week. He's clearly the best back on the team.
3. The o-line continues to improve. Still not great, but improving. We opened up some good holes, but there were still too many plays where we were stopped for no gain.
4. Mitch completed 80% of his passes and rushed for 50 yards. Where is wait?what?
5. I still don't know if I like it that we are playing 4 true freshman on defense. I like the future potential, but it doesn't bode well for this year.
6. We still have to rely on gimmicks on defense. We can't line up 4 d-lineman, rely on LBs to fill their lanes, and cover.
7. We really need Harden and Buford back soon.
8. Eric Carter's catch in the first quarter was the play of the day on offense. It didn't go for that many yards, but it was simply an amazing catch.
9. The fake punt was inexcusable. Everyone in the stadium knew they had to do it.
10. It's year 6 of the Kill/Claeys era and we're still struggling against bad teams like CSU, while our hated rivals to the east have wins against LSU and Michigan St. on the road. This is supposed to be the year we make some noise with a weak schedule, but it's not looking great right now. We need Hardin and Buford back on D and the 4 freshman to grow up quickly.

14 TFL is impressive.

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14 TFL is impressive.

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And yet, I think most here would agree they played poorly on the whole. Football is a funny game.

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That performance is not going to get it done against many teams left on the schedule. I was somewhat surprised to hear Claeys praise the Dlilne after the game because I thought the entire front 7 was very poor playing the run. Way, way too many missed tackles all over the field, but the Gophers also appeared to be losing the line of scrimmage. I am concerned about the corner sport opposite Myrick as well...hopefully Hardin and Buford are back soon.

Offensively, it was nice to see Brooks back and running well. The Oline had a nice day and I thought Leidner played well but a lot of his passes were high. I have two big concerns offensively going in conference play: 1. Does this team have anyone capable of splash plays in the passing game? There is not a lot of speed to threaten defenses between Wolitarsky, Smith, and Johnson. The Gophers need to be able to take (and complete) some deep shots on occasion 2. On 3rd down, can someone besides Woltarsky be counted on to make a play in the passing game? Teams are going to scheme to take him away and not only is someone else going to have to step up, but Mitch has to play like a 5th year guy and look elsewhere.

Obviously Devers sack was the play of the game, but I wanted to mention the great play Jaylen Waters made on kickoff coverage too.

I enjoyed the game today, and it's always great to see a win, but I'd echo some of the comments about the gameday atmosphere today. My wife scored us some sweet tickets for the game, and we ended up sitting right behind the gopher's bench behind all the recruits that were there for the day. Most of the fans around us were respectful and wished them well on their visits, but a few drunkenly pestered them or gave them a hard time for not getting into the game (for not cheering, basically). Pretty solid way to sell the university if you ask me.

Obviously Devers sack was the play of the game, but I wanted to mention the great play Jaylen Waters made on kickoff coverage too.

Forgot about that. Plowed over the blocker and made the tackled. Great play by him.

Right. We won 2 B1G games last year. That's why I'm worried.
Point taken. Just trying to make the point that many will imply because we only beat an inferior team by 7 that we will get beat by by 40 by B1G teams. That didn't seem to be the case last year. We frustratingly play up or down to out competition.

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Woli has looked great this year. However, can someone explain to me why he is the WR we use to run the jet sweep? I'd go with TJ6 and EC9 way before Woli for that.

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I was thinking the same thing. He doesn't really have the moves to cut back inside of the containment.

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Rodney Smith has been really good, but Brooks feels like a difference maker. I think they are a different team when he is out there. Aside from Devers, when is the last time a DE made a play? I had high hopes for Elmore, but it just hasn't been there. Speaking of Devers, when he makes that play, you need to get 7 off that. Settling for a FG is not OK there. Penn State is beatable. Retain the Bell!

Today was probably my worst experience with Gopher football in the Kill/Claeys era. The stadium experience and fans were absolutely pathetic. Poor turnout and no energy. Just like the defense in the 2nd half.

This is what I texted to my buddies in MN. I said you could here a pin drop in that stadium. No atmosphere. At least that's what it seemed like watching on TV.

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This is what I texted to my buddies in MN. I said you could here a pin drop in that stadium. No atmosphere. At least that's what it seemed like watching on TV.

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I agree it was a subdued crowd. I was trying to think was it due to the size, start time, weather, or something else?
I really hope the crowd gets louder for Big Ten play.

I agree it was a subdued crowd. I was trying to think was it due to the size, start time, weather, or something else?
I really hope the crowd gets louder for Big Ten play.

Looked like a high school crowd in a Big Stadium.

Lots of first timers in 212...especially with kids. Probably a function of ticket giveaways (maybe from all the duck hunters) and the 1 non-conference/1 conference packages to get butts in the seats.

I have given up on these folks being engaged beyond standing and clapping for the Rowser. Glad they got to see a competitive game that got the W.

Meanwhile, we'll seek how many Hawk fans show up in two weeks. Hopefully we won't have to listen to the "I-O-W-A" chant more than once when they take the field at game's start. I expect Gopher fans (even the casual ones) to be loud for that one.

Looked like a high school crowd in a Big Stadium.

The Department is reaping what they sowed with that ridiculous pre-announced three year price hike which was such a bad idea they had to reverse course. I think it is going to take them a long time to get the crowds back to where they were before that catastrophe. It is frustrating that a lot of casual fans could predict that for the disaster that it was, and it took over a year for the paid experts to reach the same conclusion.

It was a subdued crowd because it was never really a game. Reviewing the metrics on the drives this morning, the Gophers were never below 70% favorites in winning this game and it was pretty much in hand after it turned 14-7. The score of this doesn't really reflect this was a snoozer, Colorado State had no chance, and the true entertainment was we got to watch our defensive coordinator play with his defensive sets with true freshman players.

The one thing that is driving me nuts that will lose us Big Ten game is these pre-snap penalties. Its up to the league to figure out to get the refs to reign in these continued terrible post-snap calls, but the Gophers will give away a close game this year if they can't clean that up.

It was a subdued crowd because it was never really a game. Reviewing the metrics on the drives this morning, the Gophers were never below 70% favorites in winning this game and it was pretty much in hand after it turned 14-7. The score of this doesn't really reflect this was a snoozer, Colorado State had no chance, and the true entertainment was we got to watch our defensive coordinator play with his defensive sets with true freshman players.

The one thing that is driving me nuts that will lose us Big Ten game is these pre-snap penalties. Its up to the league to figure out to get the refs to reign in these continued terrible post-snap calls, but the Gophers will give away a close game this year if they can't clean that up.

I agree with this on the subdued crowd comment. I never felt that the outcome was in doubt. For some odd reason, it had the feel of a 21 point victory, even though it was not. If Ayinde had not broken up CSU's 4th down pass attempt, it may well have gone to OT....

But again, it for some reason "felt" like a cruising victory. Perhaps due to the efficiency of the offense.

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