[POST GAME THREAD] Gophers defeat Colorado State 31-24


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Jan 12, 2013
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At the end of the day a win's a win. Real fun starts next week in Happy Valley.

What'd we think, Gopher fans?

A win is a win. Got a lot to fix before going to Happy Valley, particularly on the defensive side of the ball. Looking forward to seeing Brooks roll downhill. I have a feeling this game was just him getting started.

I think the most positive thing about today has to be Brooks. The dude looked to be in midseason form and seemed to be able to pick up yards every time he got the football. Can't forget Smith, though, combined the two make a good rushing attack.

I think the most positive thing about today has to be Brooks. The dude looked to be in midseason form and seemed to be able to pick up yards every time he got the football. Can't forget Smith, though, combined the two make a good rushing attack.
+1. Will be watching psu michy close. Not sure what psu is yet but they will be the best team we have played so far

Offense looked great.


We won't win many games the rest of the year unless they figure a LOT of stuff out.

Disappointing performance again by the defense and special teams. We're going to have to improve significantly going forward.

But I'll take the win. Glad to have a competent offense and a 3-0 record.

Defense looked out badly coached.

WR's showed some very good hands to pull in those balls from Mitch.

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The ole coach noticed 4 things. 1. Our secondary is very suspect. 2. A fake punt - poor coaching , should never happen in a relative tight game, especially by the under dog. 3. For some reason we had trouble handling a double tight end- even if one is a wide receiver - 4 blockers tight on the LOS. 4. Where was the scouting report on their #2 QB? a runner, who couldn't throw.
But then a win is a win.

My uneducated snap opinions.

The good:

Dever's beheading of the CSU QB.
The receivers as a whole had a great game. Was there a bad drop?
Shannon Brooks blowing up safeties (maybe #8 twice?). Reminds me of some vintage AP runs.
R. Smith had some nice runs and a good game.
Mitch carrying the ball. 50 yards on ten carries is impressive for The Moose.

The bad:

Mitch's interception. Mitch was a little off target all day but the receivers bailed him out with great plays time after time. Bad route, bad read, bad throw all around.
Carpenter almost put another kickoff into the sideline.
The run blocking at times.
Lackluster tackling at times.

The ugly:

The run and the pass defense. Despite that, only 350 something overall yards given up and 24 points. How much of that is the scheme to help out the CBs I'll leave to someone else that watched more closely. Seems like we were slow to read and get off blocks across the board all day. Their little QB ran to daylight with ridiculous ease.

Agree with you JJ- hope the secondary woes are repairable by return of the suspended players.

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Except for that interception, Leidner looked good. The running backs are fun to watch. The defense is young and inexperienced, 4 true freshmen played a lot, hopefully they improve as the season progresses. Getting Hardin and Buford back would probably help. They are getting no help from the kick/punt return teams.

It was good to see Coughlin get lots of playing time. He looked decent with plenty of room to grow. Winfield Jr looked to be on the field in passing situations and I never saw CSU throw the ball his way, looked like he had the slot receiver much of the time. Plenty of young players seeing action, I think we get better each week.

Need to throw a downfield pass once in a while.

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Offense looks very serviceable. I would like to see more passing routes that would add yards after the catch.

Defense has a long was to go. Need to remove the unforced penalties and find a way to get off the field, or a good B1G offense will tear this team a new arse.

This felt like a 21 point win, but was not.

Back to my post game beer at Tony's Diner.

I can't get enough of this. Hit of the year?

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/RsZlq_4jxkg?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Had something going on today so recorded it and just finished watching the game.

- Leidner looked pretty good again. The INT was a bad read and the defender made a good play on it. You can definitely tell he is healthy compared to last season.
- Liked seeing all 3 RBs get in the mix. We're in great shape at that position. Brooks is a stud. Smith is great too.
- We're missing Lingren. Wozniak is okay, but he is too inconsistent.
- I thought we were moving the ball really well early on, then it is like we decided "we're being way too unpredictable, we need to change it up". I don't get it. That drive where we ended up kicking a FG in the first half was a prime example. Get 1st and goal, then are so predictable.
- Is it just me, or was painfully obvious the 3-4 with Martin and Couglin in just wasn't working? I like that we are getting them in the game and trying some different personal groups, but they were just shredding the defense when we were in this defensive set. I don't get it.
- I don't know how we weren't in a safe punt defense late in the game. Unacceptable.

3-0, let's beat Penn St!

Edit: Will also add that I really like the 3 WR formations we use much of the game. Would like to see Tyler Johnson get a few of those jet sweeps.

Don't worry about PSU. With a bye week and an easy opponent coming up, we'll have all the bugs worked out by then. Easy peasy.

Quite a flip from the past few years where the offense has been the major concern and the defense has been strong. Here's hoping the D gets some things figured out because they don't look ready for Big Ten caliber offenses at this point. For as solid as Smith has been you can definitely tell the Brooks is the best back on the roster, good to see him back and hopefully he can stay healthy.

Wasn't always pretty but most important part is we got out of the non-conf schedule at 3-0. Now the real fun begins with the trip to Happy Valley. The class of competition will take a big jump next week, hopefully the defense is up for the challenge.

Some good comments here. We all see the flaws with this team, and I think most remain hopeful but realistic. Happy my favorite team is 3-0, but if the defense doesn't improve significantly, they'll surrender 35 pts/game in the B1G. Need Hardin and Rogers ASAP.

Offense looks better than the past 5 years, and is good enough to beat mediocre teams consistently. Still no downfield passing threat, so teams will continue loading the box and make us play with 8 guys in a 10 yard window. Need Still and Lingen back ASAP. Oh, and procedure penalties MUST STOP. It's ridiculous 4 weeks into the regular season with each game being at home.

On to PSU, who looks to be at our level. I expect a very close game. Hopefully playing our first game on the road with plenty of Freshmen and a couple JUCO transfers doesn't turn the tide too much.

Woli has looked great this year. However, can someone explain to me why he is the WR we use to run the jet sweep? I'd go with TJ6 and EC9 way before Woli for that.

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Woli has looked great this year. However, can someone explain to me why he is the WR we use to run the jet sweep? I'd go with TJ6 and EC9 way before Woli for that.

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Has to have something to do with trying to catch the other team off guard. Pick the receiver that they would least expect to run a jet sweep to the short side of the field and then give it to him. Doesn't work but hasn't stopped us from doing the same thing with other slower receivers in the past as well. Never understood it but sure the coaches have a reason for it.....just really hard to see what it is.

Woli has looked great this year. However, can someone explain to me why he is the WR we use to run the jet sweep? I'd go with TJ6 and EC9 way before Woli for that.

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With you on Johnson but I don't think Carter is any quicker/faster than Woli.

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Double post

I'm worried. Offense looks slightly improved over last year. Defense is much worse. Boise St destroying Oregon St. in Corvallis isn't making me feel any better.

Might not have been pretty, but we beat the teams we were supposed to beat. Northwestern can't say the same. Iowa can't say the same.

We won't really know where we are as a team until after BOTH the PSU game 10/1 and Iowa game 10/8. I agree there is room for improvement in many areas, but I am also encouraged and will reserve my judgement until then.

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I'm worried. Offense looks slightly improved over last year. Defense is much worse. Boise St destroying Oregon St. in Corvallis isn't making me feel any better.

Do you think Georgia State would likely beat Michigan State?

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We had all the same worries last year. A squeaker vs. Kent St. and then played Michigan and Ohio State tight. This team plays to their competition unfortunately.

The schedule is different this year. Let's stay the course. We are tied nationally with 0 losses.

My thoughts

Offense: Leidner looked crisp. One bad read and a couple where he didn't lead adequately, but he was on point with his decisions and ran the ball very well. Great to see him healthy. The stable of RBs looks phenomenal. Put any of them back there and they can get things done. The WRs looked like they made good separation. We need to get the jets to Johnson and not Woli though. Wozniak still is pretty hit and miss. Big frame, needs to be more consistent. The OL looked dominant and like a sieve at times. Far too inconsistent for the key unit to make this offense go.

Defense: It's really hard to put this all fully into words but the simplest way to put it is we are just off right now. up front we vary from looking unblockable to getting zero pressure and the issue is we're far more prone to the zero pressure and against good teams that will be crippling. The couple of times we got off the blocks, we managed to stuff runs or get the Devers sack, but then on other plays their QB had 6-7 seconds to make a play. There is no dominant player on our line but a bunch of guys who show flashes, need someone to step up into that role and be more consistent in beating their man. The LBs are flying all over the place, but are ending up out of position on cutbacks and making the opposing OLs blocks for them by overrunning plays. They're doing a nice job mkaing the plays when they're there, but are not taking the chance to read; might be a scheme thing. The secondary... honestly it felt like coming into the year we should be one shutdown guy away from a really really good secondary but they're struggling right now. Myrick just looked off today (not his usual peppy self) especially after his called off PI and then even more so after his personal foul. Winfield seems fine in the slot in limited action. Shenault just is not there yet. I don't know any other way to say it but I'm afraid he's going to get churned up in B10 play. Travis is a hell of a tackler, but haven't seen much that's been remarkable in coverage. Same with Ayinde. Need those guys to come together and fix some things up to get us back to a more elite level

ST: solid again in the kicking game, but you can't miss that fake punt. Was a telltale time. need to be prepared.

A win is a win. Keep it rolling. Not many undefeateds left

The passing game is hurting without Still and Lingen but did enough, and we could have a great run team if we had a TE who could block. Woz is atrocious.
Our dbs are hurting badly without Hardin or Bufor and Ace,
Ayinde and Myrick are always out of position and Shenault flat can't cover. Sometimes I feel Travis is the only one out there. D line has to be better staying home on runs, LBers need to crowd the line on run downs.

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