Post game reactions

Rodney played 38 minutes tonight, I don't think he took a rest in the second half. It was nice to feed him inside towards the end of the game, now if he could only make more of his FT's they would have iced the game sooner. It was fun to hear Knight's comments during the game, he sure likes EE.

Ignoring what worked well and what didn't tonight, I think this was a huge win for this team. It hopefully will keep this team believing that their season isn't over. I know a lot of people on this message board think we are done, and I certainly think we have taken a huge hit with the loss of Trevor, but the team's mentality means more than than anything else. If they still think they have a chance to do something this season (i.e. make the tournament) it will make a huge difference in the effort from here on out. A win tonight, and hopefully not losing more than one more non-conference game (which I expect) will keep this team believing there is hope for the tournament and keep their confidence up. Which is the most important thing heading into B1G play, imo.

zambam said:
Um... I have never said anything bad about Tubby, you're thinking Dirk Diggler. Seriously, read that thread he started. I'm defending Tubby. You just have something against me because I questioned Iowa being a sure win for the football team this year.

I have nothing against anybody - chill!

Fun game and the Barn was as loud as it's been for a while at the end. Was very happy that Tubby finally switched Austin on Green at the end instead of letting Andre stay on him. I'm glad Tubby is our coach but timeouts before the half or at the end of a game kill me. That was atrocious before the half. Not going to go searching for them, but where are those folks who said EE didn't belong in D1? Not always going to go like it did tonight for him, but down the road he's going to be a lot of fun.

Count me as impressed. I did not think they would win the game. RW looked good in thepost and does create matchup problems. Maybe they are on to something.

Rodney is much, much better at the 4. Sure would have been interesting to have seen him and Trevor paired this year at the 4 and 5 - what an athletic squad that would have been. Rodney was great tonight. He stepped up as did Elliason. Now if we can get Ralph to respond and Walker back.......

Rodney is much, much better at the 4. Sure would have been interesting to have seen him and Trevor paired this year at the 4 and 5 - what an athletic squad that would have been. Rodney was great tonight. He stepped up as did Elliason. Now if we can get Ralph to respond and Walker back.......

Rodney looked more involved and intense from the first defensive possession and never let up and i think the rest of the guys fed off that intensity. All the players were looking to make plays instead of waiting for someone else.

1. Considering the level of competition, this is the team's best performance of the year. How they managed to do it is the column I'd have written if I were Reusse, but I'm not.
2. I apologize for everything I've said about Elliott. There's a player in there. His defense didn't surprise me, though. He's been solid and shown good footwork all year.
3. I'm coming around to the idea that one of the worst things you can do for a team is to play people out of position and against their strengths. It creates an unbalanced and mismatched lineup with holes in capability. That was true of Hoffarber last year, and it's been true of Williams this year. Tragic as it is, the loss of Mbakwe allows Rodney to start at a more natural position, and tonight he thrived. I'm really hopeful about the rest of his season at the 4.
4. I've been raving about Austin H's defense, but Andre H deserves some credit. Guarding Green was no easy assignment, and he lost his man a few times. But I noticed some detail things in the way he was playing him that tells me he knows how the defensive game is played. With some experience he could be really good.
5. Chip has an absolutely horrendous free throw motion. Something must be done about it.
6. You should have heard the griping in my section about the perimeter defense leaving shooters wide open and double teaming non-threats. I had to break it to them that the defense is designed that way and it can't change. As I've noted before, Austin Hollins is the only player out there who has the smarts, instincts and anticipation to play the ball-line the way it needs to be played. A box-and-one would have looked pretty good tonight.
7. Beating the Hokies is all fine and good, but we're going to be in a world of hurt in the Big Ten if we don't start making free throws and perimeter shots better than this.

5. Chip has an absolutely horrendous free throw motion. Something must be done about it.

Agreed. He has a Charles Barkley like hitch. Crazy since Chip is a decent shooter.

Tubby, just admit once and for all that Maverick was a horrible recruit! It's just painful seeing him get more minutes than Joe Coleman. Welch and Dre Hollins should be handling the ball at ALL times. Ahamisi is a turnover waiting to happen. Also, he is terrible at getting any offensive sets flow going.

If he is benched, it can create more minutes for a much more talented Joe Coleman. Just painful watching Mav out there. Keep him off the court PLEASE!!!!!!

Tubby, just admit once and for all that Maverick was a horrible recruit! It's just painful seeing him get more minutes than Joe Coleman. Welch and Dre Hollins should be handling the ball at ALL times. Ahamisi is a turnover waiting to happen. Also, he is terrible at getting any offensive flow going.

If he is benched, it can create more minutes for a much more talented Joe Coleman. Just painful watching Mav out there. Keep him off the court PLEASE!!!!!!
I feel the Minnesota kid bias here. Joe and Mav do not play the same position. Having Mav not play at all would give Dre and Welch more minutes, not Coleman.

I feel the Minnesota kid bias here. Joe and Mav do not play the same position. Having Mav not play at all would give Dre and Welch more minutes, not Coleman.

No, it would give him more minutes. Those 12 minutes Mav spent at PG tonight would go to Welch or Dre Hollins, freeing up time at shooting guard for Joe.

Anyone know how hurt Austin Hollins has been? He's seemed a bit off and I remember reading he's been a little banged up -- plus he has the knee-brace. I was surprised Tubby didn't stick him on Green sooner. From what I could tell he didn't really guard him til the last 2 minutes. Maybe that relates more to the injury, but I don't understand why he had Andre chasing him around for so long either way. He's really not ready to defend a player like that.

5. Chip has an absolutely horrendous free throw motion. Something must be done about it.

Agreed. He has a Charles Barkley like hitch. Crazy since Chip is a decent shooter.

Trevor needs to take Chip aside and show him how to improve his free throw shooting. It looked like Tubby did not want him on the floor in the last few minutes last night because of his FT Shooting.

Great, young talent that can win now. EE was super! They will blow USC out Saturday.

underground629 said:
Anyone know how hurt Austin Hollins has been? He's seemed a bit off and I remember reading he's been a little banged up -- plus he has the knee-brace. I was surprised Tubby didn't stick him on Green sooner. From what I could tell he didn't really guard him til the last 2 minutes. Maybe that relates more to the injury, but I don't understand why he had Andre chasing him around for so long either way. He's really not ready to defend a player like that.

Plus Andre gets good experience and practice guarding the other teams best guard. Something he will do a lot in the big ten play.

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