Post game Pitino, Springs & Mason: Lynch's sprained ankle, totally different team...


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Nov 5, 2008
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Post game Pitino, Springs & Mason: Lynch's sprained ankle, totally different team...

and more. Here are my presser notes (not verbatim, typed live, as usual).

• You don't wear that, and not be confident (to Nate Mason - after Mason was asked about confidence this year).
(please see below)...
• Good win for us, defensively 28% in the 1st half was terrific. Offensively, our balance is continuing to be a great strength for us. Nate was solid, 7 assists. Anytime you're winning by double digits against a good SEC team, you've got to be proud of it. We'll take off tomorrow
• On Lynch - He kind of sprained his ankle, he was kind of hobbling that 2nd half. He was very effective. A difference maker, it was too bad he got hurt. I don't think it's anything serious, I have no idea.
• We got a really good 2 point FG D, and needed to work on our 3 pt D and we did that tonight.
• They feel good about themselves, they should be confident, they worked hard, stayed humble through a tough off season, they deserve success right now and they're getting it
• On Coffey - he's a really good player, he's finding a way to get it done without a high volume of shots. That 2nd half he had some dynamic moves. He had a little Michael Jordan, he changed hands in mid-air on a layup.
• More length, more shot blocking, we had to start over last year, and as tough as it was we're excited about this year's team.
• Totally different team, I'll say it a million times. Like the Wolves before they got KAT, not saying we have KAT. We have impactful players. Totally different team, it's just that simple. 5 new guys on a roster of 15, such a complete team.
• We need to do better with rebounding, TO's, stay locked in, try to improve. I'm excited, but we have a long way to go.
• Curry - FT's 8-8. He's got a nice soft touch, I think sky is the limit for him. I know for him, being from AK, his Mom was probably excited about that too, they can go home and hold it down.
• There's a confidence level, the personal level lends to that, Nate Mason lends to that with his high # of assists
• I thought we were fundamentally pretty sound (on forcing TO's), good solid D, the 2nd half, not as good.
• Balanced scoring - good teams, like I told Amir, you scored 30 last game, they're going to make you pay. Whatever you run, you have multiple options. These guys are very unselfish, they don't care who scores, they just want to win. That energy in the locker room is contagious.

Nate Mason:
• Our last couple games, we went on big runs like that. Our D sparked that run. The 2nd half, we kind of got away from D strategies, need to get back in the gym and work on that.
• Coach Pitino and the coaching staff gives me the confidence. I just go out there and do the best I can do.
• Everyone kept going to him and encouraging him, it shows the unselfishness of the team, coming off a game like that as a Freshman that's going to help him out a lot.

Akeem Springs:
• When we're getting it done on D, we're a lot more confidence on O. You can credit our run to D, and getting stops.
• You always want to be ready to step up, and all of our, everyone on our team is ready to step in and contribute when their number is called.
• What the team went through last year, matured everyone. What they went through alst year, you can fold or mature from it. As a group, we're all mature. Reggie and I have been through more games, but we're all mature.

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Glad to see them not just brush off the second half defense. Gold Vision made a good point in the game thread about the Guards/Wings maybe trying not to foul which is what led to so much paint penetration in the second half. With Dupree on the bench with 4 fouls they really couldn't afford to be without Mason or Springs. That was the most pleasantly surprised I've been by a Gopher game since the win at Michigan State two years ago that gave us a brief glimmer of hope that that 2014 team was going to right the ship. I know they beat Maryland in a huge upset last year, but the season was long lost by that point.

Thanks Nadine. Great job. What's your take on Nate's look? ;)

Hopefully Lynch is 100% by Monday. We're gonna need him.

Some very strange calls tonight. Ever witnessed a 'team control foul' before?

Hopefully Lynch is 100% by Monday. We're gonna need him.

Yep, Florida State has some big boys on their team. They still have Michael Ojo, who is 7'0 290lbs and looks like he was chiseled out of stone. They also have a 7'4 guy, Christ Koumadje.

Really fun team to watch right now. Hopefully they will continue to improve as the season goes on and maybe even make some noise in the BIG. Loving the fact that they are attacking the basket and getting to the line a ton this year.

Just back from my third game in person. What a blast! Wish I could afford to go to every game. This is such a fun team to watch. When McBrayer went out early in the second half with his 4th foul, I was very concerned and wondered how Pitino would manage the guard situation. I expected Springs and Mason to pretty much have to suck it up the rest of the game, but he used quite a few different combinations. I was impressed with how they handled the ball without McBrayer. There is so much to like about this team. Go Gophers!

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Some very strange calls tonight. Ever witnessed a 'team control foul' before?

Many many times! Don't shoot FT on team control or player control.

It was so much fun being at the barn for the first time this year! What a deeper squad so many guys bring different things to the table!

Many many times! Don't shoot FT on team control or player control.

It was so much fun being at the barn for the first time this year! What a deeper squad so many guys bring different things to the table!

What constitutes a team control? Multiple simultaneous charges?

What constitutes a team control? Multiple simultaneous charges?

I had to look it up on google. Player control foul is on the offensive player with the ball like a charge or a push off (think Michael Jordan on Bryon Russell that was not called). A team control foul is the same thing just with an offensive player without the ball.

I had to look it up on google. Player control foul is on the offensive player with the ball like a charge or a push off (think Michael Jordan on Bryon Russell that was not called). A team control foul is the same thing just with an offensive player without the ball.

For example:

A charge is a player control foul.
An illegal screen is a team control foul.

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Yeah, it's not like he was wearing a puffy shirt or something.


All white outfit after Labor day. I mean, really?

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