Post game OSU: Pitino Called Hiring Fleck a Grand Slam, Springs talks confidence


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Nov 5, 2008
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being just right, and more comments from Matta and Amir Coffey. As always, these are not verbatim, just typing as they talk.

Thad Matta:
• On the slow start - once we settle down, we can play good bball
• They made some big shots, they were chewing the clock and getting scored on with 8 seconds left on the shot clock.
• Shot blocking, they had 12 of them. Mason is so good, he can get 2 guys committed to the ball.
• Score, put it in the basket is what I was telling them, and guard them a little bit better. Take care of the basketball
• Wasn't surprised by MN, nothing surprises me anymore

Richard Pitino:
• Proud of these guys, to do it without Nate Mason playing his best game, with Eric Curry hurt, we didn't think we'd have him. He toughed it out and gutted it out. We showed our depth, that's what I really liked. Akeem was terrific, Amir was fantastic, great team win. Proud to be sitting at 15-2.
• Very important for Akeem to come off the bench, 5 assists, 1 TO, he hit the 3 to put it to 9, he made big plays, he's fearless. That's what good teams do. Last game at NU, Reggie stepped up, at Purdue, Nate Mason steps up and does that.
• We were up 18, came out ready to go, I did think they'd come back, that did that at IL too. Our guys were pretty engaged and locked it. I told them they can't take for granted little things at home, like a good crowd.
• This was a different game, we were up big, they came back, we knew they would. It was next man up, that's the mentality of the game.
• Why'd you bring up MSU, just to remind me (laughing)?
• We've worked really really hard, we obviously didn't have a good year and had issues off the court. We didn't point fingers, it was our fault, we didn't sit there and say everything is fine. We had to take it from a lot of people, and band together and get closer. You deserve to get criticized, but with that being said, we had to sit there and take it. We're not a boastful program. Every game, we've earned the respect back of our awesome fans by playing the right way. We haven't arrived. Our fans appreciate the way that we play.
• Springs - great kid, emotional leader, very confident, personality, he came in late in Sept, so it was tough to get him integrated, he was a little inpatient at 1st, which is normal. He's confident, funny, he believes every shot is going to go in…and I believe that too.
• We deserve the criticism, we did. Rankings mean absolutely, 1000% nothing to me. RPI and SOS mean something to me. Rankings are for the fans.
• Akeem is not just a shooter, he's a tremendous defender, rebounder, leader, he just appears to be a really good shooter. Everyone on the team is good at scouting reports, Akeem asks questions. He and Nate set the tone with the younger guys with that. They've been a really really fun group to coach.
• Mentally tough - the Purdue game was the one. We lost to MSU, and everyone was saying "here we go again." When I called at timeout and were down by 7, I wasn't even talking, Nate and Akeem were.
• I met him for the 1st time today, when I was walking out - Bundle of energy, it's sincere. I told My AD that you just hit a grand slam. Everyone I talk to in the profession says that's not an act, that's who he is. He's going to be so inspired every day, his story is incredible, what he's endured with Western Michigan. It was a no brainer. As tough as it is to see a staff leave, he's walking into a gold mind. Facilities being built, good players coming back. His brand is so good right now, you can't help but be inspired. I'm fired up for him. We need to get TCF bank stadium rocking, I'm excited, he's going to recruit his butt off. I'm looking forward to getting to know him.
Akeem Springs:
• I think our NC schedule, playing in some of those close games, having to pull it out is showing now. Everyone in our conference is a good team. We have to stay confident.
• Toughness, physically tough, when you want to pull those games out, you've got to be tough. The critical stop down the stretch.
• Amir Coffey does not celebrate, so when you see that, he was more than excited.
• It would mean a TON. It's an accomplishment, it speaks to our hard work, and just people if you read some of the stuff they said about us before the season started…sky is the limit this year.
• I'm like the Dad of the team. Things like playing hard on D and other little things, they make a big difference. When we're guarding, I don't think anyone can beat us.
• The confidence is right where it needs to be, it's not too high and not too low. I think Coach is doing a really good job, sometimes he yells at us about a little thing, and I'm older so I know what he's doing, but he's making sure we stay focused and level headed.
Amir Coffey:
• On 2 handed dunk - I was excited.
• It feels good, the year we've been having so far feels good. We've been working hard.
• On being ranked - it will mean a lot. It will show us that our hard work is paying off.

We dropped one against MSU, but then we just tried to pick ourselves up.

Coffey's pretty low key, huh?
Great job, Nadine. Its fun to get to know Springs - I think his senior leadership is making a difference.
What's the story with Curry?

Thank you Nadine! Curry is hurt. Wasn't going to play. Said he wanted to at the pregame buzzer. I saw the three get half way to the basket and said he's not we took him out. Paraphrasing what Pitino said on the radio.... didn't say what hurts, that I heard.

Coffey's pretty low key, huh?
Great job, Nadine. Its fun to get to know Springs - I think his senior leadership is making a difference.
What's the story with Curry?

Thank you Nadine! Curry is hurt. Wasn't going to play. Said he wanted to at the pregame buzzer. I saw the three get half way to the basket and said he's not we took him out. Paraphrasing what Pitino said on the radio.... didn't say what hurts, that I heard.

Amir is so quiet, and seems very humble. It was funny, the whole time, Akeem was trying to get him to talk more, but he just wouldn't!

I guess it's a heel injury, don't know much more. I believe Pitino said it was the guys who encouraged him to play, and got him fired up so he wanted to. Sounds like the kid is a trooper!

Coffey's pretty low key, huh?
Great job, Nadine. Its fun to get to know Springs - I think his senior leadership is making a difference.
What's the story with Curry?

I believe its a bruised heel.

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