Post game reactions

So who's going to call for Tubby's head tonight???? Good job Gophs and Big Ten!

We guard against the 3 better and make free throws, this game isn't even close. With that, we would be undefeated too. Good win without Trevor Mbakwe.

Hi chat in the chatroom tonight.

Huge!!! The boys stepped up and dealt adversity right in the face! Great game by Elliason and Welch. If we can get play like that from Elliason this year, we have a great chance to compete for the tourney. Proud of their effort tonight. Keep it goin' boys!

Edit--I forgot to metion rodney. played his butt off in the 4! hopefully this is a sign of more production to come in his new role.

I only caught the last 12 minutes, but it looks like Rodney could actually flourish at PF. I dvr'd the game so i'm going to watch the whole thing tomorrow. This win feels goooooood.

I only caught the last 12 minutes, but it looks like Rodney could actually flourish at PF. I dvr'd the game so i'm going to watch the whole thing tomorrow. This win feels goooooood.

Has to be Rodney's most complete game as a Gopher. He looks infinitely more comfortable at the 4.

Good game team. Great to build some confidence without Trevor, and to see the new guys making an impact. Can Julian be the new clutch FT guy (a la Blake and Westbrook)?

Rodney, Eliason, and Welch really came up big. Very, very happy with the outcome of the game. Nice to see Tubby with some enthusiasm on the sideline toward the end too. Pretty clear this team hasn't given up. Very pleased.

How about a point guard that can knock down free throws at the end of a game. Nice job Julian.

They took care of the ball and the lack of turnovers helped them win the game.

I would agree that is the most comfortable that Rodney has looked in a while. Not to be too negative after the loss but 2-13 from 3 and 4-11 from the line if we even hit our average percentages it is a 5 or 6 point game. All in all really impressed with the effort and have to say that the Williams, Ellenson Pf and C seemed to have some chemistry working tonight. Will be interesting to see how those two and Ralph can play together.

1) Green was ridiculous for VA Tech tonight. Without him, the game isn't even close.
2) I like Williams playing down low. His strength is around the bucket. He looked very comfortable posting up.
3) I think Dre Hollins or Welch should be in the game at all times. Maverick should only play for a minute or two each half.
4) EE looks like he could be a pretty solid player for us. I don't expect him to play like he did tonight all the time this year, but he's not a pushover like some seem to think.
5) We, once again, saw the importance of free throw shooting.
6) Overall, good bounce back win.

I want to go back to last year and the 30 or so posts that I said we should use Rodney in the low post more since that is what he played throughout high school...he won't match up with big fours down there...but then they can't cover him on the wing...force the match up. Especially with RSIII at the elbow with the threat of his 15 foot shot.

Only caught the last 15 minutes but was a great performance from the Gophs. Could have folded without Mbakwe and Sampson but this team fought hard. Great to see Mbakwe cheering as hard as he did from the sidelines.

Just looking at the stats free throws and 3pt. defense are the obvious problems but great win nonetheless. Good game guys.

When you watch the replay tomorrow, invite Maroon Gopher over. He didn't watch the game tonight either.

As the screen name says, I'm not even a gopher fan but Tubby won me over with 10 years at UK and 2 years at Georgia. The man is a great coach so eff all of you doubters. Even I thought you'd lose this game tonight against a pretty good V Tech team who will probably at least make the NIT if not the NCAA. I thought it would be close, But Tubby pulled it out. You turned them over just a little more and out rebounded them thanks to Rodney and Elliot

Kudos to Rodney, Julian and Chip for having big games. This is a HUGE confidence boost for your team and GREAT! WIN!!! Go 500 or better in the big ten and you're a legit NCAA team. Congrats to you guys and good luck!

We have some nice young talent on this team-Eliason, Hollins brothers, Armelin. Really like what Welch is bringing to the team. There will be some rough nights (especially on the BT road), but don't write off the season just yet.

Loved what I saw from Rodney tonight. There was a play towards the end of the game, where he iso'ed on his man near the baseline and forced a foul and free throws which was really nice to see, as was the high-low action with EE.

Count me as impressed. I did not think they would win the game. RW looked good in thepost and does create matchup problems. Maybe they are on to something.

The Good: Eliason on both ends of the court stepping up huge, Rodney grabbing some big rebounds and a couple nice finishes in the pain, Welch's mid range game and his clutch free throw shooting.

The Bad: Andre Hollins picked up two really silly fouls late, Chip got a little too reckless on occasion

The Ugly: 3 point shooting, Free throw shooting, 3 point defense. I was most disappointed in the fact that we continually allowed that corner 3 in the second half which Virginia Tech constantly hit and allowed them to hang around and eventually get the lead. There were so many timeouts during that strech where the Gophers could have adjusted their defense, but they never did.

Overall this was a really good win considering how poorly the Gophers shot the ball and how well Virginia Tech shot it. I thought Virginia Tech got a couple of very fortunate shots to drop late (a runner in the lane that was a line drive, that the play by play guy called a good move and the attempt to draw a foul/forced shot off balance that went in) and had the ball bounce their way after the Elliot/Rodney block too.

Like the look of Rodney playing more post. I don't like the circumstances that got him there, but I've been wanting to see more of him down there, and this game only enhances that.

Eliason stepped up with us being thin in the post without Ralph as well.

I also like that Tubby kinda limited his movement in the 2nd half, I think it was virtually the starters for most of the half, I think Chip/Dre/Austin Hollins switched up occasionally, that's all I recall for subs.

Final point, I thought Austin Hollins would have to ball for us to win games, good to see us get a W against a solid opponent when he struggles offensively. Though I hope that doesn't continue (him struggling that is lol).

It's nice to see that this team has some sand in them.

I've have told all you guys here that Tubby is a great coach but he like to do things a certain way. With Mbakwe he had the way he likes which is inside out. I saw his 2001 through 2003 teams at UK who didn't have a dominant post player but they'd just work teams over with great passing, spacing, shooting, penetration and of course great defense. Now he ran into Dwayne Wade in the Elite 8 with our best player(Keith Bogans) with a hobbled ankle and we lost but that team went 16-0 in the SEC and won the SEC tournament which has never been done before!!!

I challenge any of you to watch that team from that year. Yes, it had a few NBA players on it but it wasn't stacked with talent. It was just a really good team and I am proud to say as a UK fan that was one of the best teams to watch. I see some of the same elements on this team. The passing will get better and the turnovers will get better. Overall though, i'd say you have one of the most Athletic versatile teams in the Big Ten and come hell or high water you're going to play 10-12 guys. Wins like tonight will only help all the guys buy in. I think you're better off than you realize. Good Luck!!

Dr.Don said:
Hi chat in the chatroom tonight.

Dr. Don isn't (zambam) the one that always b!tches about Tubby? Bet he doesn't say a thing tonight.

Dr. Don isn't (zambam) the one that always b!tches about Tubby? Bet he doesn't say a thing tonight.

I don't know. All I know is there are numerous b!tchers on GH about anything and everything. Several of us had a good visit in the chatroom during the game.

Dr. Don isn't (zambam) the one that always b!tches about Tubby? Bet he doesn't say a thing tonight.
Um... I have never said anything bad about Tubby, you're thinking Dirk Diggler. Seriously, read that thread he started. I'm defending Tubby. You just have something against me because I questioned Iowa being a sure win for the football team this year.

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